Build #1 for automotive-cse-

[all reports]

Package automotive-cse-
Install InstallOk
Docs Ok
Tests NotTried
Time submitted 2016-04-09 09:02:35.259645 UTC
Compiler ghc-7.10.3
OS linux
Arch x86_64
Dependencies memory-0.11, cryptonite-0.13, cereal-, bytestring-, base-
Flags none

Code Coverage

No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.

Build log

[view raw]

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring cereal-
Building cereal-
Preprocessing library cereal-
[1 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize.Put ( src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs, dist/build/Data/Serialize/Put.o )
[2 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize.Get ( src/Data/Serialize/Get.hs, dist/build/Data/Serialize/Get.o )
[3 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize.IEEE754 ( src/Data/Serialize/IEEE754.hs, dist/build/Data/Serialize/IEEE754.o )
[4 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize   ( src/Data/Serialize.hs, dist/build/Data/Serialize.o )
In-place registering cereal-
Running Haddock for cereal-
Running hscolour for cereal-
Preprocessing library cereal-
Preprocessing library cereal-
Haddock coverage:
  68% ( 30 / 44) in 'Data.Serialize.Put'
  Missing documentation for:
    Putter (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:133)
    putBuilder (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:171)
    putShortByteString (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:220)
    putTwoOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:300)
    putListOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:304)
    putIArrayOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:310)
    putSeqOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:316)
    putTreeOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:322)
    putMapOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:329)
    putIntMapOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:333)
    putSetOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:337)
    putIntSetOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:341)
    putMaybeOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:345)
    putEitherOf (src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs:350)
  94% ( 60 / 64) in 'Data.Serialize.Get'
  Missing documentation for:
    label (src/Data/Serialize/Get.hs:265)
    getLazyByteString (src/Data/Serialize/Get.hs:494)
    getShortByteString (src/Data/Serialize/Get.hs:499)
    getTwoOf (src/Data/Serialize/Get.hs:738)
 100% ( 11 / 11) in 'Data.Serialize.IEEE754'
Cannot find documentation for: $example
 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'Data.Serialize'
Warning: Data.Serialize.Put: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: Data.Serialize.Get: could not find link destinations for:
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/cereal/index.html,
Creating package registration file:
Installing library in
Registering cereal-
Installed cereal-
Configuring memory-0.11...
Building memory-0.11...
Preprocessing library memory-0.11...
[ 1 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.MemMap.Posix ( dist/build/Data/Memory/MemMap/Posix.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/MemMap/Posix.o )
[ 2 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.DeepSeq ( Data/Memory/Internal/DeepSeq.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Internal/DeepSeq.o )
[ 3 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim64 ( Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.o )
[ 4 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim ( Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim.o )
[ 5 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.Scrubber ( Data/Memory/Internal/Scrubber.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Internal/Scrubber.o )
[ 6 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.ExtendedWords ( Data/Memory/ExtendedWords.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/ExtendedWords.o )
[ 7 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.Imports ( Data/Memory/Internal/Imports.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Internal/Imports.o )
[ 8 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.PtrMethods ( Data/Memory/PtrMethods.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/PtrMethods.o )
[ 9 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.Compat ( Data/Memory/Internal/Compat.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Internal/Compat.o )
[10 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Encoding.Base16 ( Data/Memory/Encoding/Base16.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Encoding/Base16.o )
[11 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Encoding.Base32 ( Data/Memory/Encoding/Base32.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Encoding/Base32.o )
[12 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Encoding.Base64 ( Data/Memory/Encoding/Base64.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Encoding/Base64.o )
[13 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Endian ( Data/Memory/Endian.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Endian.o )
[14 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Hash.SipHash ( Data/Memory/Hash/SipHash.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Hash/SipHash.o )
[15 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Hash.FNV ( Data/Memory/Hash/FNV.hs, dist/build/Data/Memory/Hash/FNV.o )
[16 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Types ( Data/ByteArray/Types.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Types.o )

Data/ByteArray/Types.hs:15:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid()
[17 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Bytes ( Data/ByteArray/Bytes.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Bytes.o )

