Auto ==== Welcome to the tutorial for getting started with Auto! This is actually just a basic overview of the library and some basic programs, enough to get started, hopefully; for more, check out the [All About Auto][aaa] series on my blog where I break down real world projects and [auto-examples][] for more real-world examples, Up-to-date documentation is, at the moment, hosted [on github][docs]...and the latest version of this tutorial itself can be found on [the development branch][tutorial], normally! Auto ---- Before we start, let's remember our imports! ~~~haskell import Control.Auto -- the main entry point import Prelude hiding ((.), id) -- we use generalized versions from -- Control.Category, so we have to hide -- these. ~~~ ### Semantic Picture Semantically, a `Auto` describes *a relationship* between an input and an output that is preserved over multiple steps. In a way, you can think about `Auto`s as *value stream transformers*. A stream of sequential input values come in one at a time, and a stream of output values pop out one at a time as well. You can think of `streamAuto'` as taking an `Auto' a b` and "unwrapping" its internal `[a] -> [b]`. (We say a "value stream" to contrast from an "effect stream", a stream from an effectful process like IO) An `Auto` is a relationship; the simplest relationship is probably a straight up apply-a-function-to-each-input-to-get-each-output relationship. For that, check out the `Auto` `arr (*2)`, where the outputs are the doubles of the inputs: ~~~haskell -- streamAuto' :: Auto' a b -> [a] -> [b] -- [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10... -- the inputs ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' (arr (*2)) [1..] [ 2, 4, 6, 8,10,12,14,16,18,20] -- the outputs ~~~ `streamAuto' (arr f)` is just `map f`, as you can see! In general, the input-output relationship is allowed to depend on the history of the inputs, as well. For example, we have the `Auto` `sumFrom 0` --- the relationship is that the output is always the cumulative sum of the inputs received so far: ~~~haskell -- [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10... -- the inputs ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' (sumFrom 0) [1..] [ 1, 3, 6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55] -- the outputs ~~~ A bit on types --- `sumFrom n` is `Num a => Auto m a a` ... or, if specializing it helps, `Auto' Int Int`. You can read this as "a relationship between two `Int`s fixed over the stream", or "a one-by-one mapping of an `Int` stream to another `Int` stream". For `sumFrom n`, the relationship is that the output is always the cumulative sum of the inputs. Note that these relationships are always *causal*; the nth item of the output can only depend on the first n items of the input. We say that they are "real-time" stream transformers in that every time you get an input, exactly one output pops out. That's what they are semantically, and an `Auto` denotes exactly such an input-output relationship that is maintained over several steps. ### Operational picture Operationally, an `Auto` does this by acting as a "stateful function" that we can "run" with `stepAuto`. A function with "internal state". ~~~haskell -- stepAuto' :: Auto' a b -> a -> (b, Auto' a b) ghci> let (x, nextAuto ) = stepAuto' (sumFrom 0) 5 ghci> x 5 ghci> let (y, nextAuto2) = stepAuto' nextAuto 3 ghci> y 8 ghci> evalAuto' nextAuto2 4 12 ~~~ `stepAuto'` lets you take an `Auto' a b`, give it an `a` as an input, and returns an `b` as the output, and a "next/updated `Auto'`", which is the `Auto'` with an updated internal state. Running the "next `Auto'`" given will continue along with the new updated state. (`evalAuto'` is like `stepAuto'` but throws away the "next `Auto`") In this case, the "internal state" is an accumulator, the sum of all received elements so far. In practice, this is usually going to be your "main loop", or "game loop": 1. Collect input from the world (using IO, or whatever you need) 2. Step the `Auto` you have with that input. 3. Get the output from that `Auto`, and the next `Auto` 4. Show or render your output to the world however you want. 5. Repeat all again, but with the new `Auto` from step 3. (If your program doesn't need any outside input, then you can just use `stepAutoN` with `()`, or `streamAuto'` with an infinite list.) There are some built-in "loops" like this in the *[Control.Auto.Run][]* module, for running in `IO` by reading and showing inputs and ouputs (`interactAuto`, `interactRS`) if you want to try these out! What's in a type? ----------------- Enough handwaving! What do these types even mean? What are the type parameters? An `Auto' a b` describes *a relationship* between a stream of inputs `a` and a stream of outputs `b` that is maintained over several steps of inputs. One way to look at it is that, with `streamAuto'` an `Auto' a b` gives you the "unwrapped" `[a] -> [b]`. From an operational perspective, you can think of an `Auto' a b` as a function with internal state that, when fed an `a`, gives you