{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.ARFF where
  ( identifier
  , comment
  , relation
  , attributeType
  , attribute
  , header
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List hiding(takeWhile)

-- ByteStrings up in hurr
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Char as Char

-- Attoparsec
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Text

data AttributeType = Numeric | Nominal [BS.ByteString] | String deriving(Show)

-- Represents metadata for a single attribute
data Attribute = Attribute
  { name :: BS.ByteString
  , dataType :: AttributeType
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Represents the entire header
data Header = Header
  { title :: BS.ByteString
  -- ^ Name of the relation (\@RELATION foo)
  , attributes :: [Attribute]
  -- ^ Mapping of indexes to values
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Value of a single attribute in a single row
data AttributeValue = NumericValue Double |
                 NominalValue BS.ByteString |
                 StringValue BS.ByteString

showAttributeValue :: AttributeValue -> String
showAttributeValue (NumericValue x) = show x
showAttributeValue (NominalValue x) = show x
showAttributeValue (StringValue x) = show x

instance Show AttributeValue where
  show = showAttributeValue

-- | Parse two expressions sequentially, returning the result of the first.
before :: Parser p1 -> Parser p2 -> Parser p1
before p1 p2 = do
  p <- p1
  p2 >> return p

-- | matches non-newline space characters
isInlineSpace :: Char -> Bool
isInlineSpace c = Char.isSpace c && c /= '\n' && c /= '\r'

-- | Parses a sequence of non-newline space characters
lineSpace :: Parser ()
lineSpace = skipWhile isInlineSpace

-- Matches ignored data, e.g. comments up to end of line
comment :: Parser ()
comment = char '%' >> skipWhile (not . Text.isEndOfLine)

-- | Matches what should be the end of the line- optional comment then newline.
lineEnd :: Parser()
lineEnd = lineSpace >> option () comment >> (endOfInput <|> endOfLine <?> "lineEnd")

-- | @identifier@ parses arguments to '\@' directives, e.g. "\@RELATION foo" 
-- TODO: Check these rules against the spec!
-- TODO: Allow quoted identifiers with spaces inside.
identifier :: Parser BS.ByteString
identifier = takeWhile (\x -> Char.isAlphaNum x || x == '-')

-- | Parse the title of the relation
relation :: Parser BS.ByteString
relation = char '@' >> stringCI "relation" >> lineSpace >> identifier

-- | Parse the attribute type: \@ATTRIBUTE <name> <type>
attributeType :: Parser AttributeType
attributeType = (stringCI "numeric" >> return Numeric)
                <|> (stringCI "real" >> return Numeric)
                <|> (nominal >>= return . Nominal)
                <?> "Attribute Type"
  where nominal = do
          char '{' >> lineSpace
          xs <- identifier `sepBy` (lineSpace >> char ',' >> lineSpace)
          lineSpace >> char '}'
          return xs

-- | Parse an attribute: \@ATTRIBUTE <Name> <Type>
attribute :: Parser Attribute
attribute = do char '@' >> stringCI "attribute" >> lineSpace
               i <- identifier `before` lineSpace
               t <- attributeType
               return $ Attribute i t
            <?> "Attribute"

-- | Parses the next expected line
line :: Parser p -> Parser p
line p = skipMany lineEnd >> lineSpace >> p `before` lineEnd
--line p' = skipMany lineEnd >> lineSpace >> p' `before` (lineEnd <|> endOfInput)
--line p = do 
--  takeTill (not . Char.isSpace) >> (comment >> line p `before` lineEnd)

-- | Parse an ARFF header.
header :: Parser Header
header = do
  t <- line relation
  as <- manyTill (line attribute) (line $ stringCI "@data")
  return $ Header t as

-- | Parse a value of the expected type (not handling missings)
value' :: AttributeType -> Parser AttributeValue
value' (Nominal xs) = ((choice $ map string xs) >>= return . NominalValue)
                     <?> "Expected one of " ++ tail (xs >>= (',':) . show)
                     -- This last line displays a comma separated list of the
                     -- possible values of the nominal.
value' Numeric = liftM NumericValue double
value' String = error "Not implemented yet... sorry!"

-- | Parse a value of the expected type, returning Nothing for missing values
value :: AttributeType -> Parser (Maybe AttributeValue)
value a = (char '?' >> return Nothing) <|> liftM Just (value' a)

-- | Create a parser which parses a single row of AttributeValues, expecting
-- each to be in order of the Attributes supplied.
row :: [AttributeType] -> Parser [Maybe AttributeValue]
row [] = error "Can't parse empty list" -- no attributes is an error.
row (a:as) = sequence . (value a:) . map (sep >>) $ (map value as)
  where sep = lineSpace >> char ',' >> lineSpace

-- | Parse all data rows in the file.
rows :: Header -> Parser [[Maybe AttributeValue]]
rows header = do
  let as = map dataType $ attributes header
  let errMsg = "expected row of types: " ++ (intercalate ", " $ map show as)
  xs <- manyTill (line (row as) <?> errMsg) (manyTill lineEnd endOfInput)
  return xs

-- | Parse a tuple of Header data and a list of rows, composed of values or
-- "Nothing" (for missing- ?- values).
arff :: Parser (Header, [[Maybe AttributeValue]])
arff = do
  h <- header
  rs <- rows h
  return (h, rs)