Data/ByteArray/Bytes.hs:20:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid()
[18 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.ScrubbedBytes ( Data/ByteArray/ScrubbedBytes.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/ScrubbedBytes.o )

Data/ByteArray/ScrubbedBytes.hs:19:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid()
[19 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.MemView ( Data/ByteArray/MemView.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/MemView.o )
[20 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Pack.Internal ( Data/ByteArray/Pack/Internal.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Pack/Internal.o )

Data/ByteArray/Pack/Internal.hs:20:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Memory.Internal.Imports’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Memory.Internal.Imports’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Memory.Internal.Imports()
[21 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Methods ( Data/ByteArray/Methods.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Methods.o )
[22 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.View ( Data/ByteArray/View.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/View.o )
[23 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Encoding ( Data/ByteArray/Encoding.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Encoding.o )
[24 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Mapping ( Data/ByteArray/Mapping.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Mapping.o )
[25 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Parse ( Data/ByteArray/Parse.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Parse.o )
[26 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Hash ( Data/ByteArray/Hash.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Hash.o )
[27 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray   ( Data/ByteArray.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray.o )
[28 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Pack ( Data/ByteArray/Pack.hs, dist/build/Data/ByteArray/Pack.o )
In-place registering memory-0.11...
Running Haddock for memory-0.11...
Running hscolour for memory-0.11...
Preprocessing library memory-0.11...
Preprocessing library memory-0.11...

Data/ByteArray/Types.hs:15:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid()

Data/ByteArray/Bytes.hs:20:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid()

Data/ByteArray/ScrubbedBytes.hs:19:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid()