a `b` and a "next/updated `Auto`". With `stepAuto'`, an `Auto' a b` gives you an `a -> (b, Auto' a b)`. An `Auto' a b` is basically a `a -> b` with "internal state". The more general type is actually `Auto m a b` --- an `Auto' a b` is actually just a type alias for `Auto Identity a b`. An `Auto m a b` describes *a relationship*, again, between a stream of inputs `a` and a stream of outputs `b` maintained over several steps of inputs...and maintains this relationship with within an underlying monadic context `m`. If `streamAuto'` from an `Auto' a b` gives you an `[a] -> [b]`, then `streamAuto` from an `Auto m a b` gives you the "unwrapped" `[a] -> m [b]`. Operationally, if `Auto' a b` is a `a -> b` with internal state, then `Auto m a b` is a `a -> m b` with internal state. If you feed it an `a`, it'll return a `b` and a "next/updated `Auto`" in a monadic context --- with `stepAuto`, you get a `a -> m (b, Auto m a b)`. This monadic context means that in the process of "stepping" or "running" the `Auto`, you can perform effects and get input from an outside world. For the most part, real-life `Auto`s will be written parameterized over `Monad` or some `Monad`-based typeclass: ~~~haskell myAuto :: Monad m => Auto m Int Bool ~~~ Working with `Monad m => Auto m a b` is practically identical to working with `Auto' a b`, so there really isn't ever a real point to actually *write* an `Auto'`. However, specializing to `Auto'` lets us use simple "running" functions like `streamAuto'` and `stepAuto'`. While we're on the subject, there is another type alias for `Auto`s: an `Interval m a b` is an `Auto m a (Maybe b)` (they're just type aliases). Semantically, it represents an `Auto` that is "on" or "off" for durations of steps. Similarly, `Interval' a b` is an `Auto' a (Maybe b)`. You get the picture, I hope! We'll learn more about `Interval` later. Building up Autos ----------------- So of course, having simple `Auto`s like this being your whole program isn't very you think I have a `chatBot` or `chessEngine` `Auto` in the library? :) The "magic" of this library is that you have the ability to build up complex and intricate relationships and behaviors (and programs) by composing small "primitive" `Auto`s. These combinators are exposed both through familiar typeclasses we know and love, and also through functions in this library. ### Modifying and combining `Auto`s For example, with the `Functor` instance, you can apply functions to the "output" of an `Auto`: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0) [1..5] [ 1 , 3 , 6 , 10 , 15 ] ghci> streamAuto' (show <$> sumFrom 0) [1..5] ["1","3","6","10","15"] ~~~ `lmap` from `Profunctor` lets you apply functions "before" the input of the `Auto`: ~~~haskell -- mappender :: Monoid m => Auto' m m ghci> streamAuto' mappender ["1","2","3"] ["1","12","123"] ghci> streamAuto' (lmap show mappender) [1,2,3] ["1","12","123"] ~~~ (`mappender` is an `Auto` where the output is always the cumulative `mconcat` of all of the inputs so far) The `Applicative` instance gives you a "constant `Auto`", which ignores its input and whose output is always a constant value: ~~~haskell ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' (pure 4) [1..] [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] ~~~ The `Applicative` instance also gives you the ability to "fork" the input streams of two `Auto`s and then re-combine their output streams later: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0) [1..5] [ 1, 3, 6, 10, 15] ghci> streamAuto' (productFrom 1) [1..5] [ 1, 2, 6, 24, 120] ghci> streamAuto' (liftA2 (+) (sumFrom 0) (productFrom 1)) [1..5] [ 2, 5, 12, 34, 135] ~~~ You can also "fork" an input stream to two `Auto`s, and then throw away the output stream of one: (very useful for `Auto`s like `effect`, which we will see later, where we only care about the monadic effects and not about the actual output stream) ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0 *> productFrom 1) [1..5] [ 1, 2, 6, 24, 120] ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0 <* productFrom 1) [1..5] [ 1, 3, 6, 10, 15] ~~~ Heck, you can even `sequenceA` several! ~~~haskell sequenceA :: [Auto m a b] -> Auto m a [b] ~~~ It will take a list of `Auto`s and return an `Auto` that "forks" the input stream into *all* of the original `Auto`s and aggregates together all of the output streams. A multi-way fork. We also have the Applicative-derived instances like `Monoid`, so any `Auto m a b` is a `Monoid` if `b` is a `Monoid`. ~~~haskell mconcat :: Monoid b => [Auto m a b] -> Auto m a b ~~~ A lot of times you'll have a lot of things handling the same input in different ways, and you'll want to recombine them all at the end. Well, `mconcat`, `sequence`, etc. are at your service! This is the principle of "[scalable program architectures][spa]" at work! The `mappend` of two `Auto`s is...another `Auto`! [spa]: Of course there the Applicative-derived `Num` (and assorted numerical instances) too: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (0 * sumFrom 