module Aws.Core
( -- * Logging
  -- * Response
  -- ** Metadata in responses
, Response(..)
, readResponse
, readResponseIO
, tellMetadata
, tellMetadataRef
, mapMetadata
  -- ** Response data consumers
, HTTPResponseConsumer
, ResponseConsumer(..)
  -- ** Memory response
, AsMemoryResponse(..)
  -- ** List response
, ListResponse(..)
  -- ** Exception types
, XmlException(..)
, HeaderException(..)
, FormException(..)
  -- ** Response deconstruction helpers
, readHex2
  -- *** XML
, elContent
, elCont
, force
, forceM
, textReadInt
, readInt
, xmlCursorConsumer
  -- * Query
, SignedQuery(..)
, NormalQuery
, UriOnlyQuery
, queryToHttpRequest
, queryToUri
  -- ** Expiration
, TimeInfo(..)
, AbsoluteTimeInfo(..)
, fromAbsoluteTimeInfo
, makeAbsoluteTimeInfo
 -- ** Signature
, SignatureData(..)
, signatureData
, SignQuery(..)
, AuthorizationHash(..)
, amzHash
, signature
  -- ** Query construction helpers
, queryList
, awsBool
, awsTrue
, awsFalse
, fmtTime
, fmtRfc822Time
, rfc822Time
, fmtAmzTime
, fmtTimeEpochSeconds
, parseHttpDate
, httpDate1
, textHttpDate
, iso8601UtcDate
  -- * Transactions
, Transaction
, IteratedTransaction(..)
  -- * Credentials
, Credentials(..)
, credentialsDefaultFile
, credentialsDefaultKey
, loadCredentialsFromFile
, loadCredentialsFromEnv
, loadCredentialsFromEnvOrFile
, loadCredentialsDefault
  -- * Service configuration
, DefaultServiceConfiguration(..)
  -- * HTTP types
, Protocol(..)
, defaultPort
, Method(..)
, httpMethod

import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Blaze
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow
import qualified Control.Exception        as E
import qualified Control.Failure          as F
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Crypto.Classes           as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.HMAC              as HMAC
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5          as MD5
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1         as SHA1
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256       as SHA256
import           Data.Attempt             (Attempt(..), FromAttempt(..))
import           Data.ByteString          (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString          as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64   as Base64
import           Data.ByteString.Char8    ({- IsString -})
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8     as BU
import           Data.Char
import           Data.Conduit             (ResourceT, ($$+-))
import qualified Data.Conduit             as C
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Serialize           as Serialize
import qualified Data.Text                as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding       as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO             as T
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Word
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit     as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types       as HTTP
import           System.Directory
import           System.Environment
import           System.FilePath          ((</>))
import           System.Locale
import qualified Text.XML                 as XML
import qualified Text.XML.Cursor          as Cu
import           Text.XML.Cursor          hiding (force, forceM)

-- | Types that can be logged (textually).
class Loggable a where
    toLogText :: a -> T.Text

-- | A response with metadata. Can also contain an error response, or an internal error, via 'Attempt'.
-- Response forms a Writer-like monad.
data Response m a = Response { responseMetadata :: m
                             , responseResult :: Attempt a }
    deriving (Show, Functor)

-- | Read a response result (if it's a success response, fail otherwise).
readResponse :: FromAttempt f => Response m a -> f a
readResponse = fromAttempt . responseResult

-- | Read a response result (if it's a success response, fail otherwise). In MonadIO.
readResponseIO :: MonadIO io => Response m a -> io a
readResponseIO = liftIO . readResponse

-- | An empty response with some metadata.
tellMetadata :: m -> Response m ()
tellMetadata m = Response m (return ())

-- | Apply a function to the metadata.
mapMetadata :: (m -> n) -> Response m a -> Response n a
mapMetadata f (Response m a) = Response (f m) a

