syntax = "proto3"; // protobuf vscode extension: option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = ""; option java_outer_classname = "FunctionProto"; option csharp_namespace = "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.Grpc.Messages"; option go_package =""; package AzureFunctionsRpcMessages; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; import "identity/ClaimsIdentityRpc.proto"; import "shared/NullableTypes.proto"; // Interface exported by the server. service FunctionRpc { rpc EventStream (stream StreamingMessage) returns (stream StreamingMessage) {} } message StreamingMessage { // Used to identify message between host and worker string request_id = 1; // Payload of the message oneof content { // Worker initiates stream StartStream start_stream = 20; // Host sends capabilities/init data to worker WorkerInitRequest worker_init_request = 17; // Worker responds after initializing with its capabilities & status WorkerInitResponse worker_init_response = 16; // Worker periodically sends empty heartbeat message to host WorkerHeartbeat worker_heartbeat = 15; // Host sends terminate message to worker. // Worker terminates if it can, otherwise host terminates after a grace period WorkerTerminate worker_terminate = 14; // Add any worker relevant status to response WorkerStatusRequest worker_status_request = 12; WorkerStatusResponse worker_status_response = 13; // On file change event, host sends notification to worker FileChangeEventRequest file_change_event_request = 6; // Worker requests a desired action (restart worker, reload function) WorkerActionResponse worker_action_response = 7; // Host sends required metadata to worker to load function FunctionLoadRequest function_load_request = 8; // Worker responds after loading with the load result FunctionLoadResponse function_load_response = 9; // Host requests a given invocation InvocationRequest invocation_request = 4; // Worker responds to a given invocation InvocationResponse invocation_response = 5; // Host sends cancel message to attempt to cancel an invocation. // If an invocation is cancelled, host will receive an invocation response with status cancelled. InvocationCancel invocation_cancel = 21; // Worker logs a message back to the host RpcLog rpc_log = 2; FunctionEnvironmentReloadRequest function_environment_reload_request = 25; FunctionEnvironmentReloadResponse function_environment_reload_response = 26; } } // Process.Start required info // connection details // protocol type // protocol version // Worker sends the host information identifying itself message StartStream { // id of the worker string worker_id = 2; } // Host requests the worker to initialize itself message WorkerInitRequest { // version of the host sending init request string host_version = 1; // A map of host supported features/capabilities map capabilities = 2; // inform worker of supported categories and their levels // i.e. Worker = Verbose, Function.MyFunc = None map log_categories = 3; } // Worker responds with the result of initializing itself message WorkerInitResponse { // Version of worker string worker_version = 1; // A map of worker supported features/capabilities map capabilities = 2; // Status of the response StatusResult result = 3; } // Used by the host to determine success/failure/cancellation message StatusResult { // Indicates Failure/Success/Cancelled enum Status { Failure = 0; Success = 1; Cancelled = 2; } // Status for the given result Status status = 4; // Specific message about the result string result = 1; // Exception message (if exists) for the status RpcException exception = 2; // Captured logs or relevant details can use the logs property repeated RpcLog logs = 3; } // TODO: investigate grpc heartbeat - don't limit to grpc implemention // Message is empty by design - Will add more fields in future if needed message WorkerHeartbeat {} // Warning before killing the process after grace_period // Worker self terminates response on this message WorkerTerminate { google.protobuf.Duration grace_period = 1; } // Host notifies worker of file content change message FileChangeEventRequest { // Types of File change operations (See link for more info: enum Type { Unknown = 0; Created = 1; Deleted = 2; Changed = 4; Renamed = 8; All = 15; } // type for this event Type type = 1; // full file path for the file change notification string full_path = 2; // Name of the function affected string name = 3; } // Indicates whether worker reloaded successfully or needs a restart message WorkerActionResponse { // indicates whether a restart is needed, or reload succesfully enum Action { Restart = 0; Reload = 1; } // action for this response Action action = 1; // text reason for the response string reason = 2; } // NOT USED message WorkerStatusRequest{ } // NOT USED message WorkerStatusResponse { } message FunctionEnvironmentReloadRequest { // Environment variables from the current process map environment_variables = 1; // Current directory of function app string function_app_directory = 2; } message FunctionEnvironmentReloadResponse { // Status of the response StatusResult result = 3; } // Host tells the worker to load a Function message FunctionLoadRequest { // unique function identifier (avoid name collisions, facilitate reload case) string function_id = 1; // Metadata for the request RpcFunctionMetadata metadata = 2; // A flag indicating if managed dependency is enabled or not bool managed_dependency_enabled = 3; } // Worker tells host result of reload message FunctionLoadResponse { // unique function identifier string function_id = 1; // Result of load operation StatusResult result = 2; // TODO: return type expected? // Result of load operation bool is_dependency_downloaded = 3; } // Information