Data/ByteArray/Pack/Internal.hs:20:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Data.Memory.Internal.Imports’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Memory.Internal.Imports’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Memory.Internal.Imports()
Haddock coverage:
 100% ( 15 / 15) in 'Data.Memory.MemMap.Posix'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Data.Memory.Internal.DeepSeq'
   3% (  1 / 31) in 'Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim64'
  Missing documentation for:
    Word64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:63)
    Int64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:64)
    eqInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:84)
    neInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:87)
    ltInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:90)
    leInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:93)
    gtInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:96)
    geInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:99)
    quotInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:102)
    remInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:105)
    eqWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:66)
    neWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:69)
    ltWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:72)
    leWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:75)
    gtWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:78)
    geWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:81)
    and64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:108)
    or64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:111)
    xor64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:114)
    not64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:117)
    timesWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:144)
    uncheckedShiftL64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:120)
    uncheckedShiftRL64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:123)
    int64ToWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:126)
    word64ToInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:129)
    intToInt64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:132)
    int64ToInt# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:135)
    wordToWord64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:138)
    word64ToWord# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:141)
    w64# (Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:147)
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim'
  50% (  1 /  2) in 'Data.Memory.Internal.Scrubber'
  Missing documentation for:
    getScrubber (Data/Memory/Internal/Scrubber.hs:20)
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Data.Memory.ExtendedWords'
Warning: Data.Memory.Internal.Imports: Could not find documentation for exported module: X
 100% (  1 /  1) in 'Data.Memory.Internal.Imports'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Data.Memory.PtrMethods'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Data.Memory.Internal.Compat'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Data.Memory.Encoding.Base16'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Data.Memory.Encoding.Base32'
  67% (  6 /  9) in 'Data.Memory.Encoding.Base64'
  Missing documentation for:
    toBase64OpenBSD (Data/Memory/Encoding/Base64.hs:56)
    fromBase64URLUnpadded (Data/Memory/Encoding/Base64.hs:135)
    fromBase64OpenBSD (Data/Memory/Encoding/Base64.hs:132)
 100% ( 10 / 10) in 'Data.Memory.Endian'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Data.Memory.Hash.SipHash'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Data.Memory.Hash.FNV'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Data.ByteArray.Types'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Data.ByteArray.Bytes'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Data.ByteArray.ScrubbedBytes'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Data.ByteArray.MemView'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Data.ByteArray.Pack.Internal'
 100% ( 31 / 31) in 'Data.ByteArray.Methods'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Data.ByteArray.View'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Data.ByteArray.Encoding'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Data.ByteArray.Mapping'
 100% ( 17 / 17) in 'Data.ByteArray.Parse'
 100% ( 13 / 13) in 'Data.ByteArray.Hash'
 100% ( 44 / 44) in 'Data.ByteArray'
 100% ( 17 / 17) in 'Data.ByteArray.Pack'
Warning: Data.Memory.Endian: could not find link destinations for:
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/memory/index.html,
Creating package registration file:
Installing library in
Registering memory-0.11...
Installed memory-0.11
Configuring cryptonite-0.13...
Building cryptonite-0.13...
Preprocessing library cryptonite-0.13...
[  1 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.CompatPrim ( Crypto/Internal/CompatPrim.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/CompatPrim.o )
[  2 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Source ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Source.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Entropy/Source.o )
[  3 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.RDRand ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/RDRand.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Entropy/RDRand.o )
[  4 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Unix ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Unix.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Entropy/Unix.o )
[  5 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Words ( Crypto/Internal/Words.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/Words.o )
[  6 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Backend ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Backend.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Entropy/Backend.o )
[  7 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Unsafe ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Unsafe.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Entropy/Unsafe.o )
[  8 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Internal ( Crypto/PubKey/Internal.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/Internal.o )
[  9 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.Compat ( Crypto/Number/Compat.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/Compat.o )
[ 10 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.Basic ( Crypto/Number/Basic.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/Basic.o )
[ 11 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic ( Crypto/Number/ModArithmetic.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/ModArithmetic.o )
[ 12 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.Serialize.Internal ( Crypto/Number/Serialize/Internal.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/Serialize/Internal.o )
[ 13 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.DeepSeq ( Crypto/Internal/DeepSeq.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/DeepSeq.o )
[ 14 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Data.Padding ( Crypto/Data/Padding.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Data/Padding.o )
[ 15 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.DES.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/DES/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/DES/Primitive.o )
[ 16 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Compat ( Crypto/Internal/Compat.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/Compat.o )
[ 17 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.WordArray ( Crypto/Internal/WordArray.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/WordArray.o )
[ 18 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Box ( Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish/Box.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish/Box.o )
[ 19 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.ByteArray ( Crypto/Internal/ByteArray.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/ByteArray.o )
[ 20 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.Serialize ( Crypto/Number/Serialize.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/Serialize.o )
[ 21 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy ( Crypto/Random/Entropy.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Entropy.o )
[ 22 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.EntropyPool ( Crypto/Random/EntropyPool.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/EntropyPool.o )
[ 23 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Utils ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Utils.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types/Utils.o )
[ 24 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Imports ( Crypto/Internal/Imports.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Internal/Imports.o )
[ 25 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.ChaCha ( Crypto/Cipher/ChaCha.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/ChaCha.o )
[ 26 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.RC4 ( Crypto/Cipher/RC4.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/RC4.o )
[ 27 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Salsa ( Crypto/Cipher/Salsa.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Salsa.o )