--multiResponse :: Monoid m => Response m a -> Response [m] a -> 

instance Monoid m => Monad (Response m) where
    return x = Response mempty (Success x)
    Response m1 (Failure e) >>= _ = Response m1 (Failure e)
    Response m1 (Success x) >>= f = let Response m2 y = f x
                                    in Response (m1 `mappend` m2) y -- currently using First-semantics, Last SHOULD work too

instance (Monoid m, E.Exception e) => F.Failure e (Response m) where
    failure e = Response mempty (F.failure e)

-- | Add metadata to an 'IORef' (using 'mappend').
tellMetadataRef :: Monoid m => IORef m -> m -> IO ()
tellMetadataRef r m = modifyIORef r (`mappend` m)

-- | A full HTTP response parser. Takes HTTP status, response headers, and response body.
type HTTPResponseConsumer a = HTTP.Response (C.ResumableSource (ResourceT IO) ByteString)
                              -> ResourceT IO a

-- | Class for types that AWS HTTP responses can be parsed into.
-- The request is also passed for possibly required additional metadata.
-- Note that for debugging, there is an instance for 'L.ByteString'.
class Monoid (ResponseMetadata resp) => ResponseConsumer req resp where
    -- | Metadata associated with a response. Typically there is one metadata type for each AWS service.
    type ResponseMetadata resp

    -- | Response parser. Takes the corresponding request, an 'IORef' for metadata, and HTTP response data.
    responseConsumer :: req -> IORef (ResponseMetadata resp) -> HTTPResponseConsumer resp

-- | Does not parse response. For debugging.
instance ResponseConsumer r (HTTP.Response L.ByteString) where
    type ResponseMetadata (HTTP.Response L.ByteString) = ()
    responseConsumer _ _ resp = HTTP.lbsResponse resp

-- | Class for responses that are fully loaded into memory
class AsMemoryResponse resp where
    type MemoryResponse resp :: *
    loadToMemory :: resp -> ResourceT IO (MemoryResponse resp)

-- | Responses that have one main list in them, and perhaps some decoration.
class ListResponse resp item | resp -> item where
    listResponse :: resp -> [item]

-- | Associates a request type and a response type in a bi-directional way.
-- This allows the type-checker to infer the response type when given the request type and vice versa.
-- Note that the actual request generation and response parsing resides in 'SignQuery' and 'ResponseConsumer'
-- respectively.
class (SignQuery r, ResponseConsumer r a, Loggable (ResponseMetadata a))
      => Transaction r a
      | r -> a, a -> r

-- | A transaction that may need to be split over multiple requests, for example because of upstream response size limits.
class Transaction r a => IteratedTransaction r a | r -> a , a -> r where
    nextIteratedRequest :: r -> a -> Maybe r

-- | AWS access credentials.
data Credentials
    = Credentials {
        -- | AWS Access Key ID.
        accessKeyID :: B.ByteString
        -- | AWS Secret Access Key.
      , secretAccessKey :: B.ByteString
    deriving (Show)

-- | The file where access credentials are loaded, when using 'loadCredentialsDefault'.
-- Value: /<user directory>/@/.aws-keys@
credentialsDefaultFile :: MonadIO io => io FilePath
credentialsDefaultFile = liftIO $ (</> ".aws-keys") <$> getHomeDirectory

-- | The key to be used in the access credential file that is loaded, when using 'loadCredentialsDefault'.
-- Value: @default@
credentialsDefaultKey :: T.Text
credentialsDefaultKey = "default"

-- | Load credentials from a (text) file given a key name.
-- The file consists of a sequence of lines, each in the following format:
-- @keyName awsKeyID awsKeySecret@
loadCredentialsFromFile :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> T.Text -> io (Maybe Credentials)
loadCredentialsFromFile file key = liftIO $ do
  contents <- map T.words . T.lines <$> T.readFile file
  return $ do 
    [_key, keyID, secret] <- find (hasKey key) contents
    return Credentials { accessKeyID = T.encodeUtf8 keyID, secretAccessKey = T.encodeUtf8 secret }
        hasKey _ [] = False
        hasKey k (k2 : _) = k == k2

