# Haskell Runtime for AWS Lambda [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime) [![Linter](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-HLint-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint) [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/theam/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/theam/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime/tree/master) This package provides a way of running Haskell projects on AWS Lambda. ## Sample lambda function ``` stack new my-haskell-lambda https://github.com/theam/aws-lambda-haskell-runtime/raw/master/stack-template.hsfiles --resolver=lts-13.0 --omit-packages cd my-haskell-lambda stack docker pull ``` Then add ``` packages: - . extra-deps: - aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-1.0.10 ``` to your `stack.yaml` Then run ``` make ``` Now you should have a `build/function.zip` file that you can upload to your lambda. ## Lambda function configuration When creating your lambda function you need to provide a layer with the Haskell runtime. We have deployed the layer to our AWS account, you can use it or deploy it to your own AWS account. The ARN of the runtime layer is: ``` arn:aws:lambda::785355572843:layer:aws-haskell-runtime:5 ```` ## Full user guide Take a look at the [Getting Started with the Haskell AWS Lambda Runtime](https://medium.com/the-theam-journey/getting-started-with-the-haskell-aws-lambda-runtime-951b2322c7a3) guide.