#include "share/atspre_staload.hats" #include "share/HATS/atslib_staload_libats_libc.hats" #include "prelude/DATS/filebas.dats" #include "libats/ML/DATS/filebas_dirent.dats" #include "libats/libc/DATS/dirent.dats" #include "src/concurrency.dats" #include "libats/DATS/athread_posix.dats" #include "prelude/DATS/stream_vt.dats" %{^ #include "libats/libc/CATS/string.cats" #include "prelude/CATS/filebas.cats" %} staload "prelude/SATS/stream_vt.sats" staload "libats/ML/DATS/list0.dats" staload "libats/SATS/athread.sats" staload "libats/ML/DATS/string.dats" staload "libats/libc/SATS/stdio.sats" staload "prelude/SATS/filebas.sats" staload "src/filetype.sats" staload "libats/ML/DATS/filebas.dats" staload EXTRA = "libats/ML/SATS/filebas.sats" staload "libats/libc/SATS/unistd.sats" staload "libats/DATS/athread.dats" fun to_file(s : string, pre : Option(string)) : file = let val is_comment = case+ pre of | Some (x) => string_is_prefix(x, s) | None => false in if s = "" then @{ lines = 1, blanks = 1, comments = 0, files = 0 } else if is_comment then @{ lines = 1, blanks = 0, comments = 1, files = 0 } else @{ lines = 1, blanks = 0, comments = 0, files = 0 } end fun empty_file() : file = let var f = @{ files = 0, blanks = 0, comments = 0, lines = 0 } : file in f end fun acc_file() : file = let var f = @{ files = 1, blanks = 0, comments = 0, lines = ~1 } : file in f end // monoidal addition for 'file' type fun add_results(x : file, y : file) : file = let var next = @{ lines = x.lines + y.lines, blanks = x.blanks + y.blanks, comments = x.comments + y.comments, files = x.files + y.files } in next end overload + with add_results // Given a string representing a filepath, return an integer. fun line_count(s : string, pre : Option(string)) : file = let var ref = fileref_open_opt(s, file_mode_r) in case ref of | ~Some_vt (x) => begin let var viewstream: stream_vt(string) = $EXTRA.streamize_fileref_line(x) val n: file = stream_vt_foldleft_cloptr( viewstream , acc_file() , lam (acc, f) = acc + to_file(f, pre) ) val _ = fileref_close(x) in n end end | ~None_vt() => ( println!("\33[33mWarning:\33[0m could not open file at " + s) ; to_file(s, None) ) end // Pad a string of bounded length on the right by adding spaces. fnx right_pad { k : int | k >= 0 }{ m : int | m <= k } .. (s : string(m), n : int(k)) : string = case+ length(s) < n of | true when n > 0 => right_pad(s, n - 1) + " " | _ => s // Pad a string on the left by adding spaces. fnx left_pad { k : int | k >= 0 } .. (s : string, n : int(k)) : string = case+ length(s) < n of | true when n > 0 => " " + left_pad(s, n - 1) | _ => s // helper function for make_output fun maybe_string(s : string, n : int) : string = if n > 0 then s + ": " + tostring_int(n) + "\n" else "" // helper function for make_table fun maybe_table { k : int | k >= 0 && k < 20 } ( s : string(k) , f : file ) : string = let var code = f.lines - f.comments - f.blanks in if f.files > 0 then " " + right_pad(s, 21) + left_pad(tostring_int(f.files), 5) + left_pad(tostring_int(f.lines), 12) + left_pad(tostring_int(code), 13) + left_pad(tostring_int(f.comments), 13) + left_pad(tostring_int(f.blanks), 13) + "\n" else "" end // helper function for make_output fun with_nonempty(s1 : string, s2 : string) : string = if s2 != "" then s1 + s2 else "" // helper function to make totals for tabular output. fun sum_fields(sc : source_contents) : file = let var f = @{ lines = sc.rust.lines + sc.haskell.lines + sc.ats.lines + sc.python.lines + sc.vimscript.lines + sc.elm.lines + sc.idris.lines + sc.madlang.lines + sc.tex.lines + sc.markdown.lines + sc.yaml.lines + sc.toml.lines + sc.cabal.lines + sc.happy.lines + sc.alex.lines + sc.go.lines + sc.html.lines + sc.css.lines + sc.verilog.lines + sc.vhdl.lines + sc.c.lines + sc.purescript.lines + sc.futhark.lines + sc.brainfuck.lines + sc.ruby.lines + sc.julia.lines + sc.perl.lines + sc.ocaml.lines + sc.agda.lines + sc.cobol.lines + sc.tcl.lines + sc.r.lines + sc.lua.lines + sc.cpp.lines + sc.lalrpop.lines + sc.header.lines + sc.sixten.lines + sc.dhall.lines + sc.ipkg.lines + sc.makefile.lines + sc.justfile.lines + sc.ion.lines + sc.bash.lines + sc.hamlet.lines + sc.cassius.lines + sc.lucius.lines + sc.julius.lines + sc.mercury.lines + sc.yacc.lines + sc.lex.lines + sc.coq.lines + sc.jupyter.lines + sc.java.lines + sc.scala.lines + sc.erlang.lines + sc.elixir.lines + sc.pony.lines + sc.clojure.lines + sc.cabal_project.lines + sc.assembly.lines + sc.nix.lines + sc.php.lines + sc.javascript.lines + sc.kotlin.lines + sc.fsharp.lines + sc.fortran.lines + sc.swift.lines + sc.csharp.lines + sc.nim.lines + sc.cpp_header.lines + sc.elisp.lines + sc.plaintext.lines + sc.rakefile.lines + sc.llvm.lines + sc.autoconf.lines + sc.batch.lines + sc.powershell.lines + sc.m4.lines + sc.objective_c.lines + sc.automake.lines, blanks = sc.rust.blanks + sc.haskell.blanks + sc.ats.blanks + sc.python.blanks + sc.vimscript.blanks + sc.elm.blanks + sc.idris.blanks + sc.madlang.blanks + sc.tex.blanks + sc.markdown.blanks + sc.yaml.blanks + sc.toml.blanks + sc.cabal.blanks + sc.happy.blanks + sc.alex.blanks + sc.go.blanks + sc.html.blanks + sc.css.blanks + sc.verilog.blanks + sc.vhdl.blanks + sc.c.blanks + sc.purescript.blanks + sc.futhark.blanks + sc.brainfuck.blanks + sc.ruby.blanks + sc.julia.blanks + sc.perl.blanks + sc.ocaml.blanks + sc.agda.blanks + sc.cobol.blanks + sc.tcl.blanks + sc.r.blanks + sc.lua.blanks + sc.cpp.blanks + sc.lalrpop.blanks + sc.header.blanks + sc.sixten.blanks + sc.dhall.blanks + sc.ipkg.blanks + sc.makefile.blanks + sc.justfile.blanks + sc.ion.blanks + sc.bash.blanks + sc.hamlet.blanks + sc.cassius.blanks + sc.lucius.blanks + sc.julius.blanks + sc.mercury.blanks + sc.yacc.blanks + sc.lex.blanks + sc.coq.blanks + sc.jupyter.blanks + sc.java.blanks + sc.scala.blanks + sc.erlang.blanks + sc.elixir.blanks + sc.pony.blanks + sc.clojure.blanks + sc.cabal_project.blanks + sc.assembly.blanks + sc.nix.blanks + sc.php.blanks + sc.javascript.blanks + sc.kotlin.blanks + sc.fsharp.blanks + sc.fortran.blanks + sc.swift.blanks + sc.csharp.blanks + sc.nim.blanks + sc.cpp_header.blanks + sc.elisp.blanks + sc.plaintext.blanks + sc.rakefile.blanks + sc.llvm.blanks + sc.autoconf.blanks + sc.batch.blanks + sc.powershell.blanks + sc.m4.blanks + sc.objective_c.blanks + sc.automake.blanks, comments = sc.rust.comments + sc.haskell.comments + sc.ats.comments + sc.python.comments + sc.vimscript.comments + sc.elm.comments + sc.idris.comments + sc.madlang.comments + sc.tex.comments + sc.markdown.comments + sc.yaml.comments + sc.toml.comments + sc.cabal.comments + sc.happy.comments + sc.alex.comments + sc.go.comments + sc.html.comments + sc.css.comments + sc.verilog.comments + sc.vhdl.comments + sc.c.comments + sc.purescript.comments + sc.futhark.comments + sc.brainfuck.comments + sc.ruby.comments + sc.julia.comments + sc.perl.comments + sc.ocaml.comments + sc.agda.comments + sc.cobol.comments + sc.tcl.comments + sc.r.comments + sc.lua.comments + sc.cpp.comments + sc.lalrpop.comments + sc.header.comments + sc.sixten.comments + sc.dhall.comments + sc.ipkg.comments + sc.makefile.comments + sc.justfile.comments + sc.ion.comments + sc.bash.comments + sc.hamlet.comments + sc.cassius.comments + sc.lucius.comments + sc.julius.comments + sc.mercury.comments + sc.yacc.comments + sc.lex.comments + sc.coq.comments + sc.jupyter.comments + sc.java.comments + sc.scala.comments + sc.erlang.comments + sc.elixir.comments + sc.pony.comments + sc.clojure.comments + sc.cabal_project.comments + sc.assembly.comments + sc.nix.comments + sc.php.comments + sc.javascript.comments + sc.kotlin.comments + sc.fsharp.comments + sc.fortran.comments + sc.swift.comments + sc.csharp.comments + sc.nim.comments + sc.cpp_header.comments + sc.elisp.comments + sc.plaintext.comments + sc.rakefile.comments + sc.llvm.comments + sc.autoconf.comments + sc.batch.comments + sc.powershell.comments + sc.m4.comments + sc.objective_c.comments + sc.automake.comments, files = sc.rust.files + sc.haskell.files + sc.ats.files + sc.python.files + sc.vimscript.files + sc.elm.files + sc.idris.files + sc.madlang.files + sc.tex.files + sc.markdown.files + sc.yaml.files + sc.toml.files + sc.cabal.files + sc.happy.files + sc.alex.files + sc.go.files + sc.html.files + sc.css.files + sc.verilog.files + sc.vhdl.files + sc.c.files + sc.purescript.files + sc.futhark.files + sc.brainfuck.files + sc.ruby.files + sc.julia.files + sc.perl.files + sc.ocaml.files + sc.agda.files + sc.cobol.files + sc.tcl.files + sc.r.files + sc.lua.files + sc.cpp.files + sc.lalrpop.files + sc.header.files + sc.sixten.files + sc.dhall.files + sc.ipkg.files + sc.makefile.files + sc.justfile.files + sc.ion.files + sc.bash.files + sc.hamlet.files + sc.cassius.files + sc.lucius.files + sc.julius.files + sc.mercury.files + sc.yacc.files + sc.lex.files + sc.coq.files + sc.jupyter.files + sc.java.files + sc.scala.files + sc.erlang.files + sc.elixir.files + sc.pony.files + sc.clojure.files + sc.cabal_project.files + sc.assembly.files + sc.nix.files + sc.php.files + sc.javascript.files + sc.kotlin.files + sc.fsharp.files + sc.fortran.files + sc.swift.files + sc.csharp.files + sc.nim.files + sc.cpp_header.files + sc.elisp.files + sc.plaintext.files + sc.rakefile.files + sc.llvm.files + sc.autoconf.files + sc.batch.files + sc.powershell.files + sc.m4.files + sc.objective_c.files + sc.automake.files } in f end // function to print tabular output at the end fun make_table(isc : source_contents) : string = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \33[35mLanguage\33[0m \33[35mFiles\33[0m \33[35mLines\33[0m \33[35mCode\33[0m \33[35mComments\33[0m \33[35mBlanks\33[0m\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + maybe_table("Alex", isc.alex) + maybe_table("Agda", isc.agda) + maybe_table("Assembly", isc.assembly) + maybe_table("ATS", isc.ats) + maybe_table("Autoconf", isc.autoconf) + maybe_table( "Automake" , isc.automake ) + maybe_table("Bash", isc.bash) + maybe_table( "Batch" , isc.batch ) + maybe_table("Brainfuck", isc.brainfuck) + maybe_table("C", isc.c) + maybe_table("C Header", isc.header) + maybe_table( "C++ cpp_header" , isc.cpp_header ) + maybe_table("C++", isc.cpp) + maybe_table("C#", isc.csharp) + maybe_table("Cabal", isc.cabal) + maybe_table( "Cabal Project" , isc.cabal_project ) + maybe_table("Cassius", isc.cassius) + maybe_table( "COBOL" , isc.cobol ) + maybe_table("Coq", isc.coq) + maybe_table("CSS", isc.css) + maybe_table("Dhall", isc.dhall) + maybe_table("Elixir", isc.elixir) + maybe_table("Elm", isc.elm) + maybe_table("Emacs Lisp", isc.elisp) + maybe_table("Erlang", isc.erlang) + maybe_table("F#", isc.fsharp) + maybe_table("Fortran", isc.fortran) + maybe_table("Go", isc.go) + maybe_table("Hamlet", isc.hamlet) + maybe_table("Happy", isc.happy) + maybe_table("Haskell", isc.haskell) + maybe_table("HTML", isc.html) + maybe_table("Idris", isc.idris) + maybe_table("iPKG", isc.ipkg) + maybe_table("Ion", isc.ion) + maybe_table("Java", isc.java) + maybe_table("JavaScript", isc.javascript) + maybe_table( "Julius" , isc.julius ) + maybe_table("Julia", isc.julia) + maybe_table("Jupyter", isc.jupyter) + maybe_table( "Justfile" , isc.justfile ) + maybe_table("Kotlin", isc.kotlin) + maybe_table( "LALRPOP" , isc.lalrpop ) + maybe_table("Lex", isc.lex) + maybe_table("LLVM", isc.llvm) + maybe_table("Lua", isc.lua) + maybe_table("Lucius", isc.lucius) + maybe_table("M4", isc.m4) + maybe_table("Madlang", isc.madlang) + maybe_table("Makefile", isc.makefile) + maybe_table( "Margaret" , isc.margaret ) + maybe_table("Markdown", isc.markdown) + maybe_table("Mercury", isc.mercury) + maybe_table("Nim", isc.nim) + maybe_table("Nix", isc.nix) + maybe_table( "Objective C" , isc.objective_c ) + maybe_table("OCaml", isc.ocaml) + maybe_table("Perl", isc.perl) + maybe_table("PHP", isc.php) + maybe_table("Plaintext", isc.plaintext) + maybe_table("PowerShell", isc.powershell) + maybe_table( "Pony" , isc.pony ) + maybe_table("Python", isc.python) + maybe_table("PureScript", isc.purescript) + maybe_table("R", isc.r) + maybe_table("Rakefile", isc.rakefile) + maybe_table("Ruby", isc.ruby) + maybe_table("Rust", isc.rust) + maybe_table("Scala", isc.scala) + maybe_table("Sixten", isc.sixten) + maybe_table("Swift", isc.swift) + maybe_table("TCL", isc.tcl) + maybe_table("TeX", isc.tex) + maybe_table("TOML", isc.toml) + maybe_table("Verilog", isc.verilog) + maybe_table("VHDL", isc.vhdl) + maybe_table( "Vimscript" , isc.vimscript ) + maybe_table("Yacc", isc.yacc) + maybe_table("YAML", isc.yaml) + "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + maybe_table("Total", sum_fields(isc)) + "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" // Function to print output sorted by type of language. fun make_output(isc : source_contents) : string = with_nonempty( "\33[33mProgramming Languages:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Agda", isc.agda.lines) + maybe_string( "Assembly" , isc.assembly.lines ) + maybe_string("ATS", isc.ats.lines) + maybe_string("Brainfuck", isc.brainfuck.lines) + maybe_string( "C" , isc.c.lines ) + maybe_string( "C Header" , isc.header.lines ) + maybe_string("C++", isc.cpp.lines) + maybe_string( "C++ Header" , isc.cpp_header.lines ) + maybe_string("C#", isc.csharp.lines) + maybe_string("COBOL", isc.cobol.lines) + maybe_string( "Coq" , isc.coq.lines ) + maybe_string("Elixir", isc.elixir.lines) + maybe_string("Elm", isc.elm.lines) + maybe_string( "Erlang" , isc.erlang.lines ) + maybe_string("F#", isc.fsharp.lines) + maybe_string("Fortran", isc.fortran.lines) + maybe_string( "Go" , isc.go.lines ) + maybe_string("Haskell", isc.haskell.lines) + maybe_string("Idris", isc.idris.lines) + maybe_string( "Kotline" , isc.kotlin.lines ) + maybe_string("Java", isc.java.lines) + maybe_string("Julia", isc.julia.lines) + maybe_string( "Lua" , isc.lua.lines ) + maybe_string("Margaret", isc.margaret.lines) + maybe_string("Mercury", isc.mercury.lines) + maybe_string( "Nim" , isc.nim.lines ) + maybe_string( "Objective C" , isc.objective_c.lines ) + maybe_string("OCaml", isc.ocaml.lines) + maybe_string( "Perl" , isc.perl.lines ) + maybe_string("Pony", isc.pony.lines) + maybe_string("PureScript", isc.purescript.lines) + maybe_string("Python", isc.python.lines) + maybe_string( "R" , isc.r.lines ) + maybe_string("Ruby", isc.ruby.lines) + maybe_string("Rust", isc.rust.lines) + maybe_string( "Scala" , isc.scala.lines ) + maybe_string("Sixten", isc.sixten.lines) + maybe_string("Swift", isc.swift.lines) + maybe_string( "TCL" , isc.tcl.lines ) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mEditor Plugins:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Emacs Lisp", isc.elisp.lines) + maybe_string("Vimscript", isc.vimscript.lines) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mDocumentation:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Markdown", isc.markdown.lines) + maybe_string("Plaintext", isc.plaintext.lines) + maybe_string("TeX", isc.tex.lines) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mConfiguration:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Cabal", isc.cabal.lines) + maybe_string( "Cabal Project" , isc.cabal_project.lines ) + maybe_string( "Dhall" , isc.dhall.lines ) + maybe_string("iPKG", isc.ipkg.lines) + maybe_string("TOML", isc.toml.lines) + maybe_string("YAML", isc.yaml.lines) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mShell:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string( "Bash" , isc.bash.lines ) + maybe_string( "Batch" , isc.batch.lines ) + maybe_string("Ion", isc.ion.lines) + maybe_string( "PowerShell" , isc.powershell.lines ) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mParser Generators:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Alex", isc.alex.lines) + maybe_string( "Happy" , isc.happy.lines ) + maybe_string("LALRPOP", isc.lalrpop.lines) + maybe_string("Lex", isc.lex.lines) + maybe_string( "Yacc" , isc.yacc.lines ) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mWeb:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Cassius", isc.cassius.lines) + maybe_string( "CSS" , isc.css.lines ) + maybe_string("Hamlet", isc.hamlet.lines) + maybe_string( "HTML" , isc.html.lines ) + maybe_string("JavaScript", isc.javascript.lines) + maybe_string("Julius", isc.julius.lines) + maybe_string( "Lucius" , isc.lucius.lines ) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mHardware:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Verilog", isc.verilog.lines) + maybe_string("VHDL", isc.vhdl.lines) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mNotebooks:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string("Jupyter", isc.jupyter.lines) ) + with_nonempty( "\n\33[33mOther:\33[0m\n" , maybe_string( "Autoconf" , isc.autoconf.lines ) + maybe_string( "Automake" , isc.automake.lines ) + maybe_string( "Justfile" , isc.justfile.lines ) + maybe_string( "LLVM" , isc.llvm.lines ) + maybe_string("M4", isc.m4.lines) + maybe_string( "Madlang" , isc.madlang.lines ) + maybe_string( "Makefile" , isc.makefile.lines ) + maybe_string( "Rakefile" , isc.rakefile.lines ) ) fun add_contents(x : source_contents, y : source_contents) : source_contents = let var next = @{ rust = x.rust + y.rust, haskell = x.haskell + y.haskell, ats = x.ats + y.ats, python = x.python + y.python, vimscript = x.vimscript + y.vimscript, elm = x.elm + y.elm, idris = x.idris + y.idris, madlang = x.madlang + y.madlang, tex = x.tex + y.tex, markdown = x.markdown + y.markdown, yaml = x.yaml + y.yaml, toml = x.toml + y.toml, cabal = x.cabal + y.cabal, happy = x.happy + y.happy, alex = x.alex + y.alex, go = x.go + y.go, html = x.html + y.html, css = x.css + y.css, verilog = x.verilog + y.verilog, vhdl = x.vhdl + y.vhdl, c = x.c + y.c, purescript = x.purescript + y.purescript, futhark = x.futhark + y.futhark, brainfuck = x.brainfuck + y.brainfuck, ruby = x.ruby + y.ruby, julia = x.julia + y.julia, perl = x.perl + y.perl, ocaml = x.ocaml + y.ocaml, agda = x.agda + y.agda, cobol = x.cobol + y.cobol, tcl = x.tcl + y.tcl, r = x.r + y.r, lua = x.lua + y.lua, cpp = x.cpp + y.cpp, lalrpop = x.lalrpop + y.lalrpop, header = x.header + y.header, sixten = x.sixten + y.sixten, dhall = x.dhall + y.dhall, ipkg = x.ipkg + y.ipkg, makefile = x.makefile + y.makefile, justfile = x.justfile + y.justfile, ion = x.ion + y.ion, bash = x.bash + y.bash, hamlet = x.hamlet + y.hamlet, cassius = x.cassius + y.cassius, lucius = x.lucius + y.lucius, julius = x.julius + y.julius, mercury = x.mercury + y.mercury, yacc = x.yacc + y.yacc, lex = x.lex + y.lex, coq = x.coq + y.coq, jupyter = x.jupyter + y.jupyter, java = x.java + y.java, scala = x.scala + y.scala, erlang = x.erlang + y.erlang, elixir = x.elixir + y.elixir, pony = x.pony + y.pony, clojure = x.clojure + y.clojure, cabal_project = x.cabal_project + y.cabal_project, assembly = x.assembly + y.assembly, nix = x.nix + y.nix, php = x.php + y.php, javascript = x.javascript + y.javascript, kotlin = x.kotlin + y.kotlin, fsharp = x.fsharp + y.fsharp, fortran = x.fortran + y.fortran, swift = x.swift + y.swift, csharp = x.csharp + y.csharp, nim = x.nim + y.nim, cpp_header = x.cpp_header + y.cpp_header, elisp = x.elisp + y.elisp, plaintext = x.plaintext + y.plaintext, rakefile = x.rakefile + y.rakefile, llvm = x.llvm + y.llvm, autoconf = x.autoconf + y.autoconf, batch = x.batch + y.batch, powershell = x.powershell + y.powershell, m4 = x.m4 + y.m4, objective_c = x.objective_c + y.objective_c, automake = x.automake + y.automake, margaret = x.margaret + y.margaret } : source_contents in next end // This is the step function used when streaming directory contents. fun adjust_contents(prev : source_contents, scf : pl_type) : source_contents = let val sc_r = ref(prev) val _ = case+ scf of | ~haskell n => sc_r->haskell := prev.haskell + n | ~ats n => sc_r->ats := prev.ats + n | ~rust n => sc_r->rust := prev.rust + n | ~markdown n => sc_r->markdown := prev.markdown + n | ~python n => sc_r->python := prev.python + n | ~vimscript n => sc_r->vimscript := prev.vimscript + n | ~yaml n => sc_r->yaml := prev.yaml + n | ~toml n => sc_r->toml := prev.toml + n | ~happy n => sc_r->happy := prev.happy + n | ~alex n => sc_r->alex := prev.alex + n | ~idris n => sc_r->idris := prev.idris + n | ~madlang n => sc_r->madlang := prev.madlang + n | ~elm n => sc_r->elm := prev.elm + n | ~c n => sc_r->c := prev.c + n | ~go n => sc_r->go := prev.go + n | ~cabal n => sc_r->cabal := prev.cabal + n | ~verilog n => sc_r->verilog := prev.verilog + n | ~vhdl n => sc_r->vhdl := prev.vhdl + n | ~html n => sc_r->html := prev.html + n | ~css n => sc_r->css := prev.css + n | ~purescript n => sc_r->purescript := prev.purescript + n | ~futhark n => sc_r->futhark := prev.futhark + n | ~brainfuck n => sc_r->brainfuck := prev.brainfuck + n | ~ruby n => sc_r->ruby := prev.ruby + n | ~julia n => sc_r->julia := prev.julia + n | ~tex n => sc_r->tex := prev.tex + n | ~perl n => sc_r->perl := prev.perl + n | ~ocaml n => sc_r->ocaml := prev.ocaml + n | ~agda n => sc_r->agda := prev.agda + n | ~cobol n => sc_r->cobol := prev.cobol + n | ~tcl n => sc_r->tcl := prev.tcl + n | ~r n => sc_r->r := prev.r + n | ~lua n => sc_r->lua := prev.lua + n | ~cpp n => sc_r->cpp := prev.cpp + n | ~lalrpop n => sc_r->lalrpop := prev.lalrpop + n | ~header n => sc_r->header := prev.header + n | ~sixten n => sc_r->sixten := prev.sixten + n | ~dhall n => sc_r->dhall := prev.dhall + n | ~ipkg n => sc_r->ipkg := prev.ipkg + n | ~justfile n => sc_r->justfile := prev.justfile + n | ~makefile n => sc_r->makefile := prev.makefile + n | ~ion n => sc_r->ion := prev.ion + n | ~bash n => sc_r->bash := prev.bash + n | ~hamlet n => sc_r->hamlet := prev.hamlet + n | ~cassius n => sc_r->cassius := prev.cassius + n | ~lucius n => sc_r->lucius := prev.lucius + n | ~julius n => sc_r->julius := prev.julius + n | ~mercury n => sc_r->mercury := prev.mercury + n | ~yacc n => sc_r->yacc := prev.yacc + n | ~lex n => sc_r->lex := prev.lex + n | ~coq n => sc_r->coq := prev.coq + n | ~jupyter n => sc_r->jupyter := prev.jupyter + n | ~java n => sc_r->java := prev.java + n | ~scala n => sc_r->scala := prev.scala + n | ~erlang n => sc_r->erlang := prev.erlang + n | ~elixir n => sc_r->elixir := prev.elixir + n | ~pony n => sc_r->pony := prev.pony + n | ~clojure n => sc_r->clojure := prev.clojure + n | ~cabal_project n => sc_r->cabal_project := prev.cabal_project + n | ~assembly n => sc_r->assembly := prev.assembly + n | ~nix n => sc_r->nix := prev.nix + n | ~php n => sc_r->php := prev.php + n | ~javascript n => sc_r->javascript := prev.javascript + n | ~kotlin n => sc_r->kotlin := prev.kotlin + n | ~fsharp n => sc_r->fsharp := prev.fsharp + n | ~fortran n => sc_r->fortran := prev.fortran + n | ~swift n => sc_r->swift := prev.swift + n | ~csharp n => sc_r->csharp := prev.csharp + n | ~nim n => sc_r->nim := prev.nim + n | ~cpp_header n => sc_r->cpp_header := prev.cpp_header + n | ~elisp n => sc_r->elisp := prev.elisp + n | ~plaintext n => sc_r->plaintext := prev.plaintext + n | ~rakefile n => sc_r->rakefile := prev.rakefile + n | ~llvm n => sc_r->llvm := prev.llvm + n | ~autoconf n => sc_r->autoconf := prev.autoconf + n | ~batch n => sc_r->batch := prev.batch + n | ~powershell n => sc_r->powershell := prev.powershell + n | ~m4 n => sc_r->m4 := prev.m4 + n | ~objective_c n => sc_r->objective_c := prev.objective_c + n | ~automake n => sc_r->automake := prev.automake + n | ~margaret n => sc_r->margaret := prev.margaret + n | ~unknown _ => () in !sc_r end fun free_pl(pl : pl_type) : void = case+ pl of | ~unknown _ => () | ~rust _ => () | ~haskell _ => () | ~perl _ => () | ~lucius _ => () | ~cassius _ => () | ~hamlet _ => () | ~julius _ => () | ~bash _ => () | ~coq _ => () | ~justfile _ => () | ~makefile _ => () | ~yaml _ => () | ~toml _ => () | ~dhall _ => () | ~ipkg _ => () | ~ion _ => () | ~mercury _ => () | ~yacc _ => () | ~lex _ => () | ~r _ => () | ~c _ => () | ~cpp _ => () | ~lua _ => () | ~lalrpop _ => () | ~header _ => () | ~sixten _ => () | ~java _ => () | ~scala _ => () | ~elixir _ => () | ~erlang _ => () | ~happy _ => () | ~alex _ => () | ~go _ => () | ~html _ => () | ~css _ => () | ~brainfuck _ => () | ~ruby _ => () | ~julia _ => () | ~elm _ => () | ~purescript _ => () | ~vimscript _ => () | ~ocaml _ => () | ~madlang _ => () | ~agda _ => () | ~idris _ => () | ~futhark _ => () | ~ats _ => () | ~tex _ => () | ~cabal _ => () | ~cobol _ => () | ~tcl _ => () | ~verilog _ => () | ~vhdl _ => () | ~markdown _ => () | ~python _ => () | ~pony _ => () | ~jupyter _ => () | ~clojure _ => () | ~cabal_project _ => () | ~assembly _ => () | ~nix _ => () | ~php _ => () | ~javascript _ => () | ~kotlin _ => () | ~fsharp _ => () | ~fortran _ => () | ~swift _ => () | ~csharp _ => () | ~nim _ => () | ~cpp_header _ => () | ~elisp _ => () | ~plaintext _ => () | ~rakefile _ => () | ~llvm _ => () | ~autoconf _ => () | ~batch _ => () | ~powershell _ => () | ~m4 _ => () | ~objective_c _ => () | ~automake _ => () | ~margaret _ => () // match a particular word against a list of keywords fun match_keywords { m : nat | m <= 10 } ( keys : list(string, m) , word : string ) : bool = list_foldright_cloref(keys, lam (next, acc) = acc || eq_string_string(next, word), false) // TODO use list_vt{int}(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) instead? // helper function for check_keywords fun step_keyword( size : file , pre : pl_type , word : string , ext : string ) : pl_type = case+ pre of | unknown _ => let in case+ ext of | "y" => let val _ = free_pl(pre) var happy_keywords = list_cons("module", list_nil()) in if match_keywords(happy_keywords, word) then happy(size) else if let var yacc_keywords = list_cons( "struct" , list_cons("char", list_cons("int", list_nil())) ) in match_keywords(yacc_keywords, word) end then yacc(size) else unknown end | "v" => let var _ = free_pl(pre) var verilog_keywords = list_cons( "endmodule" , list_cons( "posedge" , list_cons( "edge" , list_cons("always", list_cons("wire", list_nil())) ) ) ) in if match_keywords( verilog_keywords , word ) then verilog(size) else if let var coq_keywords = list_cons( "Qed" , list_cons( "Require" , list_cons( "Hypothesis" , list_cons( "Inductive" , list_cons( "Remark" , list_cons( "Lemma" , list_cons( "Proof" , list_cons( "Definition" , list_cons( "Theorem" , list_nil() ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) in match_keywords(coq_keywords, word) end then coq(size) else unknown end | "m" => let val _ = free_pl(pre) var mercury_keywords = list_cons( "module" , list_cons("pred", list_cons("mode", list_nil())) ) in if match_keywords(mercury_keywords, word) then mercury(size) else if let var objective_c_keywords = list_cons( "nil" , list_cons("nullable", list_cons("nonnull", list_nil())) ) in match_keywords(objective_c_keywords, word) end then objective_c(size) else unknown end | _ => pre end | _ => pre // Function to disambiguate extensions such as .v (Coq and Verilog) and .m // (Mercury and Objective C). This should only be called when extensions are in // conflict, as it reads the whole file. fun check_keywords(s : string, size : file, ext : string) : pl_type = let var ref = fileref_open_opt(s, file_mode_r) in case+ ref of | ~Some_vt (x) => let var init: pl_type = unknown var viewstream = $EXTRA.streamize_fileref_word(x) val result = stream_vt_foldleft_cloptr( viewstream , init , lam (acc, next) => step_keyword(size, acc, next, ext) ) val _ = fileref_close(x) in result end | ~None_vt() => ( println!("\33[33mWarning:\33[0m could not open file at " + s) ; unknown ) end // Check shebang on scripts. // // TODO flexible parser that drops spaces as appropriate // TODO check magic number so as to avoid checking shebang of binary file fun check_shebang(s : string) : pl_type = let val ref = fileref_open_opt(s, file_mode_r) val str: string = case+ ref of | ~Some_vt (x) => let val s = strptr2string(fileref_get_line_string(x)) val _ = fileref_close(x) in s end | ~None_vt() => ( println!