0) [1..5] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,] ghci> streamAuto' (negate (sumFrom 0)) [1..5] [-1, -3, -6, -10, -15] ghci> streamAuto' (10 + sumFrom 0) [1..5] [11, 13, 16, 20, 25] ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0 + productFrom 1) [1..5] [ 2, 5, 12, 34, 135] ~~~ Just don't go too crazy with these, okay? Now, the `Category` instance is probably the most powerful tool at your disposal. As a first treat, it gives you `id :: Auto m a a`, an `Auto` whose output is always exactly the corresponding input. But more importantly, you can "chain together" `Auto`s end-to-end. Compose them as if they were functions. You know how an `Auto` takes a stream and outputs a stream? Well, "chaining"/"composing" two `Auto`s will "pipe together" the streams. `a2 . a1` will be a new `Auto` that runs an input stream through both `a1` and `a2`. ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0) [1..5] [1,3,6,10,15] ghci> streamAuto' (productFrom 1) [1,3,6,10,15] [1,3,18,180,2700] ghci> streamAuto' (productFrom 1 . sumFrom 0) [1..5] [1,3,18,180,2700] ~~~ `sumFrom 0`'s output stream is the cumulative sum of the input stream. `productFrom 1`'s output stream is the cumulative product of the input stream. So their chaining/piping/composition is the cumulative product of the cumulative sum. ~~~haskell (.) :: Auto m b c -> Auto m a b -> Auto m a c ~~~ If you imagine an `Auto'` as an `[a] -> [b]`, then you can think of this as "composing" the `[a] -> [b]` functions: ~~~haskell -- streamAuto' gives us an [Int] -> [Int], so we can compose them using normal -- function composition: ghci> streamAuto' (productFrom 1) . streamAuto' (sumFrom 0) $ [1..5] [1,3,18,180,2700] -- composing `Auto`s is like composing their resulting `[a] -> [b]`s ghci> streamAuto' (productFrom 1 . sumFrom 0) $ [1..5] [1,3,18,180,2700] ~~~ (Math nuts might recognize this as saying that `streamAuto'` is a "category homomorphism"...aka, a functor :) Seeing that `streamAuto' (id :: Auto' a a) == (id :: [a] -> [a])`, of course!) Operationally, at every "step", it passes in each input to the first `Auto`, and gets the output of that and passes it into the second `Auto`, and uses the output of the second `Auto` as the result, updating *each* internal state. Another example, here we have an `Auto` that takes an input stream and outputs a `Blip` stream (more on that later) that emits whenever there is a multiple of 5: ~~~haskell -- emitOn5s :: Auto' Int (Blip Int) ghci> let emitOn5s = emitOn (\x -> x `mod` 5 == 0) ghci> streamAuto' emitOn5s [1,5,9,3,10,2] [NoBlip, Blip 5, NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 10, NoBlip] ghci> streamAuto' (hold . emitOn5s) [1,5,9,3,10,2] [Nothing, Just 5, Just 5, Just 5, Just 10, Just 10] ~~~ `hold :: Auto' (Blip a) (Maybe a)` takes a stream of `Blip`s and returns a stream that is `Maybe a`, where it is `Nothing` until the first emitted `Blip` value, and `Just x` as the last received `Blip` value. So here, we "chain" `hold` onto `emitOn5s`. `emitOn5s` emits on everything that is a multiple of `5`, and `hold` "holds on" to all of the emitted values. Neat! This can be used in conjunction with the `Applicative` instance for great power. In the end, your programs will really just be `(.)`-composed `Auto`s with forks and re-combinings from `Applicative` and `Arrow` methods. Speaking of `Arrow`, we also have a neat interface exposed by `Arrow`, `ArrowPlus`, and `ArrowLoop`. First of all, we get `arr :: (a -> b) -> Auto m a b`, which basically an `Auto` that is a constant, pure function (the output is the corresponding input applied to the given function). We get the ability to make an `Auto` run on "only the first item in a tuple" (`first`), or "only `Left`s that come in" (`left`). Also, we get proc notation! ~~~haskell foo :: Auto' Int (Int, Maybe Int) foo = proc x -> do sumX <- sumFrom 0 -< x prodX <- productFrom 1 -< x + sumX lastEven <- hold . emitOn even -< x id -< (prodX, lastEven) ~~~ ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' foo [4,7,3,6,5,1] [ ( 8, Just 4), ( 144, Just 4), ( 2448, Just 4) , (63648, Just 6), (1909440, Just 6), (51554880, Just 6) ] ~~~ Most of what was just done could be written with the `Applicative` instance as well...but in this way, the entire thing looks a lot like a dependency graph, and it's pretty expressive and powerful. #### Brief Primer on Proc Notation An explanation on the syntax; when you see: ~~~haskell sumX <- sumFrom 0 -< x ~~~ This reads as you are defining a binding `sumX`, and *the relationship between sumX and x* is that `sumX` is the *cumulative sum* of `x`. (from the first line, `foo = proc x -> do`, `x` is the input of the entire `Auto`) When we see: ~~~haskell prodX <- productFrom 1 -< x + sumX ~~~ This reads as you are defining a binding `prodX`, and `prodX` is maintained as the cumulative product of `x + sumX`. All "values" in your proc block are actually *streams*. `prodX` is a stream of numbers, `x` is a stream, `sumX` is a stream...and `productFrom 1` lets you describe the (static) *relationship* between