module ASCII.QuasiQuoters ( char, string ) where import ASCII.Char (Char) import ASCII.Superset (toCharListMaybe, toCharMaybe) import ASCII.TemplateHaskell (isCharExp, isCharPat, isStringExp, isStringPat) import Control.Monad (return, (>=>)) import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail, fail) import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Exp, Pat, Q) import qualified Data.Char as Unicode import qualified Data.String as Unicode {- | Produces an expression or a pattern corresponding to an ASCII character. The result will have an 'ASCII.Superset.CharSuperset' constraint; since this is polymorphic, use with a type signature to specify the particular you want is recommended. The quasi-quoted string must consist of a single character that is within the ASCII character set. >>> :set -XQuasiQuotes >>> [char|e|] :: ASCII.Char SmallLetterE >>> [char|e|] :: Word8 101 Use in a pattern context requires enabling the @ViewPatterns@ language extension. >>> :set -XViewPatterns >>> case Tilde of [char|@|] -> 1; [char|~|] -> 2; _ -> 3 2 -} char :: QuasiQuoter char = expPatQQ requireOneAscii isCharExp isCharPat {- | Produces an expression or a pattern corresponding to an ASCII string. The result will have an 'ASCII.Superset.StringSuperset' constraint; since this is polymorphic, use with a type signature to specify the particular you want is recommended. The quasi-quoted string must consist only of characters are within the ASCII character set. >>> :set -XQuasiQuotes >>> [string|Hello!|] :: [ASCII.Char] [CapitalLetterH,SmallLetterE,SmallLetterL,SmallLetterL,SmallLetterO,ExclamationMark] >>> [string|Hello!|] :: Data.String.String "Hello!" >>> [string|Hello!|] :: Data.Text.Text "Hello!" >>> Data.ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString [string|Hello!|] "Hello!" Use in a pattern context requires enabling the @ViewPatterns@ language extension. >>> :set -XViewPatterns >>> case [CapitalLetterH, SmallLetterI] of [string|Bye|] -> 1; [string|Hi|] -> 2; _ -> 3 2 -} string :: QuasiQuoter string = expPatQQ requireAsciiList isStringExp isStringPat requireOneAscii :: Unicode.String -> Q Char requireOneAscii = requireOne >=> requireAscii oneMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a oneMaybe xs = case xs of [x] -> Just x; _ -> Nothing requireOne :: Unicode.String -> Q Unicode.Char requireOne = oneMaybe || "Must be exactly one character." requireAscii :: Unicode.Char -> Q Char requireAscii = toCharMaybe || "Must be an ASCII character." requireAsciiList :: Unicode.String -> Q [Char] requireAsciiList = toCharListMaybe || "Must be only ASCII characters." (||) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Unicode.String -> a -> Q b f || msg = \a -> case f a of Just b -> return b; Nothing -> fail msg expPatQQ :: (Unicode.String -> Q a) -> (a -> Q Exp) -> (a -> Q Pat) -> QuasiQuoter expPatQQ f a b = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = f >=> a , quotePat = f >=> b , quoteType = notType , quoteDec = notDec } notType :: MonadFail m => a -> m b notType _ = fail "Cannot be used in a type context." notDec :: MonadFail m => a -> m b notDec _ = fail "Cannot be used in a declaration context."