[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alephcloud/hs-aws-sns.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/alephcloud/hs-aws-sns) Haskell Bindings for AWS SNS ============================ *API Version 2013-03-31* [Amazon AWS SNS API Reference](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/2010-03-31/APIReference/Welcome.html) This package depends on the [aws-general](https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-aws-general) package and the [aws](https://github.com/aristidb/aws) package. From the latter the it borrows the machinery for [managing AWS credentials](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws-0.9/docs/Aws.html#g:17) and [making requests](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws-0.9/docs/Aws.html). There is also some documentation, including an usage example, in the [README of the aws package](https://github.com/aristidb/aws/blob/master/README.org) Installation ============ Assuming that the Haskell compiler *GHC* and the Haskell build tool *cabal* is already installed run the following command from the shell: ~~~{.sh} cabal install --enable-tests ~~~ Running Tests ============= There are few test cases included in the package. These tests require an AWS account and AWS credentials stored in the file `~/.aws-keys` in the format described in the [documentation of the aws package](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws-0.9/docs/Aws.html#g:17). When running these tests some (low) costs may incur for usage of the AWS services. Therefor the user must explicitly consent to the usage of the AWS credentials by passing the commandline options `--run-with-aws-credentials` to the test application. In addition the tests require an email address that must be provided with the command line option `--test-email`. ~~~{.sh} cabal test --test-option=--run-with-aws-credentials --test-option=--test-email= ~~~ where email address must be replaced with an actual email address. Example Usage ============= Here is a very simple example for making a single request to AWS SNS. For more ellaborate usage refer to the [documentation of the AWS package](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws). ~~~{.haskell} import Aws import Aws.Core import Aws.General import Aws.Sns import Data.IORef cfg <- Aws.baseConfiguration creds <- Credentials "access-key-id" "secret-access-key" `fmap` newIORef [] let snsCfg = SnsConfiguration HTTPS UsWest2 simpleAws cfg snsCfg $ ListTopics Nothing ~~~ In order to run the example you must replace `"access-key-id"` and `"secret-access-key"` with the respective values for your AWS account. You may also take a look at the test examples in [tests/Main.hs](https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-aws-sns/blob/master/tests/Main.hs).