{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | This module contains scripts to fetch the compiler.
module Language.ATS.Package.Compiler
    ( packageCompiler
    , cleanAll
    , fetchCompiler
    , setupCompiler
    , Version (..)
    ) where

import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar         as Tar
import           Codec.Compression.GZip    (compress, decompress)
import           Control.Monad             (void, when)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy      as BS
import           Language.ATS.Package.Type
import           Network.HTTP.Client       hiding (decompress)
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS   (tlsManagerSettings)
import           System.Directory
import           System.Environment        (getEnv)
import           System.FilePath.Find      (find)
import           System.Posix.Files
import           System.Process

-- request to https://github.com/vmchale/atspkg/releases/latest/ for latest
-- version, then we can upgrade this tool as well.

cleanAll :: IO ()
cleanAll = do
    d <- (++ "/.atspkg") <$> getEnv "HOME"
    b <- doesDirectoryExist d
    when b $ do
        putStrLn "Cleaning everything..."
        removeDirectoryRecursive d

-- TODO depend on version
compilerDir :: Version -> IO FilePath
compilerDir v = (++ ("/.atspkg/" ++ show v)) <$> getEnv "HOME"

packageCompiler :: FilePath -> IO ()
packageCompiler directory = do
    files <- find (pure True) (pure True) directory
    bytes <- fmap Tar.write . Tar.pack directory $ fmap (drop $ length (directory :: String) + 1) files
    BS.writeFile (directory ++ ".tar.gz") (compress bytes)

pkgUrl :: Version -> String
pkgUrl v = "https://github.com/vmchale/atspkg/raw/master/pkgs/ATS2-Postiats-" ++ show v ++ ".tar.gz"

withCompiler :: String -> Version -> IO ()
withCompiler s v = putStrLn $ s ++ " compiler v" ++ show v ++ "..."

fetchCompiler :: Version -> IO ()
fetchCompiler v = do

    cd <- compilerDir v
    needsSetup <- not <$> doesDirectoryExist cd

    when needsSetup $ do

        withCompiler "Fetching" v
        manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
        initialRequest <- parseRequest $ pkgUrl v
        response <- responseBody <$> httpLbs (initialRequest { method = "GET" }) manager

        withCompiler "Unpacking" v
        Tar.unpack cd . Tar.read . decompress $ response

setupCompiler :: Version -> IO ()
setupCompiler v = do

    withCompiler "Configuring" v
    cd <- compilerDir v
    let configurePath = cd ++ "/configure"
    setFileMode configurePath ownerModes
    setFileMode (cd ++ "/autogen.sh") ownerModes
    void $ readCreateProcess ((proc (cd ++ "/autogen.sh") []) { cwd = Just cd }) ""
    void $ readCreateProcess ((proc configurePath ["--prefix", cd]) { cwd = Just cd }) ""

    withCompiler "Building" v
    void $ readCreateProcess ((proc "make" []) { cwd = Just cd, std_err = CreatePipe }) ""
    withCompiler "Installing" v
    void $ readCreateProcess ((proc "make" ["install"]) { cwd = Just cd, std_err = CreatePipe }) ""