SEM BodyInfo | Info instructions.location = 0 instructions.revLocation = 0 -- Thread location information through the AST ATTR Instructions Instruction CaseOffsets [ | location : Int | ] SEM Instruction | Location lhs.location = @index -- Thread location information backward through the AST ATTR Instructions Instruction CaseOffsets [ | revLocation : Int | ] SEM Instruction | Location lhs.revLocation = @index SEM Instructions | Cons tl.revLocation = @lhs.revLocation hd.revLocation = @tl.revLocation lhs.revLocation = @hd.revLocation SEM BodyInfo | Info instructions.location < instructions.revLocation -- Branch targets SEM Instruction | LookupSwitch loc.relative = fromS24 @defaultOffset = @lhs.location + @loc.relative | IfEq IfFalse IfGe IfGt IfLe IfLt IfNGe IfNGt IfNLe IfNLt IfNe IfStrictEq IfStrictNe IfTrue Jump loc.relative = fromS24 @offset = @lhs.revLocation + @loc.relative SEM CaseOffsets | Cons loc.relative = fromS24 @hd = @lhs.location + @loc.relative