("\33[33mWarning:\33[0m could not open file at " + s) ; "" ) in case+ str of | "#!/usr/bin/env ion" => ion(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env bash" => bash(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/bin/bash" => bash(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!python" => python(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!python2" => python(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!python3" => python(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env python" => python(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env python2" => python(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env python3" => python(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env perl" => perl(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env perl6" => perl(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/perl" => perl(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env stack" => haskell(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell" => haskell(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "#!/usr/bin/env node" => javascript(line_count(s, None)) | _ => unknown end // Match based on filename (for makefiles, etc.) fun match_filename(s : string) : pl_type = let val (prf | str) = filename_get_base(s) val match = $UN.strptr2string(str) prval () = prf(str) in case+ match of | "Makefile" => makefile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "Makefile.tc" => makefile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "makefile" => makefile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "GNUmakefile" => makefile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "Justfile" => justfile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "justfile" => justfile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "Rakefile" => rakefile(line_count(s, None)) | "cabal.project.local" => cabal_project(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | _ => check_shebang(s) end // Match based on file extension (assuming the file name is passed in as an // argument). fun prune_extension(s : string, file_proper : string) : pl_type = let val (prf | str) = filename_get_ext(file_proper) val match: string = if strptr2ptr(str) > 0 then $UN.strptr2string(str) else "" prval () = prf(str) in case+ match of | "hs" => haskell(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "hs-boot" => haskell(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "hsig" => haskell(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "rs" => rust(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "tex" => tex(line_count(s, Some("%"))) | "md" => markdown(line_count(s, None)) | "markdown" => markdown(line_count(s, None)) | "dats" => ats(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "hats" => ats(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "cats" => ats(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "sats" => ats(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "py" => python(line_count(s, None)) | "fut" => futhark(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "pl" => perl(line_count(s, None)) | "agda" => agda(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "idr" => idris(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "v" => check_keywords(s, line_count(s, Some("--")), match) | "m" => check_keywords(s, line_count(s, None), match) | "vhdl" => vhdl(line_count(s, None)) | "vhd" => vhdl(line_count(s, None)) | "go" => go(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "vim" => vimscript(line_count(s, None)) | "ml" => ocaml(line_count(s, None)) | "purs" => purescript(line_count(s, None)) | "elm" => elm(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "mad" => madlang(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "toml" => toml(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "cabal" => cabal(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "yml" => yaml(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "yaml" => yaml(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "y" => check_keywords(s, line_count(s, None), match) | "ypp" => yacc(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "x" => alex(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "l" => lex(line_count(s, None)) | "lpp" => lex(line_count(s, None)) | "html" => html(line_count(s, None)) | "htm" => html(line_count(s, None)) | "css" => css(line_count(s, None)) | "vhdl" => vhdl(line_count(s, None)) | "vhd" => vhdl(line_count(s, None)) | "c" => c(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "b" => brainfuck(line_count(s, None)) | "bf" => brainfuck(line_count(s, None)) | "rb" => ruby(line_count(s, None)) | "cob" => cobol(line_count(s, None)) | "cbl" => cobol(line_count(s, None)) | "cpy" => cobol(line_count(s, None)) | "ml" => ocaml(line_count(s, None)) | "tcl" => tcl(line_count(s, None)) | "r" => r(line_count(s, None)) | "R" => r(line_count(s, None)) | "lua" => lua(line_count(s, None)) | "cpp" => cpp(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "cc" => cpp(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "lalrpop" => lalrpop(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "h" => header(line_count(s, None)) | "vix" => sixten(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "dhall" => dhall(line_count(s, None)) | "ipkg" => ipkg(