-- Copyright (c) 2013-2014 PivotCloud, Inc.
-- Aws.DynamoDb.Streams.Core
-- Please feel free to contact us at licensing@pivotmail.com with any
-- contributions, additions, or other feedback; we would love to hear from
-- you.
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-- not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
-- copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-- License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2014 PivotCloud, Inc.
-- License: Apache-2.0
module Aws.DynamoDb.Streams.Core
( StreamsAction(..)
, streamsActionToText
, parseStreamsAction
, streamsServiceEndpoint
, StreamsMetadata(..)
, stmAmzId2
, stmRequestId
, StreamsConfiguration(..)
, stcRegion
, StreamsQuery(..)
, stqAction
, stqBody
, streamsSignQuery
, StreamsResponseJsonErrorData(..)
, srjedMessage
, srjedJSON
, StreamsErrorResponse(..)
, _StreamsResponseJsonError
, _StreamsErrorResponse
, _StreamsOtherError
, StreamsErrorResponseData(..)
, sterdErrorCode
, sterdErrorMessage
, StreamsOtherErrorData(..)
, stoeStatus
, stoeMessage
, jsonResponseConsumer
, errorResponseConsumer
, streamsResponseConsumer
) where

import Aws.Core
import Aws.General

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Unicode
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Byteable
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Conduit (($$+-))
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sinkLbs)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (throwM)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as HTTP
import Prelude.Unicode
import qualified Text.Parser.Char as P
import qualified Text.Parser.Combinators as P
import Text.Parser.Combinators ((<?>))

streamsTargetVersion  IsString a  a
streamsTargetVersion = "DynamoDBStreams_20120810"

data StreamsAction
  = ActionDescribeStream
  | ActionGetRecords
  | ActionGetShardIterator
  | ActionListStreams
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable, Read, Show)

-- | Render a 'StreamsAction' as a string for use in an AWS request.
   IsString s
streamsActionToText = \case
  ActionDescribeStream  "DescribeStream"
  ActionGetRecords  "GetRecords"
  ActionGetShardIterator  "GetShardIterator"
  ActionListStreams  "ListStreams"

-- | Parse a 'StreamsAction'; this is the inverse of 'streamsActionToText'.
   P.CharParsing m
   m StreamsAction
parseStreamsAction = P.choice parsers <?> "StreamsAction"
    actionToParser a =
      a <$ P.text (streamsActionToText a)

    parsers = actionToParser <$>
      [ ActionDescribeStream
      , ActionGetRecords
      , ActionGetShardIterator
      , ActionListStreams

instance AwsType StreamsAction where
  toText = streamsActionToText
  parse = parseStreamsAction

-- | Currently, only 'UsEast1' and 'EuWest1' are supported.
streamsServiceEndpoint = \case
  UsEast1  "streams.preview-dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
  EuWest1  "streams.preview-dynamodb.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com"
  region  error $ "Unsupported region: "  show region

data StreamsMetadata
  = StreamsMetadata
  { _stmAmzId2  !(Maybe T.Text)
  , _stmRequestId  !(Maybe T.Text)
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Loggable StreamsMetadata where
  toLogText StreamsMetadata{..} =
    "DynamoDb Streams: request ID="
       fromMaybe "<none>" _stmRequestId
       ", x-amz-id-2="
       fromMaybe "<none>" _stmAmzId2

instance Monoid StreamsMetadata where
  mempty = StreamsMetadata
    { _stmAmzId2 = Nothing
    , _stmRequestId = Nothing

  sm `mappend` sm' = StreamsMetadata
    { _stmAmzId2 = _stmAmzId2 sm <|> _stmAmzId2 sm'
    , _stmRequestId = _stmRequestId sm <|> _stmRequestId sm'

-- | A lens for '_stmAmzId2'.
-- @
-- 'stmAmzId2' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsMetadata' ('Maybe' 'T.Text')
-- @
   Functor f
   (Maybe T.Text  f (Maybe T.Text))
   f StreamsMetadata
stmAmzId2 i StreamsMetadata{..} =
  (\_stmAmzId2  StreamsMetadata{..})
    <$> i _stmAmzId2
{-# INLINE stmAmzId2 #-}

-- | A lens for '_stmRequestId'.
-- @
-- 'stmRequestId' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsMetadata' ('Maybe' 'T.Text')
-- @
   Functor f
   (Maybe T.Text  f (Maybe T.Text))
   f StreamsMetadata
stmRequestId i StreamsMetadata{..} =
  (\_stmRequestId  StreamsMetadata{..})
    <$> i _stmRequestId
{-# INLINE stmRequestId #-}

data StreamsConfiguration qt
  = StreamsConfiguration
  { _stcRegion  !Region
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A lens for '_stcRegion'.
-- @
-- 'stcRegion' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsConfiguration' 'Region'
-- @
   Functor f
   (Region  f Region)
   StreamsConfiguration qt
   f (StreamsConfiguration qt)
stcRegion i StreamsConfiguration{..} =
  (\_stcRegion  StreamsConfiguration{..})
    <$> i _stcRegion
{-# INLINE stcRegion #-}

data StreamsQuery
  = StreamsQuery
  { _stqAction  !StreamsAction
  , _stqBody  !LB.ByteString
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A lens for '_stqAction'.
-- @
-- 'stqAction' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsQuery' 'StreamsAction'
-- @
   Functor f
   (StreamsAction  f StreamsAction)
   f StreamsQuery
stqAction i StreamsQuery{..} =
  (\_stqAction  StreamsQuery{..})
    <$> i _stqAction
{-# INLINE stqAction #-}