-- | Load credentials from the environment variables @AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID@ and @AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET@ 
--   (or @AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY@), if possible.
loadCredentialsFromEnv :: MonadIO io => io (Maybe Credentials)
loadCredentialsFromEnv = liftIO $ do
  env <- getEnvironment
  let lk = flip lookup env
      keyID = lk "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
      secret = lk "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET" `mplus` lk "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
  return (Credentials <$> (T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack <$> keyID) <*> (T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack <$> secret))

-- | Load credentials from environment variables if possible, or alternatively from a file with a given key name.
-- See 'loadCredentialsFromEnv' and 'loadCredentialsFromFile' for details.
loadCredentialsFromEnvOrFile :: MonadIO io => FilePath -> T.Text -> io (Maybe Credentials)
loadCredentialsFromEnvOrFile file key = 
    envcr <- loadCredentialsFromEnv
    case envcr of
      Just cr -> return (Just cr)
      Nothing -> loadCredentialsFromFile file key

-- | Load credentials from environment variables if possible, or alternative from the default file with the default
-- key name.
-- Default file: /<user directory>/@/.aws-keys@
-- Default key name: @default@
-- See 'loadCredentialsFromEnv' and 'loadCredentialsFromFile' for details.
loadCredentialsDefault :: MonadIO io => io (Maybe Credentials)
loadCredentialsDefault = do
  file <- credentialsDefaultFile
  loadCredentialsFromEnvOrFile file credentialsDefaultKey

-- | Protocols supported by AWS. Currently, all AWS services use the HTTP or HTTPS protocols.
data Protocol
    = HTTP
    | HTTPS
    deriving (Show)

-- | The default port to be used for a protocol if no specific port is specified.
defaultPort :: Protocol -> Int
defaultPort HTTP = 80
defaultPort HTTPS = 443

-- | Request method. Not all request methods are supported by all services.
data Method
    = Get       -- ^ GET method. Put all request parameters in a query string and HTTP headers.
    | PostQuery -- ^ POST method. Put all request parameters in a query string and HTTP headers, but send the query string
                --   as a POST payload
    | Post      -- ^ POST method. Sends a service- and request-specific request body.
    | Put       -- ^ PUT method.
    | Delete    -- ^ DELETE method.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | HTTP method associated with a request method.
httpMethod :: Method -> HTTP.Method
httpMethod Get       = "GET"
httpMethod PostQuery = "POST"
httpMethod Post      = "POST"
httpMethod Put       = "PUT"
httpMethod Delete    = "DELETE"

-- | A pre-signed medium-level request object.
data SignedQuery
    = SignedQuery {
        -- | Request method.
        sqMethod :: Method
        -- | Protocol to be used.
      , sqProtocol :: Protocol
        -- | HTTP host.
      , sqHost :: B.ByteString
        -- | IP port.
      , sqPort :: Int
        -- | HTTP path.
      , sqPath :: B.ByteString
        -- | Query string list (used with 'Get' and 'PostQuery').
      , sqQuery :: HTTP.Query
        -- | Request date/time.
      , sqDate :: Maybe UTCTime
        -- | Authorization string (if applicable), for @Authorization@ header..
      , sqAuthorization :: Maybe B.ByteString
        -- | Request body content type.
      , sqContentType :: Maybe B.ByteString
        -- | Request body content MD5.
      , sqContentMd5 :: Maybe MD5.MD5
        -- | Additional Amazon "amz" headers.
      , sqAmzHeaders :: HTTP.RequestHeaders
        -- | Additional non-"amz" headers.
      , sqOtherHeaders :: HTTP.RequestHeaders
        -- | Request body (used with 'Post' and 'Put').
      , sqBody :: Maybe (HTTP.RequestBody (C.ResourceT IO))
        -- | String to sign. Note that the string is already signed, this is passed mostly for debugging purposes.
      , sqStringToSign :: B.ByteString
    --deriving (Show)

