Name: barrie Version: 0.4 Synopsis: Pure Gtk GUI library Description: Implementation of an idea for supporting certain kinds of GUI: that is state based, user-driven ones. The GUI is intended to manipulate a state, and it is responsive rather than active. Configuration is an example. Category: GUI License: GPL License-file: LICENSE Author: Fraser Wilson Maintainer: Copyright: (c) Fraser Wilson Stability: unstable cabal-version: >= 0.2 build-type: Simple Library Build-Depends: base,filepath,gtk>=0.10.0,glib>=0.10.0,containers Exposed-modules: Barrie ghc-options: -Wall -optl-Wl,s ghc-prof-options: -prof -auto-all other-modules: Barrie.Config Barrie.DrawPrimitive Barrie.Gadgets Barrie.Gadgets.Connections Barrie.Render Barrie.Render.Gtk Barrie.Style Barrie.Trace Barrie.Widgets extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses,FunctionalDependencies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,RankNTypes,ExistentialQuantification hs-source-dirs: src