{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
-- |
-- Module        : Web.Authenticate.OpenId
-- Copyright     : Michael Snoyman
-- License       : BSD3
-- Maintainer    : Michael Snoyman <michael@snoyman.com>
-- Stability     : Unstable
-- Portability   : portable
-- Provides functionality for being an OpenId consumer.
module Web.Authenticate.OpenId
    ( Identifier (..)
    , getForwardUrl
    , authenticate
    , AuthenticateException (..)
    ) where

import Network.HTTP.Enumerator
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import "transformers" Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Data
import Control.Failure hiding (Error)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (liftM, unless)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import Web.Authenticate.Internal (qsEncode)
import Data.List (intercalate)

-- | An openid identifier (ie, a URL).
newtype Identifier = Identifier { identifier :: String }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data Error v = Error String | Ok v
instance Monad Error where
    return = Ok
    Error s >>= _ = Error s
    Ok v >>= f = f v
    fail s = Error s

-- | Returns a URL to forward the user to in order to login.
getForwardUrl :: (MonadIO m,
                  Failure InvalidUrlException m,
                  Failure HttpException m,
                  Failure MissingVar m
              => String -- ^ The openid the user provided.
              -> String -- ^ The URL for this application\'s complete page.
              -> m String -- ^ URL to send the user to.
getForwardUrl openid complete = do
    bodyIdent' <- simpleHttp openid
    let bodyIdent = L8.unpack bodyIdent'
    server <- getOpenIdVar "server" bodyIdent
    let delegate = maybe openid id
                 $ getOpenIdVar "delegate" bodyIdent
    return $ constructUrl server
                        [ ("openid.mode", "checkid_setup")
                        , ("openid.identity", delegate)
                        , ("openid.return_to", complete)

data MissingVar = MissingVar String
    deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Exception MissingVar

getOpenIdVar :: Failure MissingVar m => String -> String -> m String
getOpenIdVar var content = do
    let tags = parseTags content
    let secs = sections (~== ("<link rel=openid." ++ var ++ ">")) tags
    secs' <- mhead secs
    secs'' <- mhead secs'
    return $ fromAttrib "href" secs''
        mhead [] = failure $ MissingVar $ "openid." ++ var
        mhead (x:_) = return x

constructUrl :: String -> [(String, String)] -> String
constructUrl url [] = url
constructUrl url args =
    url ++ "?" ++ intercalate "&" (map qsPair args)
    qsPair (x, y) = qsEncode x ++ '=' : qsEncode y 

-- | Handle a redirect from an OpenID provider and check that the user
-- logged in properly. If it was successfully, 'return's the openid.
-- Otherwise, 'failure's an explanation.
authenticate :: (MonadIO m,
                 Failure AuthenticateException m,
                 Failure InvalidUrlException m,
                 Failure HttpException m,
                 Failure MissingVar m)
             => [(String, String)]
             -> m Identifier
authenticate req = do
    unless (lookup "openid.mode" req == Just "id_res") $
        failure $ AuthenticateException "authenticate without openid.mode=id_res"
    authUrl <- getAuthUrl req
    content <- L8.unpack `liftM` simpleHttp authUrl
    if contains "is_valid:true" content
        then Identifier `liftM` alookup "openid.identity" req
        else failure $ AuthenticateException content

alookup :: (Failure AuthenticateException m, Monad m)
        => String
        -> [(String, String)]
        -> m String
alookup k x = case lookup k x of
                Just k' -> return k'
                Nothing -> failure $ MissingOpenIdParameter k

data AuthenticateException = AuthenticateException String
                           | MissingOpenIdParameter String
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception AuthenticateException

getAuthUrl :: (MonadIO m, Failure AuthenticateException m,
               Failure InvalidUrlException m,
               Failure HttpException m,
               Failure MissingVar m)
           => [(String, String)] -> m String
getAuthUrl req = do
    identity <- alookup "openid.identity" req
    idContent <- simpleHttp identity
    helper $ L8.unpack idContent
        helper idContent = do
            server <- getOpenIdVar "server" idContent
            dargs <- mapM makeArg [
            let sargs = [("openid.mode", "check_authentication")]
            return $ constructUrl server $ dargs ++ sargs
        makeArg s = do
            let k = "openid." ++ s
            v <- alookup k req
            return (k, v)

contains :: String -> String -> Bool
contains [] _ = True
contains _ [] = False
contains needle haystack =
    begins needle haystack ||
    (contains needle $ tail haystack)

begins :: String -> String -> Bool
begins [] _ = True
begins _ [] = False
begins (x:xs) (y:ys) = x == y && begins xs ys