{- |

Provides 'AtomicModify', a typeclass for mutable references that have an atomic
modify operations. This generalizes atomic modify operations in 'IO' and 'STM'
contexts for 'IORef', 'MVar', 'TVar', and 'TMVar'.

* 'IORef' and 'MVar' can be modified in 'IO'.
* 'TVar' and 'TMVar' can be modified in 'IO' or 'STM'.


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Control.Concurrent.AtomicModify
    ( AtomicModify (..)
    , atomicModifyStrict_
    , atomicModifyLazy_
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, modifyMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, TMVar, TVar, atomically, putTMVar, readTVar,
                               takeTMVar, writeTVar)
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef, atomicModifyIORef')
import Prelude (IO, pure, ($), ($!))

{- |
A typeclass for mutable references that have an atomic modify operation.

Type variables:

* @ref@ - The reference (e.g. 'IORef', 'TVar', 'MVar', 'TMVar')
* @m@ - The monad in which the modification takes place (e.g. 'IO', 'STM')

As the name "atomic" implies, these functions are useful for using mutable
references in a safe way to prevent race conditions in a multithreaded
class AtomicModify ref m where

    -- | Atomically modify the contents of a @ref@ (type @a@) and produce a
    -- value (type @b@). This is strict; it forces the value stored in the @ref@
    -- as well as the value returned.
    atomicModifyStrict :: ref a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> m b

    -- | Atomically modify the contents of a @ref@ (type @a@) and produce a
    -- value (type @b@). This is lazy, which means if the program calls
    -- 'atomicModifyLazy' many times, but seldomly uses the value, thunks will
    -- pile up in memory resulting in a space leak.
    atomicModifyLazy :: ref a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> m b

-- | Atomically modify the contents of a @ref@. This is strict; it forces the
-- value stored in the @ref@ as well as the value returned.
atomicModifyStrict_ :: AtomicModify v m => v a -> (a -> a) -> m ()
atomicModifyStrict_ ref f = atomicModifyStrict ref (\a -> (f a, ()))

-- | Atomically modify the contents of a @ref@ (type @a@) and produce a value
-- (type @b@). This is lazy, which means if the program calls
-- 'atomicModifyLazy_' many times, but seldomly uses the value, thunks will pile
-- up in memory resulting in a space leak.
atomicModifyLazy_ :: AtomicModify v m => v a -> (a -> a) -> m ()
atomicModifyLazy_ ref f = atomicModifyLazy ref (\a -> (f a, ()))

--  Instances

instance AtomicModify IORef IO where
    atomicModifyLazy   ref f = atomicModifyIORef  ref f
    atomicModifyStrict ref f = atomicModifyIORef' ref f

instance AtomicModify MVar IO where
    atomicModifyLazy   ref f = modifyMVar ref (\x -> pure $  f x)
    atomicModifyStrict ref f = modifyMVar ref (\x -> pure $! f x)

instance AtomicModify TVar STM where

    atomicModifyLazy ref f = do
        a <- readTVar ref
        let (a', b) = f a
        writeTVar ref a'
        pure b

    atomicModifyStrict ref f = do
        a <- readTVar ref
        let (a', b) = f a
        writeTVar ref $! a'
        pure $! b

instance AtomicModify TMVar STM where

    atomicModifyLazy ref f = do
        a <- takeTMVar ref
        let (a', b) = f a
        putTMVar ref a'
        pure b

    atomicModifyStrict ref f = do
        a <- takeTMVar ref
        let (a', b) = f a
        putTMVar ref $! a'
        pure $! b

instance AtomicModify TVar IO where
    atomicModifyLazy   ref f = atomically (atomicModifyLazy   ref f)
    atomicModifyStrict ref f = atomically (atomicModifyStrict ref f)

instance AtomicModify TMVar IO where
    atomicModifyLazy   ref f = atomically (atomicModifyLazy   ref f)
    atomicModifyStrict ref f = atomically (atomicModifyStrict ref f)