{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances , RecordWildCards , LambdaCase , OverloadedStrings #-} -- | This module implements a number of response types for the aws-ec2 -- library. All commands from the library are written to return a JSON -- 'Value', but we provide more specific types for some responses -- where possible. Implementing and especially testing response types -- is a cumbersome job because the AWS documentation is not accurate -- and response types might be missing in various ways (absent, there -- but empty, sometimes there). Although the ideal would be to be -- feature complete, a lot of trial and error is needed to get the -- response types right so we've not yet done this. -- -- However, it's useful to have more specific return types in common -- cases, even without full coverage. Since decoding of return values -- is type-driven, if you need more specific response decoding or -- coverage of features not implemented here, just define a new -- response type and use that. module Aws.Ec2.Types where import Control.Applicative import Data.Aeson (Value (..), FromJSON, (.:), (.:?), (.!=), parseJSON) import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch) import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower) import Data.IP (IPv4) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import Data.Monoid hiding (All) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack) import Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP import Aws.Query import Aws.Ec2.Core -- EC2 Data Types data BlockDeviceMapping = BlockDeviceMapping { bdm_deviceName :: Text , bdm_device :: BlockDevice } deriving (Show) data BlockDevice = Ephemeral {bdm_virtualName :: Text} | EBS EbsBlockDevice deriving (Show) data EbsBlockDevice = EbsBlockDevice { ebd_snapshotId :: Maybe Text , ebd_deleteOnTermination :: Bool , ebd_volumeType :: VolumeType , ebd_volumeSize :: Int , ebd_encrypted :: Bool } deriving (Show) queryEbsBlockDevice EbsBlockDevice{..} = [ ("VolumeType", qShow ebd_volumeType) -- , ("VolumeSize", qShow ebd_volumeSize) , ("Size", qShow ebd_volumeSize) -- RunInstances: VolumeSize -- , ("DeleteOnTermination", qShow ebd_deleteOnTermination) -- RunInstances only , ("Encrypted", qShow ebd_encrypted) ] +++ optionalA "SnapshotId" ebd_snapshotId +++ case ebd_volumeType of IOPSSD iops -> [("Iops", qShow iops)] _ -> [] type CidrIp = Text type SgGroupId = Text data SgPermission = IpPermission IpProtocol (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) [CidrIp] | SgPermission IpProtocol (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) [SgGroupId] deriving (Show) data Region = Region { regionEndpoint :: T.Text , regionName :: T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Region where parseJSON (Object v) = Region <$> v .: "regionEndpoint" <*> v .: "regionName" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Region" invalid data Reservation = Reservation { reservationId :: T.Text , reservationOwnerId :: T.Text , reservationSecurityGroups :: [Group] , reservationInstances :: [Instance]} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Reservation where parseJSON (Object v) = Reservation <$> v .: "reservationId" <*> v .: "ownerId" <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "groupSet" .!= Nothing)) <*> v .: "instancesSet" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Reservation" invalid data Group = Group { groupId :: T.Text , groupName :: T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Group where parseJSON (Object v) = Group <$> v .: "groupId" <*> v .: "groupName" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Group" invalid -- | The respose type describing an instance. -- -- Note: this response type is not complete (according to the docs) but only -- contains the types we have encountered. The other types that could be present -- are commented out, as they could not be tested. data Instance = Instance { instanceId :: T.Text , instanceImageId :: T.Text , instanceState :: InstanceState , instancePrivateDnsName :: Maybe T.Text , instancePublicDnsName :: Maybe T.Text , instanceStateTransitionReason :: Maybe T.Text , instanceKeyName :: Maybe T.Text , instanceAmiLaunchIndex :: Int , instanceProductCodes :: [ProductCode] , instanceType :: T.Text -- InstanceType = ... , instanceLaunchTime :: UTCTime , instancePlacement :: Placement , instanceMonitoring :: Monitoring , instanceSecurityGroups :: [Group] , instanceArchitecture :: Architecture , instanceRootDeviceType :: RootDeviceType , instanceRootDeviceName :: Maybe T.Text , instanceHypervisor :: Hypervisor , instanceVirtualizationType :: VirtualizationType , instanceClientToken :: Maybe T.Text , instanceBlockDeviceMapping :: [InstanceBlockDeviceMapping] , instanceEbsOptimized :: Bool , instanceStateReason :: Maybe StateReason , instanceNetworkInterfaces :: [InstanceNetworkInterface] , instancePrivateIpAddress :: Maybe IPv4 , instancePublicIpAddress :: Maybe IPv4 , instanceTags :: [Tag] , instanceKernelId :: Maybe T.Text , instanceSourceDestCheck :: Maybe Bool , instanceVpcId :: Maybe T.Text , instanceSubnetId :: Maybe T.Text -- The following fields are documented but have not been -- encountered in an actual response. During the development -- phase of the launhcer we will leave the possible fields -- commented out in case we will need them. --, instanceIamInstanceProfile :: Maybe IamInstanceProfile --, instanceLifecycle :: Maybe T.Text -- InstanceLifecycle = spot --, instanceRamdiskId :: Maybe T.Text --, instancePlatform :: Maybe T.Text -- Platform = windows --, instanceSpotInstanceRequestId :: Maybe T.Text --, instanceSriovNetSupport :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Instance where parseJSON (Object v) = Instance <$> v .: "instanceId" <*> v .: "imageId" <*> v .: "instanceState" <*> v .:? "privateDnsName" .!= Nothing <*> v .:? "dnsName" .!= Nothing <*> v .:? "reason" .!= Nothing <*> v .:? "keyName" .!= Nothing <*> (read <$> v .: "amiLaunchIndex") <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "productCodes" .!= Nothing)) <*> v .: "instanceType" <*> v .: "launchTime" <*> v .: "placement" <*> v .: "monitoring" <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "groupSet" .!= Nothing)) <*> (read <$> (v .: "architecture")) <*> (read <$> (v .: "rootDeviceType")) <*> v .:? "rootDeviceName" .!= Nothing <*> (read <$> (v .: "hypervisor")) <*> (read <$> (v .: "virtualizationType")) <*> v .:? "clientToken" .!= Nothing <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "blockDeviceMapping" .!= Nothing)) <*> (readBool <$> (v .: "ebsOptimized")) <*> v .:? "stateReason" .!= Nothing <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "networkInterfaceSet" .!= Nothing)) <*> (fmap read <$> (v .:? "privateIpAddress" .!= Nothing)) <*> (fmap read <$> (v .:? "ipAddress" .!= Nothing)) <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "tagSet" .!= Nothing)) <*> v .:? "kernelId" .!= Nothing <*> (fmap readBool <$> (v .:? "sourceDestCheck" .!= Nothing)) <*> v .:? "vpcId" .!= Nothing <*> v .:? "subnetId" .!= Nothing parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Instance" invalid data ProductCode = ProductCode { productCodeId :: T.Text , productCodeType :: T.Text} --ProductCodeType = devpay | marketplace deriving (Show) instance FromJSON ProductCode where parseJSON (Object v) = ProductCode <$> v .: "productCodeId" <*> v .: "productCodeType" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "ProductCode" invalid data InstanceNetworkInterface = InstanceNetworkInterface { iniNetworkInterfaceId :: T.Text , iniSubnetId :: Maybe T.Text , iniVpcId :: Maybe T.Text , iniDescription :: Maybe T.Text , iniOwnerId :: T.Text , iniStatus :: T.Text -- Status = available | attaching | in-use | detaching , iniMacAddress :: Maybe T.Text , iniPrivateIpAddress :: Maybe IPv4 , iniSourceDestCheck :: Maybe Bool , iniSecurityGroups :: [Group] , iniAttachment :: Value -- Attachment , iniAssociation :: Maybe Value} -- Maybe Association} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON InstanceNetworkInterface where parseJSON (Object v) = InstanceNetworkInterface <$> v .: "networkInterfaceId" <*> v .:? "subnetId" .!= Nothing <*> v .:? "vpcId" .!= Nothing <*> v .:? "description" .!= Nothing <*> v .: "ownerId" <*> v .: "status" <*> v .:? "macAddress" .!= Nothing <*> (fmap read <$> (v .:? "privateIpAddress" .!= Nothing)) <*> (fmap readBool <$> (v .:? "sourceDestCheck" .!= Nothing)) <*> (maybeToList <$> (v .:? "groupSet" .!