Creating icon .exe's ==================== Each icon needs to go into an .exe of its own. Here's how to build it: * locate and save the icon you want to use as an .ico, as "MyIcon.ico" (say). * create a one-liner resource script: 0 ICON "MyIcon.ico" * build the .res file using the resource compiler: rc MyIcon.rc * build the .exe -- to do this you need to supply a stub DllMain() and link it as follows: foo$ cat stub.c #include BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { // Nothing to initialize. return TRUE; } foo$ cl -o MyIcon.exe stub.c MyIcon.res /link /entry:DllMain /subsystem:windows ...but sometimes you've just got an executable/DLL containing the icon; what to do? Have a look at the tools/README and tools/msiIcon.c