{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Define a continuous integration system. module Development.Bake.Server.Web( web ) where import Development.Bake.Server.Type import Development.Bake.Type import Development.Bake.Web import Development.Bake.Format import Data.List.Extra import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Tuple.Extra web :: Oven State Patch Test -> Input -> Server -> IO Output web Oven{..} Input{..} server = return $ OutputHTML $ unlines $ prefix ++ (case () of _ | Just c <- lookup "client" inputArgs -> ["

Runs on " ++ c ++ "

"] ++ runs shower (nostdout server) ((==) (Client c) . qClient) | Just t <- lookup "test" inputArgs, Just p <- lookup "patch" inputArgs -> let tt = if t == "" then Nothing else Just $ Test t in runs shower server (\Question{..} -> Patch p `elem` snd qCandidate && qTest == tt) | Just p <- lookup "patch" inputArgs -> runs shower (nostdout server) (elem (Patch p) . snd . qCandidate) ++ ["

Patch information

"] ++ [e | (pp,(_,e)) <- extra server, Patch p == pp] | otherwise -> ["


"] ++ table "No patches submitted" ["Patch","Status"] (map (patch shower server) patches) ++ ["


"] ++ table "No clients available" ["Name","Running"] (map (client shower server) clients) ) ++ suffix where patches = submitted server clients = sort $ nub $ map (pClient . snd) $ pings server shower = Shower {showPatch = \p -> tag "a" ["href=?patch=" ++ fromPatch p, "class=patch"] (stringyPretty ovenStringyPatch p) ,showTest = \p t -> tag "a" ["href=?patch=" ++ fromPatch p ++ "&" ++ "test=" ++ maybe "" fromTest t] $ maybe "Preparing" (stringyPretty ovenStringyTest) t } data Shower = Shower {showPatch :: Patch -> String ,showTest :: Patch -> Maybe Test -> String } prefix = ["" ,"" ,"" ,"Bake Continuous Integration" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"

Bake Continuous Integration

" ] suffix = ["" ,"" ,""] nostdout :: Server -> Server nostdout s = s{history = [(t,q,fmap (\a -> a{aStdout=""}) a) | (t,q,a) <- history s]} runs :: Shower -> Server -> (Question -> Bool) -> [String] runs Shower{..} Server{..} pred = table "No runs" ["Time","Question","Answer"] [[show t, show q, show a] | (t,q,a) <- history, pred q] patch :: Shower -> Server -> (UTCTime, Patch) -> [String] patch Shower{..} Server{..} (u, p) = [showPatch p ++ " by " ++ commasLimit 3 [a | (pp,a) <- authors, Just p == pp] ++ "
" ++ tag "span" ["class=info"] (maybe "" fst (lookup p extra)) ,if p `elem` concatMap (snd . thd3) updates then tag "span" ["class=good"] "Merged" else if p `elem` snd active then "Testing (passed " ++ show (length $ filter fst done) ++ " of " ++ (if todo == 0 then "?" else show todo) ++ ")
" ++ tag "span" ["class=info"] (if any (not . fst) done then "Retrying " ++ commasLimit 3 [showTest p t | (False,t) <- done] else if not $ null running then "Running " ++ commasLimit 3 (map (showTest p) running) else "") else if p `elem` maybe [] (map snd) paused then "Paused" else tag "span" ["class=bad"] "Rejected" ++ "
" ++ tag "span" ["class=info"] (commasLimit 3 [showTest p t | (False,t) <- done, (True,t) `notElem` done]) ] where todo = length $ nub [ t | (_,Question{..},Just Answer{..}) <- history , p `elem` snd qCandidate , t <- uncurry (++) aTests] done = nub [ (aSuccess,qTest) | (_,Question{..},Just Answer{..}) <- history , p `elem` snd qCandidate] running = nub [ qTest | (_,Question{..},Nothing) <- history , p `elem` snd qCandidate] client :: Shower -> Server -> Client -> [String] client Shower{..} Server{..} c = [tag "a" ["href=?client=" ++ fromClient c] $ fromClient c ,if null active then "None" else commas $ map (uncurry showTest) active] where active = [(last $ Patch "" : snd qCandidate, qTest) | (_,Question{..},Nothing) <- history, qClient == c]