[ 28 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Types ( Crypto/Random/Types.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Types.o )
[ 29 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Error.Types ( Crypto/Error/Types.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Error/Types.o )
[ 30 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.F2m ( Crypto/Number/F2m.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/F2m.o )
[ 31 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.Generate ( Crypto/Number/Generate.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/Generate.o )
[ 32 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Types ( Crypto/Hash/Types.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Types.o )
[ 33 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.IO   ( Crypto/Hash/IO.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/IO.o )
[ 34 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2s ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2s.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Blake2s.o )
[ 35 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2sp ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2sp.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Blake2sp.o )
[ 36 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2b ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2b.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Blake2b.o )
[ 37 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2bp ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2bp.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Blake2bp.o )
[ 38 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.MD2  ( Crypto/Hash/MD2.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/MD2.o )
[ 39 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.MD4  ( Crypto/Hash/MD4.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/MD4.o )
[ 40 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.MD5  ( Crypto/Hash/MD5.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/MD5.o )
[ 41 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA1 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA1.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA1.o )
[ 42 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA224 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA224.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA224.o )
[ 43 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA256 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA256.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA256.o )
[ 44 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA384 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA384.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA384.o )
[ 45 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA512 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA512.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA512.o )
[ 46 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA512t ( Crypto/Hash/SHA512t.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA512t.o )
[ 47 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA3 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA3.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/SHA3.o )
[ 48 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Keccak ( Crypto/Hash/Keccak.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Keccak.o )
[ 49 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160 ( Crypto/Hash/RIPEMD160.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/RIPEMD160.o )
[ 50 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Tiger ( Crypto/Hash/Tiger.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Tiger.o )
[ 51 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Skein256 ( Crypto/Hash/Skein256.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Skein256.o )
[ 52 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Skein512 ( Crypto/Hash/Skein512.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Skein512.o )
[ 53 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Whirlpool ( Crypto/Hash/Whirlpool.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Whirlpool.o )
[ 54 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Algorithms ( Crypto/Hash/Algorithms.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash/Algorithms.o )
[ 55 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Hash      ( Crypto/Hash.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Hash.o )
[ 56 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Data.AFIS ( Crypto/Data/AFIS.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Data/AFIS.o )
[ 57 of 102] Compiling Crypto.MAC.HMAC  ( Crypto/MAC/HMAC.hs, dist/build/Crypto/MAC/HMAC.o )
[ 58 of 102] Compiling Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2 ( Crypto/KDF/PBKDF2.hs, dist/build/Crypto/KDF/PBKDF2.o )
[ 59 of 102] Compiling Crypto.KDF.Scrypt ( Crypto/KDF/Scrypt.hs, dist/build/Crypto/KDF/Scrypt.o )
[ 60 of 102] Compiling Crypto.KDF.HKDF  ( Crypto/KDF/HKDF.hs, dist/build/Crypto/KDF/HKDF.o )
[ 61 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.MaskGenFunction ( Crypto/PubKey/MaskGenFunction.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/MaskGenFunction.o )
[ 62 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.DSA ( Crypto/PubKey/DSA.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/DSA.o )
[ 63 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Types.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Types.o )
[ 64 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/Types.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/RSA/Types.o )
[ 65 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Prim ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/Prim.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/RSA/Prim.o )
[ 66 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.ChaChaDRG ( Crypto/Random/ChaChaDRG.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/ChaChaDRG.o )
[ 67 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.SystemDRG ( Crypto/Random/SystemDRG.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/SystemDRG.o )
[ 68 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random    ( Crypto/Random.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random.o )
[ 69 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Random.Probabilistic ( Crypto/Random/Probabilistic.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Random/Probabilistic.o )
[ 70 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Number.Prime ( Crypto/Number/Prime.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Number/Prime.o )
[ 71 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.DH ( Crypto/PubKey/DH.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/DH.o )
[ 72 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/RSA.o )
[ 73 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/PKCS15.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/RSA/PKCS15.o )
[ 74 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/PSS.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/RSA/PSS.o )
[ 75 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/OAEP.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/RSA/OAEP.o )
[ 76 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Prim.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Prim.o )
[ 77 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/ECDSA.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ECC/ECDSA.o )
[ 78 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Generate.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Generate.o )
[ 79 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.DH ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/DH.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ECC/DH.o )
[ 80 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.GF ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/GF.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types/GF.o )
[ 81 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ElGamal ( Crypto/PubKey/ElGamal.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ElGamal.o )
[ 82 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Error     ( Crypto/Error.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Error.o )
[ 83 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish/Primitive.o )
[ 84 of 102] Compiling Crypto.KDF.BCrypt ( Crypto/KDF/BCrypt.hs, dist/build/Crypto/KDF/BCrypt.o )
[ 85 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Camellia.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/Camellia/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Camellia/Primitive.o )
[ 86 of 102] Compiling Crypto.MAC.Poly1305 ( Crypto/MAC/Poly1305.hs, dist/build/Crypto/MAC/Poly1305.o )
[ 87 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305 ( Crypto/Cipher/ChaChaPoly1305.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/ChaChaPoly1305.o )
[ 88 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Base ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Base.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types/Base.o )
[ 89 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.AEAD ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/AEAD.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types/AEAD.o )