= Nothing)) <*> v .: "attachment" <*> v .:? "association" .!= Nothing parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "InstanceNetworkInterface" invalid data Tag = Tag { tagKey :: T.Text , tagValue :: T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Tag where parseJSON (Object v) = Tag <$> v .: "key" <*> v .: "value" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Tag" invalid data InstanceBlockDeviceMapping = InstanceBlockDeviceMapping { ibdmDeviceName :: T.Text , ibdmEbs :: EbsInstanceBlockDevice} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON InstanceBlockDeviceMapping where parseJSON (Object v) = InstanceBlockDeviceMapping <$> v .: "deviceName" <*> v .: "ebs" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "InstanceBlockDeviceMapping" invalid data EbsInstanceBlockDevice = EbsInstanceBlockDevice { eibdVolumeId :: T.Text , eibdStatus :: T.Text -- Status = attaching | attached | detatichg | detached , eibdAttachTime :: UTCTime , eibdDeleteOnTermination :: Bool} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON EbsInstanceBlockDevice where parseJSON (Object v) = EbsInstanceBlockDevice <$> v .: "volumeId" <*> v .: "status" <*> v .: "attachTime" <*> (readBool <$> (v .: "deleteOnTermination")) parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "EbsInstanceBlockDevice" invalid data InstanceState = InstanceState { isName :: InstanceStateName , isCode :: Int} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON InstanceState where parseJSON (Object v) = InstanceState <$> (read <$> (v .: "name")) <*> (read <$> (v .: "code")) parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "InstanceState" invalid data Placement = Placement { pAvailabilityZone :: T.Text , pTenancy :: T.Text , pGroupName :: Maybe T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Placement where parseJSON (Object v) = Placement <$> v .: "availabilityZone" <*> v .: "tenancy" <*> v .: "groupName" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Placement" invalid data Monitoring = Monitoring {monitoringState :: T.Text} deriving (Show) -- State = disabled | disabling | enabled | pendig instance FromJSON Monitoring where parseJSON (Object v) = Monitoring <$> v .: "state" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Monitoring" invalid data StateReason = StateReason { srCode :: T.Text , srMessage :: T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON StateReason where parseJSON (Object v) = StateReason <$> v .: "code" <*> v .: "message" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "StateReason" invalid data AvailabilityZone = AvailabilityZone { azRegionName :: T.Text , azZoneName :: T.Text , azZoneState :: T.Text , azMessageSet :: Value} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON AvailabilityZone where parseJSON (Object v) = AvailabilityZone <$> v .: "regionName" <*> v .: "zoneName" <*> v .: "zoneState" <*> v .: "messageSet" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "AvailabilityZone" invalid data SecurityGroup = SecurityGroup { sgOwnerId :: T.Text , sgGroupId :: T.Text , sgGroupName :: T.Text , sgGroupDescription :: T.Text , sgVpcId :: Maybe T.Text , sgIpPermissionsEgress :: Value , sgIpPermissions :: Value} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON SecurityGroup where parseJSON (Object v) = SecurityGroup <$> v .: "ownerId" <*> v .: "groupId" <*> v .: "groupName" <*> v .: "groupDescription" <*> v .:? "vpcId" .!= Nothing <*> v .: "ipPermissionsEgress" <*> v .: "ipPermissions" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "SecurityGroup" invalid data PlacementGroup = PlacementGroup { pgGroupName :: T.Text , pgStrategy :: T.Text , pgState :: T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON PlacementGroup where parseJSON (Object v) = PlacementGroup <$> v .: "groupName" <*> v .: "strategy" <*> v .: "state" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "PlacementGroup" invalid data KeyPair = KeyPair { keyName :: T.Text , keyFingerprint :: T.Text} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON KeyPair where parseJSON (Object v) = KeyPair <$> v .: "keyName" <*> v .: "keyFingerprint" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "KeyPair" invalid data Vpc = Vpc { vpcId :: T.Text , vpcState :: T.Text , vpcCIDR :: T.Text , vpcDHCPOptions :: T.Text , vpcInstanceTenacity :: T.Text , vpcIsDefault :: Maybe Bool} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Vpc where parseJSON (Object v) = Vpc <$> v .: "vpcId" <*> v .: "state" <*> v .: "cidrBlock" <*> v .: "dhcpOptionsId" <*> v .: "instanceTenancy" <*> (fmap readBool <$> (v .:? "isDefault" .!= Nothing)) parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Vpc" invalid data Subnet = Subnet { subnetId :: T.Text , subnetVpcId :: T.Text , subnetState :: T.Text , subnetCIDR :: T.Text , subnetAZ :: T.Text , subnetAvailableIpCount :: Int , subnetDefaultForAZ :: Maybe Bool , subnetMapPublicIp :: Maybe Bool} deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Subnet where parseJSON (Object v) = Subnet <$> v .: "subnetId" <*> v .: "vpcId" <*> v .: "state" <*> v .: "cidrBlock" <*> v .: "availabilityZone" <*> (read <$> (v .: "availableIpAddressCount")) <*> (fmap readBool <$> (v .:? "defaultForAz" .!= Nothing)) <*> (fmap readBool <$> (v .:? "mapPublicIpOnLaunch" .!= Nothing)) parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Subnet" invalid -- Enums data InstanceTenancy = Default | Dedicated instance Show InstanceTenancy where show Default = "default" show Dedicated = "dedicated" data VolumeType = Standard | GP2SSD | IOPSSD Int instance Show VolumeType where show Standard = "standard" show GP2SSD = "gp2" show (IOPSSD _) = "io1" data IpProtocol = TCP | UDP | ICMP | Proto Int | All instance Show IpProtocol where show TCP = "tcp" -- 6 show UDP = "udp" -- 17 show ICMP = "icmp" -- 1 show (Proto i) = show i show All = "-1" data VirtualizationType = HVM | PARAVIRTUAL deriving (Eq) instance Show VirtualizationType where show HVM = "hvm" show PARAVIRTUAL = "paravirtual" instance Read VirtualizationType where readsPrec _ h = case h of "hvm" -> [(HVM,"")] "paravirtual" -> [(PARAVIRTUAL,"")] _ -> fail $ "Failed to parse " ++ h ++ " into VirtualizationType." data RootDeviceType = EBS_STORE | INSTANCE_STORE deriving (Eq) instance Show RootDeviceType where show EBS_STORE = "ebs" show INSTANCE_STORE = "instance-store" instance Read RootDeviceType where readsPrec _ h = case h of "ebs" -> [(EBS_STORE,"")] "instance-store" -> [(INSTANCE_STORE,"")] _ -> fail $ "Failed to parse " ++ h ++ " into RootDeviceType." data Architecture = I386 | X86_64 deriving (Eq) instance Show Architecture where show I386 = "32-bit" show X86_64 = "64-bit" instance Read Architecture where readsPrec _ h = case h of "i386" -> [(I386,"")] "x86_64" -> [(X86_64,"")] _ -> fail $ "Failed to parse " ++ h ++ " into Architecture." data Hypervisor = OVM | XEN deriving (Eq) instance Show Hypervisor where show OVM = "ovm" show XEN = "xen" instance Read Hypervisor where readsPrec _ h = case h of "ovm" -> [(OVM,"")] "xen" -> [(XEN,"")] _ -> fail $ "Failed to parse " ++ h ++ " into Hypervisor." data InstanceStateName = Pending | Running | ShuttingDown | Terminated | Stopping | Stopped deriving (Eq) instance Show InstanceStateName where show Pending = "pending" show Running = "running" show ShuttingDown = "shutting-down" show Terminated = "terminated" show Stopping = "stopping" show Stopped = "stopped" instance Read InstanceStateName where readsPrec _ h = case h of "pending" -> [(Pending,"")] "running" -> [(Running,"")] "shutting-down" -> [(ShuttingDown,"")] "terminated" -> [(Terminated,"")] "stopping" -> [(Stopping,"")] "stopped" -> [(Stopped,"")] _ -> fail $ "Failed to parse " ++ h ++ " into InstanceStateName." -- Helper functions enumeratePermissions :: [SgPermission] -> HTTP.Query enumeratePermissions = enumerateLists "IpPermissions." . fmap unroll where port n = maybe [] (\p -> [(n, qShow p)]) unroll (IpPermission proto from to ips) = [("IpProtocol", qShow proto)] ++ port "FromPort" from ++ port "ToPort" to +++ [(mconcat [k, ".CidrIp"], v)| (k, v) <- enumerate "IpRanges" ips qArg] unroll (SgPermission proto from to sgs) = [("IpProtocol", qShow proto)] ++ port "FromPort" from ++ port "ToPort" to +++ [(mconcat [k, ".GroupId"], v)| (k, v) <- enumerate "Groups" sgs qArg] -- JSON parsing helper functions maybeToList :: Maybe [a] -> [a] maybeToList (Just a) = a maybeToList Nothing = [] readBool :: String -> Bool readBool (x:xs) = read $ toUpper x : map toLower xs readBool [] = error "Cannot read bool. String is empty."