syntax = "proto3"; // protobuf vscode extension: option java_package = ""; import "shared/NullableTypes.proto"; // Light-weight representation of a .NET System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity object. // This is the same serialization as found in EasyAuth, and needs to be kept in sync with // its ClaimsIdentitySlim definition, as seen in the WebJobs extension: // message RpcClaimsIdentity { NullableString authentication_type = 1; NullableString name_claim_type = 2; NullableString role_claim_type = 3; repeated RpcClaim claims = 4; } // Light-weight representation of a .NET System.Security.Claims.Claim object. // This is the same serialization as found in EasyAuth, and needs to be kept in sync with // its ClaimSlim definition, as seen in the WebJobs extension: // message RpcClaim { string value = 1; string type = 2; }