[ 90 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Block ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Block.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types/Block.o )
[ 91 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Stream ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Stream.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types/Stream.o )
[ 92 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types ( Crypto/Cipher/Types.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Types.o )
[ 93 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.AES.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/AES/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/AES/Primitive.o )
[ 94 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish ( Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish.o )
[ 95 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Camellia ( Crypto/Cipher/Camellia.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/Camellia.o )
[ 96 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.DES ( Crypto/Cipher/DES.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/DES.o )
[ 97 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.TripleDES ( Crypto/Cipher/TripleDES.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/TripleDES.o )
[ 98 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 ( Crypto/PubKey/Curve25519.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/Curve25519.o )
[ 99 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.P256 ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/P256.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/ECC/P256.o )
[100 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 ( Crypto/PubKey/Ed25519.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/Ed25519.o )
[101 of 102] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Ed448 ( Crypto/PubKey/Ed448.hs, dist/build/Crypto/PubKey/Ed448.o )
[102 of 102] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.AES ( Crypto/Cipher/AES.hs, dist/build/Crypto/Cipher/AES.o )
In-place registering cryptonite-0.13...
Running Haddock for cryptonite-0.13...
Running hscolour for cryptonite-0.13...
Preprocessing library cryptonite-0.13...
Preprocessing library cryptonite-0.13...
Haddock coverage:
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Crypto.Internal.CompatPrim'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Random.Entropy.Source'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Random.Entropy.RDRand'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Random.Entropy.Unix'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Internal.Words'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Random.Entropy.Backend'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Random.Entropy.Unsafe'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.PubKey.Internal'
 100% ( 14 / 14) in 'Crypto.Number.Compat'
 100% (  7 /  7) in 'Crypto.Number.Basic'
 100% (  7 /  7) in 'Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Number.Serialize.Internal'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Internal.DeepSeq'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Data.Padding'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Cipher.DES.Primitive'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Internal.Compat'
 100% ( 17 / 17) in 'Crypto.Internal.WordArray'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Box'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Internal.ByteArray'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Number.Serialize'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Random.Entropy'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Random.EntropyPool'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types.Utils'
Warning: Crypto.Internal.Imports: Could not find documentation for exported module: X
 100% (  1 /  1) in 'Crypto.Internal.Imports'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Crypto.Cipher.ChaCha'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Cipher.RC4'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Salsa'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Random.Types'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Crypto.Error.Types'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Crypto.Number.F2m'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Number.Generate'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Hash.Types'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Crypto.Hash.IO'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Hash.Blake2s'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Hash.Blake2sp'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.Blake2b'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.Blake2bp'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.MD2'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.MD4'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.MD5'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA1'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA224'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA256'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA384'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA512'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA512t'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Hash.SHA3'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Hash.Keccak'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.Tiger'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Hash.Skein256'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Hash.Skein512'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Hash.Whirlpool'
 100% ( 36 / 36) in 'Crypto.Hash.Algorithms'
Warning: Crypto.Hash: hashBlockSize is exported separately but will be documented under HashAlgorithm. Consider exporting it together with its parent(s) for code clarity.
Warning: Crypto.Hash: hashDigestSize is exported separately but will be documented under HashAlgorithm. Consider exporting it together with its parent(s) for code clarity.
 100% ( 18 / 18) in 'Crypto.Hash'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Data.AFIS'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Crypto.MAC.HMAC'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.KDF.Scrypt'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.KDF.HKDF'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.PubKey.MaskGenFunction'
 100% ( 19 / 19) in 'Crypto.PubKey.DSA'
 100% ( 15 / 15) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types'
 100% ( 11 / 11) in 'Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Prim'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Random.ChaChaDRG'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Random.SystemDRG'
 100% ( 14 / 14) in 'Crypto.Random'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Random.Probabilistic'
 100% ( 10 / 10) in 'Crypto.Number.Prime'
 100% ( 10 / 10) in 'Crypto.PubKey.DH'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Crypto.PubKey.RSA'
 100% ( 15 / 15) in 'Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim'
 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ECC.DH'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types.GF'
 100% ( 19 / 19) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ElGamal'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Crypto.Error'
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Primitive'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.KDF.BCrypt'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Camellia.Primitive'
  92% ( 11 / 12) in 'Crypto.MAC.Poly1305'
  Missing documentation for:
    authTag (Crypto/MAC/Poly1305.hs:47)
 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305'
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types.Base'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types.AEAD'
 100% ( 19 / 19) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types.Block'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types.Stream'
 100% ( 25 / 25) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Types'
 100% ( 27 / 27) in 'Crypto.Cipher.AES.Primitive'
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Cipher.Camellia'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Crypto.Cipher.DES'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Crypto.Cipher.TripleDES'
 100% ( 11 / 11) in 'Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519'
 100% ( 26 / 26) in 'Crypto.PubKey.ECC.P256'
 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519'
 100% ( 11 / 11) in 'Crypto.PubKey.Ed448'
 100% (  4 /  4) in 'Crypto.Cipher.AES'
Warning: Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15: could not find link destinations for:
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/cryptonite/index.html,
Creating package registration file:
Installing library in
Registering cryptonite-0.13...
Installed cryptonite-0.13
Downloading automotive-cse-
Configuring automotive-cse-
Building automotive-cse-
Preprocessing library automotive-cse-
[1 of 3] Compiling Backport.Crypto.ConstructHash.MiyaguchiPreneel ( src/Backport/Crypto/ConstructHash/MiyaguchiPreneel.hs, dist/build/Backport/Crypto/ConstructHash/MiyaguchiPreneel.o )
[2 of 3] Compiling Backport.Crypto.MAC.CMAC ( src/Backport/Crypto/MAC/CMAC.hs, dist/build/Backport/Crypto/MAC/CMAC.o )
[3 of 3] Compiling Codec.Automotive.CSE ( src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs, dist/build/Codec/Automotive/CSE.o )

