name : arx version : 0.3.2 category : Text license : BSD3 license-file : LICENSE author : Jason Dusek maintainer : homepage : synopsis : Archive execution tool. description : The @ARX@ system provides services for packaging, deploying and running source code. No particular format or framework is needed -- a directory of code and a command to run are enough. The system has no in-built notion of remote connections, job servers or clusters; all automation is captured as Bourne compatible scripts. . An archive of the source code, a command and optionally an environment are encoded together in a Bourne shell script that uses a small number of UNIX utilities in a broadly portable way. The generated scripts can be run directly or fed to @sh@ on STDIN. This latter feature is useful when one would like to use @ssh@ and @sudo@ to set an appropriate executation context, for example running: @ssh user\ sudo sh@. . The shell tools used are @head@, @sed@, @date@, @tr@ and @tar@. The calls to @tar@ sometimes use @-j@ and @-z@; these calls to @tar@ may result in calls to @bzip2@ and @gzip@. Scripts have been tested with @dash@ and the GNU tools as well as the @sh@ and tools that are part of @busybox@. . The @arx@ command line tool provides the @tmpx@ subcommand for preparing jobs to run and the @shdat@ subcommand for access to the low-level shell encoder. The @System.Posix.ARX@ module provides access to the routines used for constructing commands and environments, describing archives and building Bourne shell scripts. . One way I have used @arx@ is to test the Cabal source archive for this package: . @ arx tmpx .\/dist\/arx-* \/\/ 'cd arx-* && cabal configure && cabal build' | sh @ . There are binary @arx@ command line tool releases available from: . . For each supported platform, there is an archive containing @arx@ and signature files (SHA 512 and GPG). cabal-version : >= 1.6 build-type : Simple extra-source-files : README , LICENSE , docs/blessed/ , docs/blessed/arx.txt , model-scripts/ , version source-repository head type : git location : flag no-cli description : Disable command line tool. default : False library build-depends : base >= 2 && <= 5 , bytestring >= 0.9 , containers , attoparsec >= , blaze-builder >= 0.3 , bytestring-nums >= 0.3.3 , file-embed >= , parsec >= 3.1.2 , process >= 1.0 , shell-escape >= 0.1.1 , template-haskell , hashable exposed-modules : System.Posix.ARX System.Posix.ARX.CLI System.Posix.ARX.CLI.CLTokens System.Posix.ARX.CLI.Options System.Posix.ARX.HEREDat System.Posix.ARX.Programs System.Posix.ARX.Sh System.Posix.ARX.TMPXTools System.Posix.ARX.Tar extensions : FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies MultiParamTypeClasses OverloadedStrings StandaloneDeriving TupleSections executable arx main-is : arx.hs if flag(no-cli) buildable : False else buildable : True build-depends : base >= 2 && <= 5 , bytestring >= 0.9 , containers , attoparsec >= , blaze-builder >= 0.3 , bytestring-nums >= 0.3.3 , file-embed >= , parsec >= 3.1.2 , process >= 1.0 , shell-escape >= 0.1.1 , template-haskell , hashable extensions : FlexibleInstances FunctionalDependencies MultiParamTypeClasses OverloadedStrings StandaloneDeriving TupleSections other-modules: System.Posix.ARX System.Posix.ARX.CLI System.Posix.ARX.CLI.CLTokens System.Posix.ARX.CLI.Options System.Posix.ARX.HEREDat System.Posix.ARX.Programs System.Posix.ARX.Sh System.Posix.ARX.TMPXTools System.Posix.ARX.Tar