module Step_1_6 where import Data.List -- Playing with lists fruit :: [String] fruit = ["apple", "bannana", "orange", "plum", "peach", "grape", "fig", "apricot"] ages :: [Integer] ages = [42, 0, 18, 6, 22, 72] shhhh :: [String] shhhh = [] -- These are all lists. Try making your own, and showing them here: output :: String output = show fruit ++ "\n" ++ show ages ++ "\n" ++ show shhhh -- Note: output has the type String, and so you need to use the show function to convert any -- of your lists into a String. There is no automatic type conversion in Haskell at all. One -- day you'll come to view this as a good thing, when you realize it has saved you from -- countless hard to find bugs! -- NEXT -- Play with the following list functions: {- head :: [a] -> a tail :: [a] -> [a] init :: [a] -> [a] last :: [a] -> a -} output1 = show $ tail fruit -- You also have these functions available: {- (++) :: [a] -> [a] length :: [a] -> Int reverse :: [a] -> [a] sort :: [a] -> [a] -} -- And these functions for use with String: {- lines :: String -> [String] unlines :: [String] -> String words :: String -> [String] unwords :: [String] -> String -} -- Write some expressions using these functions, and tack them onto output above so you can -- see 'em.