those three streams. The result of the last line of the proc block is the result of the entire block: ~~~haskell id -< (prodX, lastEven) ~~~ Means that the output stream of the entire block is just echoing the tuple `(prodX, lastEven)`. (Operationally, you can imagine that, at every step, `x` is "fed into" `sumFrom 0`, and the result is named `sumX`; `x + sumX` is "fed into" `productFrom 1`, etc.) The power here is that it really reads like a straight-up dependency graph...a graph of relationships to names. Lay out your relationships explicitly and declaratively, and the library takes care of the rest! The semantic model of an `Auto` representing a maintained relationship is made very clear in `proc` notation. Later on you can see that `proc` blocks can be pretty expressive --- using if/then's and case statements, and also recursive bindings (so you can even declare recursive graphs of concepts, and the library will figure out how to solve it for you). By the way, there are some "scoping" issues to be aware of. Remember that proc more or less builds a graph of relationships between values using `Auto`s at compile-time; the whole graph and chaining-together-of-`Auto`s is done at compile time. So, the `Auto`s themselves have to be known at compile time. We can't do something like this: ~~~haskell foo :: Auto' Int Int foo = proc x -> do y <- productFrom 1 -< x z <- sumFrom y -< x id -< y + z ~~~ We can't do `sumFrom y`, because `y` isn't actually a "value" we have at "compile"/"building" time...`y` is the stream that is the cumulative product of the stream `x`. `y` changes at every "point in time". Remember, `Auto` relationships in a proc block are "fixed", and "forever"; `productFrom 1` is the "static relationship" between `x` and `y`. So the `Auto` where `sumFrom` has to be a fixed thing that never changes. But `y` changes every step! You can however do something like: ~~~haskell bar :: Int -> Auto' Int Int bar x0 = proc x -> do y <- productFrom 1 -< x z <- sumFrom x0 -< x id -< y + z ~~~ Because when we are "building" `bar x0`, we *have* `x0`! It'll be `sumFrom x0`, forever! ### Anyways! Anyways! Those are the primary typeclass based interfaces; explore the library for more! ### From scratch If you have to, when creating `Auto`s from scratch, we have: ~~~haskell pure :: b -> Auto m a b effect :: m b -> Auto m a b arr :: (a -> b) -> Auto m a b arrM :: (a -> m b) -> Auto m a b ~~~ `pure` and `effect` give you "constant-producing `Auto`"s that ignore their input; `pure x` is an `Auto` that ignores its input and always outputs `x`. `effect m` is an `Auto` that ignores its input and executes/sequences `m` at every "step", and outputs the result at every step. `arr` is an `Auto` that maps every input to an output by running a pure function, and `arrM` is an `Auto` that does the same but with a "monadic" function. Here is a handy little summary! ~~~haskell streamAuto' (pure x) == map (const x) streamAuto (effect m) == mapM (const m) streamAuto' (arr f) == map f streamauto (arrM f) == mapM f ~~~ None of these `Auto`s have "internal state"; however, we can make our own internally stateful `Auto`s from scratch: ~~~haskell iterator :: (b -> b) -> b -> Auto m a b iteratorM :: (b -> m b) -> b -> Auto m a b accum :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Auto m a b accumM :: (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> Auto m a b mkState :: (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> s -> Auto m a b mkStateM :: (a -> s -> m (b, s)) -> s -> Auto m a b mkAuto_ :: (a -> (b, Auto m a b)) -> Auto m a b mkAutoM_ :: (a -> m (b, Auto m a b)) -> Auto m a b ~~~ You can look at the documentation for all of these, but these all basically work with "internal state" --- `iterator` ignores its input and repeatedly applies a function to a value and pops it out at every step. `accum` maintains that the *output* is always the result of "folding together" (a la `foldl`) all of the inputs so far, with a starting value. `mkState` is like a more powerful `accum`, which keeps an internal state that is updated at every step. `mkAuto_` lets you describe an `Auto` by its behavior under `stepAuto'`. ~~~haskell ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' (iterator (+1) 0) (repeat ()) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' (accum (+) 0) [1..] [1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55] ~~~ It is recommended to only use `accum`, `mkState`, `mkAuto` only when absolutely necessary; usually you can make what you want from combining smaller, simple, pre-made `Auto`s. But sometimes the case does arrive. The Big Picture --------------- So, at this point, let's look at the "big picture". A program written with `Auto` will involve, at every "step", gathering input, feeding into the "master program `Auto`", getting the output, rendering it somehow, and repeating. But how do we build our `Auto`? What is the advantage of using `Auto` instead of `State`, etc.? `Auto` lets you compose little meaning-bits into more complex meaning bits, by specifying *invariant