-- | Create a HTTP request from a 'SignedQuery' object.
queryToHttpRequest :: SignedQuery -> HTTP.Request (C.ResourceT IO)
queryToHttpRequest SignedQuery{..}
    = HTTP.def {
        HTTP.method = httpMethod sqMethod
      , HTTP.secure = case sqProtocol of
                        HTTP -> False
                        HTTPS -> True
      , HTTP.host = sqHost
      , HTTP.port = sqPort
      , HTTP.path = sqPath
      , HTTP.queryString = HTTP.renderQuery False sqQuery
      , HTTP.requestHeaders = catMaybes [fmap (\d -> ("Date", fmtRfc822Time d)) sqDate
                                        , fmap (\c -> ("Content-Type", c)) contentType
                                        , fmap (\md5 -> ("Content-MD5", Base64.encode $ Serialize.encode md5)) sqContentMd5
                                        , fmap (\auth -> ("Authorization", auth)) sqAuthorization]
                              ++ sqAmzHeaders
                              ++ sqOtherHeaders
      , HTTP.requestBody = case sqMethod of
                             PostQuery -> HTTP.RequestBodyLBS . Blaze.toLazyByteString $ HTTP.renderQueryBuilder False sqQuery
                             _         -> case sqBody of
                                            Nothing -> HTTP.RequestBodyBuilder 0 mempty
                                            Just x  -> x
      , HTTP.decompress = HTTP.alwaysDecompress
#if MIN_VERSION_http_conduit(1, 9, 0)
      , HTTP.checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing
      , HTTP.checkStatus = \_ _ -> Nothing
    where contentType = case sqMethod of
                           PostQuery -> Just "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"
                           _ -> sqContentType

-- | Create a URI fro a 'SignedQuery' object. 
-- Unused / incompatible fields will be silently ignored.
queryToUri :: SignedQuery -> B.ByteString
queryToUri SignedQuery{..}
    = B.concat [
       case sqProtocol of
         HTTP -> "http://"
         HTTPS -> "https://"
      , sqHost
      , if sqPort == defaultPort sqProtocol then "" else T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ ':' : show sqPort
      , sqPath
      , HTTP.renderQuery True sqQuery

-- | Whether to restrict the signature validity with a plain timestamp, or with explicit expiration
-- (absolute or relative).
data TimeInfo
    = Timestamp                                      -- ^ Use a simple timestamp to let AWS check the request validity.
    | ExpiresAt { fromExpiresAt :: UTCTime }         -- ^ Let requests expire at a specific fixed time.
    | ExpiresIn { fromExpiresIn :: NominalDiffTime } -- ^ Let requests expire a specific number of seconds after they
                                                     -- were generated.
    deriving (Show)

-- | Like 'TimeInfo', but with all relative times replaced by absolute UTC.
data AbsoluteTimeInfo
    = AbsoluteTimestamp { fromAbsoluteTimestamp :: UTCTime }
    | AbsoluteExpires { fromAbsoluteExpires :: UTCTime }
    deriving (Show)

-- | Just the UTC time value.
fromAbsoluteTimeInfo :: AbsoluteTimeInfo -> UTCTime
fromAbsoluteTimeInfo (AbsoluteTimestamp time) = time
fromAbsoluteTimeInfo (AbsoluteExpires time) = time

-- | Convert 'TimeInfo' to 'AbsoluteTimeInfo' given the current UTC time.
makeAbsoluteTimeInfo :: TimeInfo -> UTCTime -> AbsoluteTimeInfo
makeAbsoluteTimeInfo Timestamp     now = AbsoluteTimestamp now
makeAbsoluteTimeInfo (ExpiresAt t) _   = AbsoluteExpires t
makeAbsoluteTimeInfo (ExpiresIn s) now = AbsoluteExpires $ addUTCTime s now

-- | Data that is always required for signing requests.
data SignatureData
    = SignatureData {
        -- | Expiration or timestamp.
        signatureTimeInfo :: AbsoluteTimeInfo
        -- | Current time.
      , signatureTime :: UTCTime
        -- | Access credentials.
      , signatureCredentials :: Credentials