on how a Function should be loaded and its bindings message RpcFunctionMetadata { // TODO: do we want the host's name - the language worker might do a better job of assignment than the host string name = 4; // base directory for the Function string directory = 1; // Script file specified string script_file = 2; // Entry point specified string entry_point = 3; // Bindings info map bindings = 6; // Is set to true for proxy bool is_proxy = 7; } // Host requests worker to invoke a Function message InvocationRequest { // Unique id for each invocation string invocation_id = 1; // Unique id for each Function string function_id = 2; // Input bindings (include trigger) repeated ParameterBinding input_data = 3; // binding metadata from trigger map trigger_metadata = 4; // Populates activityId, tracestate and tags from host RpcTraceContext trace_context = 5; } // Host sends ActivityId, traceStateString and Tags from host message RpcTraceContext { // This corresponds to Activity.Current?.Id string trace_parent = 1; // This corresponds to Activity.Current?.TraceStateString string trace_state = 2; // This corresponds to Activity.Current?.Tags map attributes = 3; } // Host requests worker to cancel invocation message InvocationCancel { // Unique id for invocation string invocation_id = 2; // Time period before force shutdown google.protobuf.Duration grace_period = 1; // could also use absolute time } // Worker responds with status of Invocation message InvocationResponse { // Unique id for invocation string invocation_id = 1; // Output binding data repeated ParameterBinding output_data = 2; // data returned from Function (for $return and triggers with return support) TypedData return_value = 4; // Status of the invocation (success/failure/canceled) StatusResult result = 3; } // Used to encapsulate data which could be a variety of types message TypedData { oneof data { string string = 1; string json = 2; bytes bytes = 3; bytes stream = 4; RpcHttp http = 5; sint64 int = 6; double double = 7; CollectionBytes collection_bytes = 8; CollectionString collection_string = 9; CollectionDouble collection_double = 10; CollectionSInt64 collection_sint64 = 11; } } // Used to encapsulate collection string message CollectionString { repeated string string = 1; } // Used to encapsulate collection bytes message CollectionBytes { repeated bytes bytes = 1; } // Used to encapsulate collection double message CollectionDouble { repeated double double = 1; } // Used to encapsulate collection sint64 message CollectionSInt64 { repeated sint64 sint64 = 1; } // Used to describe a given binding on invocation message ParameterBinding { // Name for the binding string name = 1; // Data for the binding TypedData data = 2; } // Used to describe a given binding on load message BindingInfo { // Indicates whether it is an input or output binding (or a fancy inout binding) enum Direction { in = 0; out = 1; inout = 2; } // Indicates the type of the data for the binding enum DataType { undefined = 0; string = 1; binary = 2; stream = 3; } // Type of binding (e.g. HttpTrigger) string type = 2; // Direction of the given binding Direction direction = 3; DataType data_type = 4; } // Used to send logs back to the Host message RpcLog { // Matching ILogger semantics // // Level for the Log enum Level { Trace = 0; Debug = 1; Information = 2; Warning = 3; Error = 4; Critical = 5; None = 6; } // Category of the log. Defaults to User if not specified. enum RpcLogCategory { User = 0; System = 1; } // Unique id for invocation (if exists) string invocation_id = 1; // TOD: This should be an enum // Category for the log (startup, load, invocation, etc.) string category = 2; // Level for the given log message Level level = 3; // Message for the given log string message = 4; // Id for the even associated with this log (if exists) string event_id = 5; // Exception (if exists) RpcException exception = 6; // json serialized property bag, or could use a type scheme like map string properties = 7; // Category of the log. Either user(default) or system. RpcLogCategory log_category = 8; } // Encapsulates an Exception message RpcException { // Source of the exception string source = 3; // Stack trace for the exception string stack_trace = 1; // Textual message describing the exception string message = 2; } // Http cookie type. Note that only name and value are used for Http requests message RpcHttpCookie { // Enum that lets servers require that a cookie shouldn't be sent with cross-site requests enum SameSite { None = 0; Lax = 1; Strict = 2; ExplicitNone = 3; } // Cookie name string name = 1; // Cookie value string value = 2; // Specifies allowed hosts to receive the cookie NullableString domain = 3; // Specifies URL path that must exist in the requested URL NullableString path = 4; // Sets the cookie to expire at a specific date instead of when the client closes. // It is generally recommended that you use "Max-Age" over "Expires". NullableTimestamp expires = 5; // Sets the cookie to only be sent with an encrypted request NullableBool secure = 6; // Sets the cookie to be inaccessible to JavaScript's Document.cookie API NullableBool http_only = 7; // Allows servers to assert that a cookie ought not to be sent along with cross-site requests SameSite same_site = 8; // Number of seconds until the cookie expires. A zero or negative number will expire the cookie immediately. NullableDouble max_age = 9; } // TODO - solidify this or remove it message RpcHttp { string method = 1; string url = 2; map headers = 3; TypedData body = 4; map params = 10; string status_code = 12; map query = 15; bool enable_content_negotiation= 16; TypedData rawBody = 17; repeated RpcClaimsIdentity identities = 18; repeated RpcHttpCookie cookies = 19; }