relationships* between *items of streams*. These are "forever-relationships" --- they don't just describe step-by-step, iterative, stateful actions --- they describe invariant relationships. And you can create your own by composing, modifying, chaining, etc. all of the primitives. Building a program in `Auto` is basically specifying relationships that are maintained "forever"...and thinking about your program in that manner. For example: ~~~haskell sumAndProd :: Auto' Int Int sumAndProd = proc x -> do sumX <- sumFrom 0 -< x prodX <- productFrom 1 -< x id -< sumX + prodX -- sumAndProd = liftA2 (+) (sumFrom 0) (productFrom 1) ~~~ `sumX` is a "forever" quantity...and so is `x`. We say that the relationship between `sumX` and `x` is that `sumX` is the cumulative sum (`sumFrom 0`) of `x`. The relationship between `prodX` and `x` is that `prodX` is the cumulative product...and the relationship between `x` and the output is that the output is the sum of `sumX` and `prodX` at every point in time. Operationally, you also have a huge advantage here over using something like `State` in that each `Auto` really contains its own "internal state" that is inaccessible by the world. For example, in that last example, `sumFrom 0` works by maintaining its own internal state. `productFrom 1` also maintains its own internal state. Nobody can ever "touch" or "inspect" the internal state of `sumFrom 0` and `prudctFrom 1`. It maintains it on its own. This is in big contrast to `State`-based solutions, which necessarily work on "global state", and managing global vs. local state with monad morphisms. Note that this "composes"; we can use `sumAndProd` in another `Auto`: ~~~haskell foo :: Auto' Int String foo = proc x -> do sp <- sumAndProd -< x y <- blah blah -< sp + x id -< show y ~~~ And `sumAndProd` now is its own "internally stateful" can take it and pop it onto any other chain. In `State`, you'd open yourself up to having to create new sum types for extra state...whenever you combined any two stateful operations on different states. This locally stateful property truly allows us to "compose" ideas together and relationships together and think of them as fixed invariants in a big picture. Because each `Auto` "denotes" a relationship, and we build up bigger `Auto`s by combining small denotative primitives to create bigger things that denote more complex relationships, it really allows us to create a denotative "language", where we declare relationships by building up smaller units of meaning into bigger units of meaning. do we actually implement the behavior that we want? This is a job for the primitive `Auto`s, but also really much a big job for ... the semantic tools that come with the library! Semantic Tools -------------- An `Auto` represents a relationship between an input stream and an output stream, but in order to build more expressive programs, this library also comes with more semantic tools to work with in characterizing your streams with "meaning", and tools to manipulate them and compose them in powerful ways (within this framework of meaning) to express your programs. The two main ones are `Blip` and `Interval`. ### Blip We say that, in the context of inputs/outputs of `Auto`, a `Blip a` represents a "blip stream" that occasionally, in isolated incidents, emits a value of type `a`. For example, `Auto' a (Blip b)` is an `Auto'` that a stream of `a`'s as input and outputs a *blip stream* that occasionally emits with a `b`. An `Auto' (Blip a) b` is an `Auto'` that takes a *blip stream* that occasionally emits with a `a` and outputs a stream of `b`'s. If an `Auto` takes or outputs a "blip stream", it comes with some "semantic" contracts on to how the stream behaves. The main contract is that your `Blip` stream should only output on (meaningfully) "isolated" incidents, and never on continuous regions of the input stream. This isn't enforced by the type system, but almost all of the `Auto`s offered in this library will preserve this property! And we encourage any that you make to also preserve this property, in order to make "blip streams" *useful in the first place*. We saw an example earlier, ~~~haskell ghci> let emitOn5s = emitOn (\x -> x `mod` 5 == 0) ghci> streamAuto' emitOn5s [1,5,9,3,10,2] [NoBlip, Blip 5, NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip 10, NoBlip] ~~~ Let's see if we can play around with it! Well, we can "tag" blip emissions: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (tagBlips "hey" . emitOn5s) [1,5,9,3,10,2] [NoBlip, Blip "hey", NoBlip, NoBlip, Blip "hey", NoBlip] ~~~ And with proc blocks, we can even "name" blip streams and manipulate them as streams! Oh, also, `Blip` is a `Functor`, so you can use `fmap` and `(<$)`. ~~~haskell blippy :: Monad m => Auto m Int String blippy = proc x -> do on3s <- tagBlips "3!" . emitOn3s -< x on5s' <- emitOn5s -< x let on5s = "5!" <$ on5s -- from Data.Functor: replace all emitted -- values with the string "5!" on35s = on3s `mergeL` on5s -- merge the streams, favoring the left intro <- immediately -< "hello!" middle <- inB 6 -< "#6!" wut <- never -< "this should never happen!" id -< mergeLs [never, intro, middle, on35s] -- merge all, favoring firsts ~~~ ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' blippy [5,7,15,10,13,15,2] [Blip "hello!", NoBlip, Blip "3!", Blip "5!", NoBlip, Blip "#6!", NoBlip] -- ^ intro ^ on3s ^ on5s ^ middle ~~~ Blip streams and "blip contracts"/"blip semantics" are useful because a lot of the other semantic abstractions in `Auto` (like switches, and `Interval`) all work with the "idea" of a "discrete", occasional, conceptually "non-contiguous" blip stream. Check out all of the built-in blip stream combinators at *[Control.Auto.Blip][]*. ### Interval The "opposite" of `Blip` and blip streams are "intervaled" `Auto`s: `Auto`s that are "on" or "off" for (conceptually) contiguous chunks of steps. An `Interval' a b` represents an `Auto` that takes a stream of `a`s as input, and outputs a stream of `b`s that is "on" or "off", at contiguous swaths. In truth, `Interval' a b` is just a type synonym for `Auto' a (Maybe b)`, and `Interval m a b` is just a type synonym for `Auto m a (Maybe b)`. But, if you see a library auto with type `Interval`, or if you make an auto with type `Interval`, it comes with "contracts". These contracts help us really use `Interval`s in a meaningful way --- that they are supposed to represent `Auto`s that output things that are "on" or "off" for contiguous steps. `Blip`s are "blippy", `Interval`s are "chunky". We've already seen an `Interval` earlier: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (hold . emitOn5s) [1,5,9,3,10,2] [Nothing, Just 5, Just 5, Just 5, Just 10, Just 10] ~~~ `hold :: Interval' (Blip a) a`, so it turns a blip stream into a stream of `a`s that are on and off. In this case, it starts off "off", and is "on" after the first emitted value, with the last emitted value. `Interval`s are nice because you can have "choices" between two "on-off" `Auto`s: ~~~haskell ghci> let a1 = (onFor 3 . arr (+ 100)) <|!> whenI (> 6) <|!> arr (+ 200) ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' a1 [1..] [101, 102, 203, 204, 205, 206, 7, 8, 9, 10] ghci> let a2 = chooseInterval [offFor 8, onFor 3 . arr (+ 100)] ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' a2 [1..] [Just 101, Just 102, Just 103, Nothing, Nothing, Just 6, Just 7] ~~~ (`<|!>`) forks the input into both `Interval`s, and the outputted one is the first one that is "on". You can chain them as long as the "final" `Auto` is an `Auto`, and not an `Interval`: ~~~haskell (<|!>) :: Interval m a b -> Auto m a b -> Auto m a b ~~~ `onFor n` lets the input pass for `n` steps. `whenI` lets the input "pass through" when the predicate is true (being sure to pick a meaningful predicate based on the expected input for "chunky" output) You can also "chain" `Interval`s with `bindI` and `compI`: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (whenI (< 3) `compI` whenI (> 6)) [1..8] [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just 6, Just 7, Just 8] ghci> streamAuto' (bindI (whenI (< 3)) . whenI (> 6)) [1..8] [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just 6, Just 7, Just 8] ~~~ Intervals are also used for things that want their `Auto`s to "signal" when they are "off". `Interval` is the universal language for, "you can be done with me", when it is needed. For example, the `interactAuto` loop takes an `Interval String String`, and "turns off" on the first `Nothing` or "off" value. ~~~haskell ghci> interactAuto (onFor 4 . arr (++ "!!!")) > hello hello!!! > how how!!! > are are!!! > you you!!! > today --- (end of output) ~~~ Like with blip streams, intervals are used to great effect with switches, like the useful `(-->)` combinator: ~~~haskell ghci> let a1 = whileI (<= 4) --> pure 0 ghci> streamAuto' a1 [1..10] [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] -- look, recursion! ghci> let a2 = (onFor 3 . pure "hi") --> (onFor 2 . pure "bye") --> a2 ghci> take 10 $ streamAuto' a2 (repeat ()) ["hi", "hi", "hi", "bye", "bye", "hi", "hi", "hi", "bye", "bye"] ~~~ You can see all of the built-in `Interval` combinators in *[Control.Auto.Interval][]*. ### More Tools #### Switching A powerful grab-bag of tools that can be used with intervals and blip streams is the idea of "switching", as mentioned earlier. `Auto`s that behave like one `Auto` for a while, and then another afterwards. For example, `switchOn_` and `switchOnF` lets you have an `Auto` that behaves like one `Auto`, until the blip stream it is receiving emits something --- then, it behaves like a totally new one, based on the emitted value. `switchFrom_` and `switchFromF` also gives you an `Auto` that behaves like one `Auto`...except that `Auto` has the ability to "replace itself" by having its output blip stream emit a value. The value determines what it wants to replace itself with. These are really useful for implementing things like "modes" --- your program has different modes of behavior, which you can represent with a different `Auto` for each mode...and you can switch