-- | Create signature data using the current system time.
signatureData :: TimeInfo -> Credentials -> IO SignatureData
signatureData rti cr = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  let ti = makeAbsoluteTimeInfo rti now
  return SignatureData { signatureTimeInfo = ti, signatureTime = now, signatureCredentials = cr }

-- | Tag type for normal queries.
data NormalQuery
-- | Tag type for URI-only queries.
data UriOnlyQuery

-- | A "signable" request object. Assembles together the Query, and signs it in one go.
class SignQuery request where
    -- | Additional information, like API endpoints and service-specific preferences.
    type ServiceConfiguration request :: * {- Query Type -} -> *
    -- | Create a 'SignedQuery' from a request, additional 'Info', and 'SignatureData'.
    signQuery :: request -> ServiceConfiguration request queryType -> SignatureData -> SignedQuery

-- | Supported crypto hashes for the signature.
data AuthorizationHash
    = HmacSHA1
    | HmacSHA256
    deriving (Show)

-- | Authorization hash identifier as expected by Amazon.
amzHash :: AuthorizationHash -> B.ByteString
amzHash HmacSHA1 = "HmacSHA1"
amzHash HmacSHA256 = "HmacSHA256"

-- | Create a signature. Usually, AWS wants a specifically constructed string to be signed.
-- The signature is a HMAC-based hash of the string and the secret access key.
signature :: Credentials -> AuthorizationHash -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
signature cr ah input = Base64.encode sig
      sig = case ah of
              HmacSHA1 -> computeSig (undefined :: SHA1.SHA1)
              HmacSHA256 -> computeSig (undefined :: SHA256.SHA256)
      computeSig :: Crypto.Hash c d => d -> B.ByteString
      computeSig t = Serialize.encode (HMAC.hmac' key input `asTypeOf` t)
      key :: HMAC.MacKey c d
      key = HMAC.MacKey (secretAccessKey cr)

-- | Default configuration for a specific service.
class DefaultServiceConfiguration config where
    -- | Default service configuration.
    defServiceConfig :: config

    -- | Default debugging-only configuration. (Normally using HTTP instead of HTTPS for easier debugging.)
    debugServiceConfig :: config
    debugServiceConfig = defServiceConfig

-- | @queryList f prefix xs@ constructs a query list from a list of elements @xs@, using a common prefix @prefix@,
-- and a transformer function @f@.
-- A dot (@.@) is interspersed between prefix and generated key.
-- Example:
-- @queryList swap \"pfx\" [(\"a\", \"b\"), (\"c\", \"d\")]@ evaluates to @[(\"pfx.b\", \"a\"), (\"pfx.d\", \"c\")]@
-- (except with ByteString instead of String, of course).
queryList :: (a -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]) -> B.ByteString -> [a] -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]
queryList f prefix xs = concat $ zipWith combine prefixList (map f xs)
    where prefixList = map (dot prefix . BU.fromString . show) [(1 :: Int) ..]
          combine pf = map $ first (pf `dot`)
          dot x y = B.concat [x, BU.fromString ".", y]

-- | A \"true\"/\"false\" boolean as requested by some services.
awsBool :: Bool -> B.ByteString
awsBool True = "true"
awsBool False = "false"

-- | \"true\"
awsTrue :: B.ByteString
awsTrue = awsBool True

-- | \"false\"
awsFalse :: B.ByteString
awsFalse = awsBool False

-- | Format time according to a format string, as a ByteString.
fmtTime :: String -> UTCTime -> B.ByteString
fmtTime s t = BU.fromString $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale s t

rfc822Time :: String
rfc822Time = "%a, %_d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"

-- | Format time in RFC 822 format.
fmtRfc822Time :: UTCTime -> B.ByteString
fmtRfc822Time = fmtTime rfc822Time

-- | Format time in yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss format.
fmtAmzTime :: UTCTime -> B.ByteString
fmtAmzTime = fmtTime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

-- | Format time as seconds since the Unix epoch.
fmtTimeEpochSeconds :: UTCTime -> B.ByteString
fmtTimeEpochSeconds = fmtTime "%s"

