{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Main where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Aws import Aws.DynamoDb.Commands import Aws.DynamoDb.Core import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Control.Applicative import Data.Conduit import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.HTTP.Conduit (newManager, tlsManagerSettings) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- createTableAndWait :: IO () createTableAndWait = do let req0 = createTable "devel-1" [AttributeDefinition "name" AttrString] (HashOnly "name") (ProvisionedThroughput 1 1) resp0 <- runCommand req0 print resp0 print "Waiting for table to be created" threadDelay (30 * 1000000) let req1 = DescribeTable "devel-1" resp1 <- runCommand req1 print resp1 data ExampleItem = ExampleItem { name :: T.Text , class_ :: T.Text , boolAttr :: Bool , oldBoolAttr :: Bool } deriving (Show) instance ToDynItem ExampleItem where toItem (ExampleItem name class_ boolAttr oldBoolAttr) = item [ attr "name" name , attr "class" class_ , attr "boolattr" boolAttr , attr "oldboolattr" (OldBool oldBoolAttr) ] instance FromDynItem ExampleItem where parseItem x = ExampleItem <$> getAttr "name" x <*> getAttr "class" x <*> getAttr "boolattr" x <*> getAttr "oldboolattr" x main :: IO () main = do cfg <- Aws.baseConfiguration createTableAndWait `catch` (\DdbError{} -> putStrLn "Table already exists") putStrLn "Putting an item..." let x = ExampleItem { name = "josh", class_ = "not-so-awesome", boolAttr = False, oldBoolAttr = True } let req1 = (putItem "devel-1" (toItem x)) { piReturn = URAllOld , piRetCons = RCTotal , piRetMet = RICMSize } resp1 <- runCommand req1 print resp1 putStrLn "Getting the item back..." let req2 = getItem "devel-1" (hk "name" "josh") resp2 <- runCommand req2 print resp2 let y = fromItem (fromMaybe (item []) $ girItem resp2) :: Either String ExampleItem print y print =<< runCommand (updateItem "devel-1" (hk "name" "josh") [au (Attribute "class" "awesome")]) echo "Updating with false conditional." (print =<< runCommand (updateItem "devel-1" (hk "name" "josh") [au (Attribute "class" "awesomer")]) { uiExpect = Conditions CondAnd [Condition "name" (DEq "john")] }) `catch` (\ (e :: DdbError) -> echo ("Eating exception: " ++ show e)) echo "Getting the item back..." print =<< runCommand req2 echo "Updating with true conditional" print =<< runCommand (updateItem "devel-1" (hk "name" "josh") [au (Attribute "class" "awesomer"), au (attr "oldboolattr" False)]) { uiExpect = Conditions CondAnd [Condition "name" (DEq "josh")] } echo "Getting the item back..." print =<< runCommand req2 echo "Running a Query command..." print =<< runCommand (query "devel-1" (Slice (Attribute "name" "josh") Nothing)) echo "Running a Scan command..." print =<< runCommand (scan "devel-1") echo "Filling table with several items..." forM_ [0..30] $ \ i -> do threadDelay 50000 runCommand $ putItem "devel-1" $ item [Attribute "name" (toValue $ T.pack ("lots-" ++ show i)), attrAs int "val" i] echo "Now paginating in increments of 5..." let q0 = (scan "devel-1") { sLimit = Just 5 } mgr <- newManager tlsManagerSettings xs <- runResourceT $ awsIteratedList cfg debugServiceConfig mgr q0 `connect` C.consume echo ("Pagination returned " ++ show (length xs) ++ " items") runCommand r = do cfg <- Aws.baseConfiguration Aws.simpleAws cfg debugServiceConfig r echo = putStrLn