between them with these switches! See the documentation for these at the *[Control.Auto.Switch][]* module for more information! #### Collections In *[Control.Auto.Collection][]*, we have a bunch of "`Auto` boxes" and "`Auto` collections", which maintain `Auto`s that are dynamic collections of `Auto`s. For example, you have `zipAuto`, which takes a list of `Auto`s and returns an `Auto` taking in a list, that feeds each item in the input list into each corresponding `Auto`. It's like running multiple `Auto`s in parallel on different inputs. For example, you have `mux f :: Auto m (k, a) b`, which stores a bunch of `Auto m a b`s indexed by a key `k`. At every step, it takes a `(k, a)`, looks up the `Auto` at that `k`, feeds in the `a`, and outputs that output `b`. You can use this to store several `Auto`s in parallel and really just run the one you want at any given time. There's also `gather f :: Auto m (k, a) (Map k b)`, which again stores a bunch of `Auto m a b`s indexed by a key `k`. At every step, it *updates* only the `Auto` at that key `k`, but outputs a `Map` of all the outputs so far by all of the internal `Auto`s. See the documentation at *[Control.Auto.Collection][]* for more! ### Recursive relationships Not exactly a tool per se, but the *auto* library has the ability to state and "solve" for recursive relationships. We can define an `Auto` that "chases" its input: ~~~haskell chaseFrom :: Num a => a -> Auto' a a chaseFrom x0 = proc target -> do rec let step = signum (target - x) -- 1 if target is bigger -- 0 if matches -- -1 if smaller x <- sumFromD x0 -< step id -< x ~~~ ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (chaseFrom 0) [3,3,3,3,3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] [0,1,2,3,3,3,2,1,0,-1] -- ^ chasing 3 ^ -- ^ chasing -1 ~~~ `x` is the cumulative sum of each `step` and the `step` is determined based on the `target` and the current position `x`. So `x`'s relationship is that it is the cumulative sum of `step`, and `step`'s relationship is that it is the difference between `x` and `target`. It's a recursive relationship! The *auto* library will attempt to find a "fixed point" of the recursive relationship...sort of "solving for" the output stream that will match this recursive relationship. However, it needs a little help. For every step, it needs a way to get a "first value" from *something* without needing any input. That is, at least *one* of the `Auto`s in your proc block has to be able to pop out its *first* result without an input. This is what `sumFromD` is for...we don't use `sumFrom`, but `sumFromD`. `sumFromD` will always output *its original accumulator first*, before taking into account the inputs: ~~~haskell ghci> streamAuto' (sumFrom 0) [1..10] [1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55] ghci> streamAuto' (sumFromD 0) [1..10] [0,1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45] ~~~ This is how the *auto* library will "tie" the loop and find the fixed point. Have this, and everything works! Cyclic relationships and feedback loops... just like in real life! Serialization ------------- One of this library's features is that the `Auto` type offers an interface in which you can serialize ("freeze") and "resume" an Auto, in `ByteString` (binary) form. You can "freeze" any `Auto` into a `ByteString` using `encodeAuto`, and you can "resume" any `Auto` from a `ByteString` using `decodeAuto`. Note `decodeAuto` and `loadAuto` "resume" a *given `Auto`*. That is, if you call `decodeAuto` on a "fresh `Auto`", it'll decode a `ByteString` into *that `Auto`, but "resumed"*. That is, it'll "fast forward" that `Auto` into the state it was when it was saved. For example, let's look at `sumFrom 0`. If it is fed 3 and 10, it'll have its internal accumulator as 13, keeping track of all the numbers it has seen so far. ~~~haskell ghci> let a = sumFrom 0 ghci> let (_, a') = stepAuto' a 3 ghci> let (_, a'') = stepAuto' a' 10 ~~~ `encodeAuto` can be used to "freeze"/"save" the `Auto` into the `ByteString` `bs`: ~~~haskell ghci> let bs = encodeAuto a'' ~~~ `decodeAuto` can be used to "resume" from the *original* `a`. Remember, `a` was the original `Auto`, the summer `Auto` with a starting accumulator of 0. `decodeAuto` will "resume" it, with and resume it with its internal accumulator at 13. ~~~haskell ghci> let Right resumed = decodeAuto a bs ghci> let (y, _) = stepAuto' resumed 0 13 ~~~ Note that not all `Auto`s in this library can be resumed. By default, you can assume that they *can*...while those that can't will by naming convention be suffixed with a `_`: `sumFrom` vs. `sumFrom_`, for example. This means that when you "save" the `Auto`, you don't really save any state...and when you "resume" it, nothing is really resumed, and resuming is a no-op: ~~~haskell -- sumFrom_ can't be saved/resumed, so it "goes nowhere" when resumed. decodeAuto (sumFrom_ 0) bs = Right (sumFrom_ 0) ~~~ This feature is useful for "save states" of certain `Auto`s, or just for serialization and resuming in general. You can play some fun tricks with