module Autoexporter where

import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import qualified System.Environment as Environment
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- Environment.getArgs
    case args of
        [name, inputFile, outputFile] -> do
            input <- readFile inputFile
            case input of
                "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF nafta #-}\n" -> do
                    let moduleName = makeModuleName name

                    let directory = FilePath.dropExtension inputFile
                    files <- Directory.getDirectoryContents directory
                    let haskellFiles = filter (\ f -> List.isSuffixOf ".hs" f || List.isSuffixOf ".lhs" f) files
                    let paths = map (directory FilePath.</>) haskellFiles
                    let modules = List.sort (map makeModuleName paths)
                    let exports = init (unlines (map (\ x -> "    module " ++ x ++ ",") modules))
                    let imports = init (unlines (map ("import " ++) modules))

                    let output = unlines
                            [ unwords ["module", moduleName, "("]
                            , exports
                            , ") where"
                            , ""
                            , imports
                    writeFile outputFile output
                _ -> error ("unexpected input: " ++ show input)
        _ -> error ("unexpected arguments: " ++ show args)
    makeModuleName :: FilePath -> String
    makeModuleName name =
        let path = FilePath.dropExtension name
            parts = FilePath.splitDirectories path
            -- TODO: Figure out a better way to get the actual module name.
            rest = tail (dropWhile (/= "library") parts)
        in  List.intercalate "." rest