src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:17:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’
    To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative()
In-place registering automotive-cse-
Running Haddock for automotive-cse-
Running hscolour for automotive-cse-
Preprocessing library automotive-cse-
Preprocessing library automotive-cse-

src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:17:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’
    To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative()
Haddock coverage:
  60% (  3 /  5) in 'Backport.Crypto.ConstructHash.MiyaguchiPreneel'
  Missing documentation for:
    Module header
    MiyaguchiPreneel (src/Backport/Crypto/ConstructHash/MiyaguchiPreneel.hs:16)
  50% (  2 /  4) in 'Backport.Crypto.MAC.CMAC'
  Missing documentation for:
    Module header
    CMAC (src/Backport/Crypto/MAC/CMAC.hs:17)
   0% (  0 / 26) in 'Codec.Automotive.CSE'
  Missing documentation for:
    Module header
    M1 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:108)
    M2 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:116)
    M3 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:134)
    M4 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:142)
    M5 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:160)
    makeM1 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:110)
    makeM2 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:118)
    makeM3 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:136)
    makeM4 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:144)
    makeM5 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:162)
    K1 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:80)
    K2 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:87)
    K3 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:94)
    K4 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:101)
    makeK1 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:82)
    makeK2 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:89)
    makeK3 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:96)
    makeK4 (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:103)
    Derived (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:61)
    kdf (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:65)
    DerivedCipher (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:74)
    derivedCipher (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:76)
    KeyAuthUse (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:57)
    Auth (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:54)
    NotAuth (src/Codec/Automotive/CSE.hs:55)
Warning: Codec.Automotive.CSE: could not find link destinations for:
    Enc Mac K1' K2' K3' K4' UpdateC
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/automotive-cse/index.html,
Creating package registration file:
Installing library in
Registering automotive-cse-
Installed automotive-cse-

Test log

No test log was submitted for this report.