the *[Control.Auto.Serialize][]* module...for example, `saving "foo.dat"` will turn any `Auto` into an `Auto` that serializes itself at every step to "foo.dat" ~~~haskell ghci> let a1 = saving "foo.dat" (sumFrom 0) :: Auto IO Int Int ghci> streamAuto a1 [1..10] -- saves the Auto as it goes along [ 1, 3, 6,10,15,21,28,36, 45, 55] ghci> a2 <- readAutoErr "foo.dat" a1 :: Auto IO Int Int ghci> streamAuto a2 [1..10] -- a2 is resumed to where a1 was last [56,58,61,65,70,76,83,91,100,110] ~~~ If you want to make your own `Auto` combinators and transformers that work with serialization, see the mini-tutorial at the documentation for [mkAutoM][] in the [Control.Auto.Core][] module ### Serialization composes The magic of implicit serialization is that the serialization of complex `Auto`s is preserved under combination and manipulation with the various instances and combinators in this library. For example, serializing the complex `blippy` example above, or a huge complex application, is all done automatically! The overall serialization structure is implicitly built and inferred. Think of it like the library analyzing what needs to be serialized in your program, and coming up with a serialization and reloading strategy. This is used to great effect in [auto-examples][], where entire applications and chat bots are serialized..."for free". Build complex chat bots, and the serialization is handled implicitly. ### Safecopy problem There is one slightly drawback however...the "safecopy" problem. If you alter the structure of your `Auto` by adding another aspect that needs to be serialized...your `Auto` can no longer "read"/resume from the binary serialization of its older version, because it'll expect the previous serialization strategy, and be unable to read it. This means that, if you publish programs, save files might become unloadable by new versions of your `Auto`. One solution is to *serialize individual portions* only of your program --- portions that you know will stay fixed. You can do this by techniques in [chatbot][], where each individual module of the chatbot is serialized to its own place on disk using `serializing`, a variation of `saving` from above. That way, if you add more modules to the chat bot, it can still individually resume its smaller modules without caring about the rest. [chatbot]: (I'll admit that this is not a perfect solution; more research and experiments are continually being done. Feel free to talk to me if you have any ideas or leads!) Final partings -------------- One last note before finishing up...if you ever want to implement a low-level library, or implement a "back-end", defining your own `Auto`s and working with them has its own rules. You're a bit "on your own", in this sense; the optimization game might take you to places that really get rid of the nice semantic denotative ideals of this library. I plan on writing a framework/low-level guide soon (for writing, say, a GUI framework, or hooking on GUI). However, one good principle is just to *separate* your "two hats" as much as possible. There's the hat you wear when you are thinking about your program logic, dealing with compositions of ideas ... and there's the hat you wear when you are at the nitty-gritty interface between your system and the real world. One goal in Haskell is always to be able to create as clear a divide as you can really enjoy the best of both worlds. So just make sure that the `Auto`s and API that you export behave in meaningful ways that you can reason about...just what we expect from using `Auto` :) Anyways, I recommend just looking over the combinators available to you in the various modules, like *[Control.Auto.Blip][]*, *[Control.Auto.Interval][]*, and *[Control.Auto.Switch][]*. We didn't go over anything close to all of them in this tutorial, so it's nice for getting a good overview. The most up-to-date documentation at this point in time is on [the github pages][docs], but there's also the [hackage docs][hackage] as well. A good next step too would be to check out the [All About Auto][aaa] series on my blog, where I break down approaching and finishing real-world problems with the library using the tools described here. You can also look at the [auto-examples][] directory and peruse over the examples, which each highlight a different aspect of the library, so you can see how all of these ideas work together. Help is always available on the *#haskell-auto* channel on freenode IRC, and there's also a [gitter channel][] if IRC is not your thing; you can also email me at , or find me on twitter as [mstk][twitter]. There is no mailing list or message board yet, but for now, feel free to abuse the [github issue tracker][issues]. Now go forth and make locally stateful, denotative, declarative programs! [aaa]: [auto-examples]: [blog]: [docs]: [gitter channel]: [hackage]: [issues]: [mkAutoM]: [tutorial]: [twitter]: [Control.Auto.Blip]: [Control.Auto.Collection]: [Control.Auto.Core]: [Control.Auto.Interval]: [Control.Auto.Run]: [Control.Auto.Serialize]: [Control.Auto.Switch]: