# Changelog ## [] - 2022-07-21 ### Added * `discriminatedUnionCodec` for discriminated unions ## [] - 2022-07-14 ### Changed * Doctest fix ## [] - 2022-06-24 ### Added * `scientificWithBoundsCodec` for a `NumberCodec` with bounds but without a name. ## [] - 2022-05-03 ### Changed * Generalised the type of `parseAlternative`. ## [] - 2022-05-03 ### Changed * Generalise type of `matchChoiceCodec` to allow for two different input types. * Add disjoint versions of `matchChoiceCodec` and `matchChoicesCodec`. * Functions `enumCodec`, `stringConstCodec`, and `shownBoundedEnumCodec` now produce disjoint codecs. ## [] - 2022-04-26 ### Added * Compatibility with `aeson >=` ## [] - 2021-12-23 ### Changed * `EitherCodec` now takes a `Union` to specify whether the union is disjoint or not. ### Added * `disjointEitherCodec` and `possiblyJointEitherCodec`. ## [] - 2021-11-19 First release.