-- | A lens for '_stqBody'.
-- @
-- 'stqBody' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsQuery' 'LB.ByteString'
-- @
   Functor f
   (LB.ByteString  f LB.ByteString)
   f StreamsQuery
stqBody i StreamsQuery{..} =
  (\_stqBody  StreamsQuery{..})
    <$> i _stqBody
{-# INLINE stqBody #-}

streamsTargetHeader a =
  ( "X-Amz-Target"
  , streamsTargetVersion  "."  toText a

-- | Creates a signed query.
-- Uses AWS Signature V4. All requests are POST requests
-- with the signature placed in an HTTP header
   StreamsConfiguration qt
streamsSignQuery StreamsQuery{..} StreamsConfiguration{..} sigData = SignedQuery
  { sqMethod = Post
  , sqProtocol = HTTP
  , sqHost = host
  , sqPort = 80
  , sqPath = "/"
  , sqQuery = []
  , sqDate = Just $ signatureTime sigData
  , sqAuthorization = Just auth
  , sqContentType = Just "application/x-amz-json-1.0"
  , sqContentMd5 = Nothing
  , sqAmzHeaders = amzHeaders  maybe [] pure securityTokenHeader
  , sqOtherHeaders = []
  , sqBody = Just $ HTTP.RequestBodyLBS _stqBody
  , sqStringToSign = canonicalRequest
      credentials = signatureCredentials sigData
      host = streamsServiceEndpoint _stcRegion
      sigTime = fmtTime "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ" $ signatureTime sigData

      -- for some reason AWS doesn't want the x-amz-security-token in the canonical request
      amzHeaders =
        [ ("x-amz-date", sigTime)
        , streamsTargetHeader _stqAction

      securityTokenHeader =
          <$> iamToken credentials

      canonicalHeaders =
        sortBy (compare `on` fst) $
            [ ("host", host)
            , ("content-type", "application/x-amz-json-1.0")

      canonicalRequest =
        let bodyHash = B16.encode $ toBytes (hashlazy _stqBody :: Digest SHA256)
            headers =
              flip fmap canonicalHeaders $ \(a,b) 
                [ CI.foldedCase a
                , ":"
                , b
          B.concat  intercalate ["\n"] $
            [ [ "POST" ]
            , [ "/" ]
            , [] -- query string
            ]  headers 
              [ [] -- end headers
              , intersperse ";" ((CI.foldedCase  fst) <$> canonicalHeaders)
              , [ bodyHash ]

      auth =
          (regionToText _stcRegion)

data StreamsErrorResponseData
  = StreamsErrorResponseData
  { _sterdErrorCode  !T.Text
  , _sterdErrorMessage  !T.Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A lens for '_sterdErrorCode'.
-- @
-- 'sterdErrorCode' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsErrorResponseData' 'T.Text'
-- @
   Functor f
   (T.Text  f T.Text)
   f StreamsErrorResponseData
sterdErrorCode i StreamsErrorResponseData{..} =
  (\_sterdErrorCode  StreamsErrorResponseData{..})
    <$> i _sterdErrorCode
{-# INLINE sterdErrorCode #-}

-- | A lens for '_sterdErrorMessage'.
-- @
-- 'sterdErrorMessage' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsErrorResponseData' 'T.Text'
-- @
   Functor f
   (T.Text  f T.Text)
   f StreamsErrorResponseData
sterdErrorMessage i StreamsErrorResponseData{..} =
  (\_sterdErrorMessage  StreamsErrorResponseData{..})
    <$> i _sterdErrorMessage
{-# INLINE sterdErrorMessage #-}

data StreamsOtherErrorData
  = StreamsOtherErrorData
  { _stoeStatus  !HTTP.Status
  , _stoeMessage  !T.Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A lens for '_stoeStatus'
-- @
-- 'stoeStatus' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsOtherErrorData' 'HTTP.Status'
-- @
   Functor f
   (HTTP.Status  f HTTP.Status)
   f StreamsOtherErrorData
stoeStatus i StreamsOtherErrorData{..} =
  (\_stoeStatus  StreamsOtherErrorData{..})
    <$> i _stoeStatus
{-# INLINE stoeStatus #-}

-- | A lens for '_stoeMessage'
-- @
-- 'stoeMessage' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsOtherErrorData' 'T.Text'
-- @
   Functor f
   (T.Text  f T.Text)
   f StreamsOtherErrorData
stoeMessage i StreamsOtherErrorData{..} =
  (\_stoeMessage  StreamsOtherErrorData{..})
    <$> i _stoeMessage
{-# INLINE stoeMessage #-}

data StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
  = StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
  { _srjedMessage  !T.Text
  , _srjedJSON  !LB.ByteString
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A lens for '_srjedMessage'.
-- @
-- 'srjedMessage' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsResponseJsonErrorData' 'T.Text'
-- @
   Functor f
   (T.Text  f T.Text)
   f StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
srjedMessage i StreamsResponseJsonErrorData{..} =
  (\_srjedMessage  StreamsResponseJsonErrorData{..})
    <$> i _srjedMessage

