backdropper: Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using qiv.

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Versions [RSS] 1.1, 1.2
Dependencies base, Cabal, haskell98, hslogger, old-time, process, random [details]
License LicenseRef-GPL
Copyright (c) 2008, Yann Golanski.
Author Yann Golanski <>
Uploaded by YannGolanski at 2008-06-19T10:17:39Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables backdropper_consol
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Readme for backdropper-1.1

[back to package description]
          ---==* Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using qiv *==---

-- Introduction --

This works as follow.  A configuration file must be created (see example
"sample_wallpaper_list" file) containing one image per line with the
full path.  Once the backdropper_consol is started (and pointed to said
file), it will read all the images and pick a random one to display with
qiv.  You can get qiv from or change the
source to use whatever viewing program you prefer.  It will display all
the images in the configuration file before re-reading it.  

A time (delay) between changes can be set.   Upcoming is a feature to
only display images while you are at work -- based on time of day and
idleness of the user running backdropper_consol.

A typical usage would be of the form:
 backdropper_consol --config'='/home/yann/.rotate_wallpaper_list --delay'='900

(c)2008 Yann Golanski, GPLv3 or above.

-- Quick install guide --

1 - Download qiv from and install it.

2 - Create a file (~/.backdropper.list) which contains an image (with full
path) per line. See sample_wallpaper_list for an example of how it should
look like.

3 - Run "runhaskell Setup.hs configure".

4 - Run "runhaskell Setup.hs build".

5 - Run "runhaskell Setup.hs haddock".

6 - Run "./dist/build/backdropper_consol/backdropper_consol -h".

7 - Run "sudo runhaskell Setup.hs install".

8 - Run "backdropper_consol --config=$HOME/.backdropper.list --delay=900".

-- Future versions -- 

  * Only rotate during work hours.
  * Making sure that all images are shown within a day.
  * Make a nice GUI.

-- Version release notes --

v1.1 -- Thu Jun 19 2008 Second release for Hackage.
  * Added hshaskell logging instead of normal IO (). 
  * Added comments so that haddock works.

v1.0 -- Tue, 3 Jun 2008 Initial release.
  * Reads command line options
  * Reads file in
  * Display images using qiv.

-- Notes --

Special thanks to the haskell-cafe list, in particular to Ketil Malde,
Derek Elkins, Spencer Janssen, Bulat Ziganshin, Ryan Ingram and Lauri