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "mk" => makefile(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "hamlet" => hamlet(line_count(s, None)) | "cassius" => cassius(line_count(s, None)) | "lucius" => cassius(line_count(s, None)) | "julius" => julius(line_count(s, None)) | "jl" => julia(line_count(s, None)) | "ion" => ion(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "bash" => bash(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "ipynb" => jupyter(line_count(s, None)) | "java" => java(line_count(s, None)) | "scala" => scala(line_count(s, None)) | "erl" => erlang(line_count(s, None)) | "hrl" => erlang(line_count(s, None)) | "ex" => elixir(line_count(s, None)) | "exs" => elixir(line_count(s, None)) | "pony" => pony(line_count(s, None)) | "clj" => clojure(line_count(s, None)) | "s" => assembly(line_count(s, Some(";"))) | "S" => assembly(line_count(s, Some(";"))) | "asm" => assembly(line_count(s, Some(";"))) | "nix" => nix(line_count(s, None)) | "php" => php(line_count(s, None)) | "local" => match_filename(s) | "project" => cabal_project(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "js" => javascript(line_count(s, None)) | "jsexe" => javascript(line_count(s, None)) | "kt" => kotlin(line_count(s, None)) | "kts" => kotlin(line_count(s, None)) | "fs" => fsharp(line_count(s, None)) | "f" => fortran(line_count(s, None)) | "for" => fortran(line_count(s, None)) | "f90" => fortran(line_count(s, None)) | "f95" => fortran(line_count(s, None)) | "swift" => swift(line_count(s, None)) | "csharp" => csharp(line_count(s, None)) | "nim" => nim(line_count(s, None)) | "el" => elisp(line_count(s, None)) | "txt" => plaintext(line_count(s, None)) | "ll" => llvm(line_count(s, None)) | "in" => autoconf(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "bat" => batch(line_count(s, None)) | "ps1" => powershell(line_count(s, None)) | "ac" => m4(line_count(s, None)) | "mm" => objective_c(line_count(s, Some("//"))) | "am" => automake(line_count(s, Some("#"))) | "mgt" => margaret(line_count(s, Some("--"))) | "" => match_filename(s) | "sh" => match_filename(s) | "yamllint" => match_filename(s) | _ => unknown end // filter out directories containing artifacts fun bad_dir(s : string, excludes : List0(string)) : bool = case+ s of | "." => true | ".." => true | ".pijul" => true | "_darcs" => true | ".hg" => true | ".git" => true | "target" => true | ".egg-info" => true | "nimcache" => true | ".shake" => true | "dist-newstyle" => true | "dist" => true | ".psc-package" => true | ".pulp-cache" => true | "output" => true | "bower_components" => true | "elm-stuff" => true | ".stack-work" => true | ".reco" => true | ".reco-work" => true | ".cabal-sandbox" => true | "node_modules" => true | ".lein-plugins" => true | ".sass-cache" => true | _ => list_exists_cloref(excludes, lam x => x = s || x = s + "/") fnx step_stream( acc : source_contents , full_name : string , file_proper : string , excludes : List0(string) ) : source_contents = if test_file_isdir(full_name) != 0 then flow_stream(full_name, acc, excludes) else adjust_contents(acc, prune_extension(full_name, file_proper)) and flow_stream( s : string , init : source_contents , excludes : List0(string) ) : source_contents = let var files = streamize_dirname_fname(s) var ffiles = stream_vt_filter_cloptr(files, lam x => not(bad_dir( x , excludes ))) in stream_vt_foldleft_cloptr( ffiles , init , lam (acc, next) => step_stream(acc, s + "/" + next, next, excludes) ) end fun empty_contents() : source_contents = let var isc = @{ rust = empty_file() , haskell = empty_file() , ats = empty_file() , python = empty_file() , vimscript = empty_file() , elm = empty_file() , idris = empty_file() , madlang = empty_file() , tex = empty_file() , markdown = empty_file() , yaml = empty_file() , toml = empty_file() , cabal = empty_file() , happy = empty_file() , alex = empty_file() , go = empty_file() , html = empty_file() , css = empty_file() , verilog = empty_file() , vhdl = empty_file() , c = empty_file() , purescript = empty_file() , futhark = empty_file() , brainfuck = empty_file() , ruby = empty_file() , julia = empty_file() , perl = empty_file() , ocaml = empty_file() , agda = empty_file() , cobol = empty_file() , tcl = empty_file() , r = empty_file() , lua = empty_file() , cpp = empty_file() , lalrpop = empty_file() , header = empty_file() , sixten = empty_file() , dhall = empty_file() , ipkg = empty_file() , makefile = empty_file() , justfile = empty_file() , ion = empty_file() , bash = empty_file() , hamlet = empty_file() , cassius = empty_file() , lucius = empty_file() , julius = empty_file() , mercury = empty_file() , yacc = empty_file() , lex = empty_file() , coq = empty_file() , jupyter = empty_file() , java = empty_file() , scala = empty_file() , erlang = empty_file() , elixir = empty_file() , pony = empty_file() , clojure = empty_file() , cabal_project = empty_file() , assembly = empty_file() , nix = empty_file() , php = empty_file() , javascript = empty_file() , kotlin = empty_file() , fsharp = empty_file() , fortran = empty_file() , swift = empty_file() , csharp = empty_file() , nim = empty_file() , cpp_header = empty_file() , elisp = empty_file() , plaintext = empty_file() , rakefile = empty_file() , llvm = empty_file() , autoconf = empty_file() , batch = empty_file() , powershell = empty_file() , m4 = empty_file() , objective_c = empty_file() , automake = empty_file() , margaret = empty_file() } : source_contents in isc end fun map_stream( acc : source_contents , includes : List0(string) , excludes : List0(string) ) : source_contents = list_foldleft_cloref( includes , acc , lam (acc, next) => if test_file_exists(next) || next = "" then step_stream(acc, next, next, excludes) else (prerr("\33[31mError:\33[0m directory '" + next + "' does not exist\n") ; exit(1) ; acc) ) fun is_flag(s : string) : bool = string_is_prefix("-", s) fun process_excludes(s : string, acc : command_line) : command_line = let val acc_r = ref(acc) val () = if is_flag(s) then (println!