module Aws.Ses.Core
    ( SesError(..)
    , SesMetadata(..)

    , SesConfiguration(..)
    , sesUsEast
    , sesHttpsGet
    , sesHttpsPost

    , sesSignQuery

    , sesResponseConsumer

    , RawMessage(..)
    , Destination(..)
    , EmailAddress
    , Sender(..)
    , sesAsQuery
    ) where

import           Aws.Core
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder       as Blaze
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 as Blaze8
import qualified Control.Exception              as C
import           Control.Monad                  (mplus)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource   (throwM)
import qualified Data.ByteString                as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64         as B64
import           Data.ByteString.Char8          ({-IsString-})
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                      (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding             as TE
import           Data.Typeable
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit           as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types             as HTTP
import           Text.XML.Cursor                (($/), ($//))
import qualified Text.XML.Cursor                as Cu

data SesError
    = SesError {
        sesStatusCode   :: HTTP.Status
      , sesErrorCode    :: Text
      , sesErrorMessage :: Text
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance C.Exception SesError

data SesMetadata
    = SesMetadata {
        requestId :: Maybe Text
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Loggable SesMetadata where
    toLogText (SesMetadata rid) = "SES: request ID=" `mappend` fromMaybe "<none>" rid

instance Monoid SesMetadata where
    mempty = SesMetadata Nothing
    SesMetadata r1 `mappend` SesMetadata r2 = SesMetadata (r1 `mplus` r2)

data SesConfiguration qt
    = SesConfiguration {
        sesiHttpMethod :: Method
      , sesiHost       :: B.ByteString
    deriving (Show)

-- HTTP is not supported right now, always use HTTPS
instance DefaultServiceConfiguration (SesConfiguration NormalQuery) where
    defServiceConfig = sesHttpsPost sesUsEast

instance DefaultServiceConfiguration (SesConfiguration UriOnlyQuery) where
    defServiceConfig = sesHttpsGet sesUsEast

sesUsEast :: B.ByteString
sesUsEast = ""

sesHttpsGet :: B.ByteString -> SesConfiguration qt
sesHttpsGet endpoint = SesConfiguration Get endpoint

sesHttpsPost :: B.ByteString -> SesConfiguration NormalQuery
sesHttpsPost endpoint = SesConfiguration PostQuery endpoint

sesSignQuery :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> SesConfiguration qt -> SignatureData -> SignedQuery
sesSignQuery query si sd
    = SignedQuery {
        sqMethod        = sesiHttpMethod si
      , sqProtocol      = HTTPS
      , sqHost          = sesiHost si
      , sqPort          = defaultPort HTTPS
      , sqPath          = "/"
      , sqQuery         = HTTP.simpleQueryToQuery query'
      , sqDate          = Just $ signatureTime sd
      , sqAuthorization = Nothing
      , sqContentType   = Nothing
      , sqContentMd5    = Nothing
      , sqAmzHeaders    = [("X-Amzn-Authorization", authorization)]
      , sqOtherHeaders  = []
      , sqBody          = Nothing
      , sqStringToSign  = stringToSign
      stringToSign  = fmtRfc822Time (signatureTime sd)
      credentials   = signatureCredentials sd
      accessKeyId   = accessKeyID credentials
      authorization = B.concat [ "AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId="
                               , accessKeyId
                               , ", Algorithm=HmacSHA256, Signature="
                               , signature credentials HmacSHA256 stringToSign
      query' = ("AWSAccessKeyId", accessKeyId) : query

sesResponseConsumer :: (Cu.Cursor -> Response SesMetadata a)
                    -> IORef SesMetadata
                    -> HTTPResponseConsumer a
sesResponseConsumer inner metadataRef resp = xmlCursorConsumer parse metadataRef resp
      parse cursor = do
        let requestId' = listToMaybe $ cursor $// elContent "RequestID"
        tellMetadata $ SesMetadata requestId'
        case cursor $/ Cu.laxElement "Error" of
          []      -> inner cursor
          (err:_) -> fromError err

      fromError cursor = do
        errCode    <- force "Missing Error Code"    $ cursor $// elContent "Code"
        errMessage <- force "Missing Error Message" $ cursor $// elContent "Message"
        throwM $ SesError (HTTP.responseStatus resp) errCode errMessage

class SesAsQuery a where
    -- | Write a data type as a list of query parameters.
    sesAsQuery :: a -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]

instance SesAsQuery a => SesAsQuery (Maybe a) where
    sesAsQuery = maybe [] sesAsQuery

-- | A raw e-mail.
data RawMessage = RawMessage { rawMessageData :: B.ByteString }
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance SesAsQuery RawMessage where
    sesAsQuery = (:[]) . (,) "RawMessage.Data" . B64.encode . rawMessageData

-- | The destinations of an e-mail.
data Destination =
      { destinationBccAddresses :: [EmailAddress]
      , destinationCcAddresses  :: [EmailAddress]
      , destinationToAddresses  :: [EmailAddress]
      } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance SesAsQuery Destination where
    sesAsQuery (Destination bcc cc to) = concat [ go (s "Bcc") bcc
                                                , go (s "Cc")  cc
                                                , go (s "To")  to ]
          go kind = zipWith f (map Blaze8.fromShow [one..])
              where txt = kind `mappend` s "Addresses.member."
                    f n v = ( Blaze.toByteString (txt `mappend` n)
                            , TE.encodeUtf8 v )
          s = Blaze.fromByteString
          one = 1 :: Int

instance Monoid Destination where
    mempty = Destination [] [] []
    mappend (Destination a1 a2 a3) (Destination b1 b2 b3) =
        Destination (a1 ++ b1) (a2 ++ b2) (a3 ++ b3)

-- | An e-mail address.
type EmailAddress = Text

-- | The sender's e-mail address.
data Sender = Sender { senderAddress :: EmailAddress }
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance SesAsQuery Sender where
    sesAsQuery = (:[]) . (,) "Source" . TE.encodeUtf8 . senderAddress