{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Arrow.Transformer.Static
-- Copyright   :  (c) Ross Paterson 2003
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the LICENSE file in the distribution)
-- Maintainer  :  ross@soi.city.ac.uk
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (multi-parameter type classes)
-- Arrow transformer adding static information.

module Control.Arrow.Transformer.Static(
		StaticArrow, StaticMonadArrow, StaticArrowArrow,
		wrapA, unwrapA, wrapM, unwrapM,
	) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow hiding (pure)
import Control.Arrow.Internals
import Control.Arrow.Operations
import Control.Arrow.Transformer
import Control.Monad

-- | An arrow type that augments the underlying arrow with static information.

newtype StaticArrow f a b c = SA (f (a b c))

instance (Arrow a, Applicative f) => ArrowTransformer (StaticArrow f) a where
	lift f = SA (pure f)

instance (Arrow a, Applicative f) => Arrow (StaticArrow f a) where
	arr f = SA (pure (arr f))
	SA f >>> SA g = SA ((>>>) <$> f <*> g)
	first (SA f) = SA (first <$> f)

-- The following promotions follow directly from the arrow transformer.

instance (ArrowZero a, Applicative f) => ArrowZero (StaticArrow f a) where
	zeroArrow = lift zeroArrow

instance (ArrowCircuit a, Applicative f) => ArrowCircuit (StaticArrow f a) where
	delay x = lift (delay x)

instance (ArrowError ex a, Applicative f) => ArrowError ex (StaticArrow f a) where
	raise = lift raise
	handle (SA f) (SA h) = SA (handle <$> f <*> h)
	tryInUnless (SA f) (SA s) (SA h) = SA (tryInUnless <$> f <*> s <*> h)

instance (ArrowReader r a, Applicative f) => ArrowReader r (StaticArrow f a) where
	readState = lift readState
	newReader (SA f) = SA (newReader <$> f)

instance (ArrowState s a, Applicative f) => ArrowState s (StaticArrow f a) where
	fetch = lift fetch
	store = lift store

instance (ArrowWriter w a, Applicative f) => ArrowWriter w (StaticArrow f a) where
	write = lift write
	newWriter (SA f) = SA (newWriter <$> f)

-- Classes that are preserved.

instance (ArrowChoice a, Applicative f) => ArrowChoice (StaticArrow f a) where
	left (SA f) = SA (left <$> f)

-- ArrowApply is generally not preserved.

instance (ArrowLoop a, Applicative f) => ArrowLoop (StaticArrow f a) where
	loop (SA f) = SA (loop <$> f)

instance (ArrowPlus a, Applicative f) => ArrowPlus (StaticArrow f a) where
	SA f <+> SA g = SA ((<+>) <$> f <*> g)

-- promotions

instance (ArrowAddStream a a', Applicative f) =>
		ArrowAddStream (StaticArrow f a) (StaticArrow f a') where
	liftStream (SA f) = SA (liftStream <$> f)
	elimStream (SA f) = SA (elimStream <$> f)

instance (ArrowAddState s a a', Applicative f) =>
		ArrowAddState s (StaticArrow f a) (StaticArrow f a') where
	liftState (SA f) = SA (liftState <$> f)
	elimState (SA f) = SA (elimState <$> f)

instance (ArrowAddReader r a a', Applicative f) =>
		ArrowAddReader r (StaticArrow f a) (StaticArrow f a') where
	liftReader (SA f) = SA (liftReader <$> f)
	elimReader (SA f) = SA (elimReader <$> f)

instance (ArrowAddWriter w a a', Applicative f) =>
		ArrowAddWriter w (StaticArrow f a) (StaticArrow f a') where
	liftWriter (SA f) = SA (liftWriter <$> f)
	elimWriter (SA f) = SA (elimWriter <$> f)

instance (ArrowAddError ex a a', Applicative f) =>
		ArrowAddError ex (StaticArrow f a) (StaticArrow f a') where
	liftError (SA f) = SA (liftError <$> f)
	elimError (SA f) (SA h) = SA (elimError <$> f <*> h)

-- | A special case.

type StaticArrowArrow a s = StaticArrow (WrappedArrow a s)

wrapA :: (Arrow a, Arrow a') => a s (a' b c) -> StaticArrowArrow a s a' b c
wrapA x = SA (WrapArrow x)

unwrapA :: (Arrow a, Arrow a') => StaticArrowArrow a s a' b c -> a s (a' b c)
unwrapA (SA (WrapArrow x)) = x

-- | A special case is monads applied to the whole arrow, in contrast to
-- 'Kleisli' arrows, in which the monad is applied to the output.

type StaticMonadArrow m = StaticArrow (WrappedMonad m)

wrapM :: (Monad m, Arrow a) => m (a b c) -> StaticMonadArrow m a b c
wrapM x = SA (WrapMonad x)

unwrapM :: (Monad m, Arrow a) => StaticMonadArrow m a b c -> m (a b c)
unwrapM (SA (WrapMonad x)) = x