-- | Parse HTTP-date (section 3.3.1 of RFC 2616)
parseHttpDate :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parseHttpDate s =     p "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" s -- rfc1123-date
                  <|> p "%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT" s -- rfc850-date
                  <|> p "%a %b %_d %H:%M:%S %Y" s     -- asctime-date
  where p = parseTime defaultTimeLocale

-- | HTTP-date (section 3.3.1 of RFC 2616, first type - RFC1123-style)
httpDate1 :: String
httpDate1 = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" -- rfc1123-date

-- | Format (as Text) HTTP-date (section 3.3.1 of RFC 2616, first type - RFC1123-style)
textHttpDate :: UTCTime -> T.Text
textHttpDate = T.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale httpDate1

iso8601UtcDate :: String
iso8601UtcDate = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%QZ"

-- | Parse a two-digit hex number.
readHex2 :: [Char] -> Maybe Word8
readHex2 [c1,c2] = do n1 <- readHex1 c1
                      n2 <- readHex1 c2
                      return . fromIntegral $ n1 * 16 + n2
      readHex1 c | c >= '0' && c <= '9' = Just $ ord c - ord '0'
                 | c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' = Just $ ord c - ord 'A' + 10
                 | c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' = Just $ ord c - ord 'a' + 10
      readHex1 _                        = Nothing
readHex2 _ = Nothing

-- XML

-- | An error that occurred during XML parsing / validation.
newtype XmlException = XmlException { xmlErrorMessage :: String }
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance E.Exception XmlException

-- | An error that occurred during header parsing / validation.
newtype HeaderException = HeaderException { headerErrorMessage :: String }
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance E.Exception HeaderException

-- | An error that occurred during form parsing / validation.
newtype FormException  = FormException { formErrorMesage :: String }
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance E.Exception FormException

-- | A specific element (case-insensitive, ignoring namespace - sadly necessary), extracting only the textual contents.
elContent :: T.Text -> Cursor -> [T.Text]
elContent name = laxElement name &/ content

-- | Like 'elContent', but extracts 'String's instead of 'T.Text'.
elCont :: T.Text -> Cursor -> [String]
elCont name = laxElement name &/ content &| T.unpack

-- | Extract the first element from a parser result list, and throw an 'XmlException' if the list is empty.
force :: F.Failure XmlException m => String -> [a] -> m a
force = Cu.force . XmlException

-- | Extract the first element from a monadic parser result list, and throw an 'XmlException' if the list is empty.
forceM :: F.Failure XmlException m => String -> [m a] -> m a
forceM = Cu.forceM . XmlException

-- | Read an integer from a 'T.Text', throwing an 'XmlException' on failure.
textReadInt :: (F.Failure XmlException m, Num a) => T.Text -> m a
textReadInt s = case reads $ T.unpack s of
                  [(n,"")] -> return $ fromInteger n
                  _        -> F.failure $ XmlException "Invalid Integer"

-- | Read an integer from a 'String', throwing an 'XmlException' on failure.
readInt :: (F.Failure XmlException m, Num a) => String -> m a
readInt s = case reads s of
              [(n,"")] -> return $ fromInteger n
              _        -> F.failure $ XmlException "Invalid Integer"

-- | Create a complete 'HTTPResponseConsumer' from a simple function that takes a 'Cu.Cursor' to XML in the response
-- body.
-- This function is highly recommended for any services that parse relatively short XML responses. (If status and response
-- headers are required, simply take them as function parameters, and pass them through to this function.)
xmlCursorConsumer ::
    (Monoid m)
    => (Cu.Cursor -> Response m a)
    -> IORef m
    -> HTTPResponseConsumer a
xmlCursorConsumer parse metadataRef res
    = do doc <- HTTP.responseBody res $$+- XML.sinkDoc XML.def
         let cursor = Cu.fromDocument doc
         let Response metadata x = parse cursor
         liftIO $ tellMetadataRef metadataRef metadata
         case x of
           Failure err -> liftIO $ C.monadThrow err
           Success v   -> return v