("Error: flag " + s + " found where a directory name was expected") ; exit(0) ; ()) else acc_r->excludes := list_cons(s, acc.excludes) in !acc_r end fun process(s : string, acc : command_line, is_first : bool) : command_line = let val acc_r = ref(acc) val () = if is_flag(s) then case+ s of | "--help" => acc_r->help := true | "-h" => acc_r->help := true | "--no-table" => if not(acc.no_table) then acc_r->no_table := true else (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " cannot appear twice") ; exit(0) ; ()) | "-t" => if not(acc.no_table) then acc_r->no_table := true else (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " cannot appear twice") ; exit(0) ; ()) | "--parallel" => acc_r->parallel := true | "-p" => acc_r->parallel := true | "--version" => acc_r->version := true | "-V" => acc_r->version := true | "-e" => (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " must be followed by an argument") ; exit(0) ; ()) | "--exclude" => (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag " + s + " must be followed by an argument") ; exit(0) ; ()) | _ => (println!("\33[31mError:\33[0m flag '" + s + "' not recognized") ; exit(0) ; ()) else if not(is_first) then acc_r->includes := list_cons(s, acc.includes) else () in !acc_r end fnx get_cli { n : int | n >= 1 }{ m : nat | m < n } .. ( argc : int(n) , argv : !argv(n) , current : int(m) , prev_is_exclude : bool , acc : command_line ) : command_line = let var arg = argv[current] in if current < argc - 1 then if arg != "--exclude" && arg != "-e" then let val c = get_cli(argc, argv, current + 1, false, acc) in if prev_is_exclude && current != 0 then process_excludes(arg, c) else if current != 0 then process(arg, c, current = 0) else c end else let val c = get_cli(argc, argv, current + 1, true, acc) in c end else if prev_is_exclude then process_excludes(arg, acc) else process(arg, acc, current = 0) end fun version() : void = println!("polygot version 0.3.11\nCopyright (c) 2017 Vanessa McHale") fun help() : void = print("polyglot - Count lines of code quickly. \33[36mUSAGE:\33[0m poly [DIRECTORY] ... [OPTION] ... \33[36mFLAGS:\33[0m -V, --version show version information -h, --help display this help and exit -e, --exclude exclude a directory -p, --parallel execute in parallel -t, --no-table display results in alternate format When no directory is provided poly will execute in the current directory. Bug reports and updates: nest.pijul.com/vamchale/polyglot\n") fun head(xs : List0(string)) : string = case+ xs of | list_cons (x, xs) => x + ", " + head(xs) | list_nil() => "" // TODO channel to draw work? e.g. take a channel of strings, return a channel of source_contents fun work( excludes : List0(string) , send : channel(List0(string)) , chan : channel(source_contents) ) : void = { val- (n) = channel_remove(send) var x = map_stream(empty_contents(), n, excludes) val () = channel_insert(chan, x) val- ~None_vt() = channel_unref(chan) val- () = case channel_unref(send) of | ~None_vt() => () | ~Some_vt (snd) => queue_free(snd) } // Function returning the number of CPU cores. extern fun ncpu() : int %{^ #include int ncpu() { return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); } %} #define NCPU 4 fun apportion(includes : List0(string)) : (List0(string), List0(string)) = let var n = length(includes) / 2 val (p, q) = list_split_at(includes, n) in (list_vt2t(p), q) end // TODO maybe make a parallel fold? fun threads(includes : List0(string), excludes : List0(string)) : source_contents = let val chan = channel_make(2) val chan2 = channel_ref(chan) val chan3 = channel_ref(chan) val send1 = channel_make(1) val send2 = channel_make(1) val send_r1 = channel_ref(send1) val send_r2 = channel_ref(send2) var new_includes = if length(includes) > 0 then includes else list_cons(".", list_nil()) val (fst, snd) = apportion(new_includes) val _ = channel_insert(send1, fst) val _ = channel_insert(send2, snd) val t2 = athread_create_cloptr_exn(llam () => work( excludes , send_r1 , chan2 )) val t3 = athread_create_cloptr_exn(llam () => work( excludes , send_r2 , chan3 )) val- ~None_vt() = channel_unref(send1) val- ~None_vt() = channel_unref(send2) val- (n) = channel_remove(chan) val- (m) = channel_remove(chan) val () = ignoret(usleep(1u)) val () = while(channel_refcount(chan) >= 2)() val r = add_contents(n, m) val- ~Some_vt (que) = channel_unref(chan) val () = queue_free(que) in r end implement main0 (argc, argv) = let val cli = @{ version = false , help = false , no_table = false , parallel = false , excludes = list_nil() , includes = list_nil() } : command_line val parsed = get_cli(argc, argv, 0, false, cli) in if parsed.help then (help() ; exit(0)) else if parsed.version then (version() ; exit(0)) else let val result = if parsed.parallel then threads(parsed.includes, parsed.excludes) else if length(parsed.includes) > 0 then map_stream(empty_contents(), parsed.includes, parsed.excludes) else map_stream( empty_contents() , list_cons(".", list_nil()) , parsed.excludes ) in if parsed.no_table then print(make_output(result)) else print(make_table(result)) end end