-- | A lens for '_srjedJSON'.
-- @
-- 'srjedJSON' ∷ Lens' 'StreamsResponseJsonErrorData' 'LB.ByteString'
-- @
   Functor f
   (LB.ByteString  f LB.ByteString)
   f StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
srjedJSON i StreamsResponseJsonErrorData{..} =
  (\_srjedJSON  StreamsResponseJsonErrorData{..})
    <$> i _srjedJSON

data StreamsErrorResponse
  = StreamsResponseJsonError StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
  | StreamsErrorResponse StreamsErrorResponseData
  | StreamsOtherError StreamsOtherErrorData
  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A prism for 'StreamsResponseJsonError'.
-- @
-- '_StreamsResponseJsonError' ∷ Prism' 'StreamsErrorResponse' 'StreamsResponseJsonErrorData'
-- @
   ( Choice p
    , Applicative f
   p StreamsResponseJsonErrorData (f StreamsResponseJsonErrorData)
   p StreamsErrorResponse (f StreamsErrorResponse)
_StreamsResponseJsonError =
  dimap to fro  right'
      to = \case
        StreamsResponseJsonError e  Right e
        e  Left e
      fro = either pure (fmap StreamsResponseJsonError)
{-# INLINE _StreamsResponseJsonError #-}

-- | A prism for 'StreamsErrorResponse'.
-- @
-- '_StreamsErrorResponse' ∷ Prism' 'StreamsErrorResponse' 'StreamsErrorResponseData'
-- @
   ( Choice p
    , Applicative f
   p StreamsErrorResponseData (f StreamsErrorResponseData)
   p StreamsErrorResponse (f StreamsErrorResponse)
_StreamsErrorResponse =
  dimap to fro  right'
      to = \case
        StreamsErrorResponse e  Right e
        e  Left e
      fro = either pure (fmap StreamsErrorResponse)
{-# INLINE _StreamsErrorResponse #-}

-- | A prism for 'StreamsOtherError'.
-- @
-- '_StreamsOtherError' ∷ Prism' 'StreamsErrorResponse' 'StreamsOtherErrorData'
-- @
   ( Choice p
    , Applicative f
   p StreamsOtherErrorData (f StreamsOtherErrorData)
   p StreamsErrorResponse (f StreamsErrorResponse)
_StreamsOtherError =
  dimap to fro  right'
      to = \case
        StreamsOtherError e  Right e
        e  Left e
      fro = either pure (fmap StreamsOtherError)
{-# INLINE _StreamsOtherError #-}

instance Exception StreamsErrorResponse

-- | This instance captures only the 'StreamsErrorResponse' constructor
instance FromJSON StreamsErrorResponse where
  parseJSON =
    withObject "StreamsErrorResponse" $ \o 
      fmap StreamsErrorResponse $
        pure StreamsErrorResponseData
           o .: "__type"
           o .: "message"

-- | Create a complete 'HTTPResponseConsumer' for response types with an
-- 'FromJSON' instance
   FromJSON α
   HTTPResponseConsumer α
jsonResponseConsumer res = do
  doc  HTTP.responseBody res $$+- sinkLbs
  case eitherDecode (if doc  mempty then "{}" else doc) of
    Left e  throwM $ StreamsResponseJsonError StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
      { _srjedMessage = T.pack e
      , _srjedJSON = doc
    Right v  return v

   FromJSON a
   IORef StreamsMetadata
   HTTPResponseConsumer a
streamsResponseConsumer metadata resp = do

  let headerString = fmap T.decodeUtf8  flip lookup (HTTP.responseHeaders resp)
      amzId2 = headerString "x-amz-id-2"
      requestId = headerString "x-amz-request-id"

  liftIO $ tellMetadataRef metadata StreamsMetadata
    { _stmAmzId2 = amzId2
    , _stmRequestId = requestId

  if HTTP.responseStatus resp  HTTP.status400
    then errorResponseConsumer resp
    else jsonResponseConsumer resp

errorResponseConsumer  HTTPResponseConsumer a
errorResponseConsumer resp = do
  doc  HTTP.responseBody resp $$+- sinkLbs
  if HTTP.responseStatus resp  HTTP.status400
    then kinesisError doc
    else throwM $ StreamsOtherError StreamsOtherErrorData
        { _stoeStatus = HTTP.responseStatus resp
        , _stoeMessage = T.decodeUtf8 $ LB.toStrict doc
    kinesisError doc =
      case eitherDecode doc of
        Left e  throwM $ StreamsResponseJsonError StreamsResponseJsonErrorData
          { _srjedMessage = T.pack e
          , _srjedJSON = doc
        Right a  throwM (a  StreamsErrorResponse)