# avro-piper A Schema-registry aware avro decoding tool ### Example This tool is intended to be used with `kafkacat` as: ``` $ kafkacat -q -b -t data-topic -p 4 -o beginning -c 5 -D '---' | avro-decode -r -D '---' | jq . { "id": 185, "name": "Utah Education Network", "timestamp": 1473674981000 } { "id": 185, "name": "Utah Education Network", "timestamp": 1473626112000 } { "id": 185, "name": "Utah Education Network", "timestamp": 1473628416000 } { "id": 185, "name": "Utah Education Network", "timestamp": 1473697795000 } { "id": 185, "name": "Utah Education Network", "timestamp": 1473634687000 } ``` ## To build (or not to build) ``` git clone git@github.com:haskell-works/avro-piper.git cd avro-piper stack install ```