# A compatibility layer for `base` ## Scope The scope of `base-compat` is to provide functions available in later versions of base to a wider (older) range of compilers. In addition, successful library proposals that have been accepted to be part of upcoming versions of `base` are also included. This package is not intended to replace `base`, but to complement it. Note that `base-compat` does not add any orphan instances. There is a separate package [`base-orphans`](https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-orphans) for that. ## Basic usage In your cabal file, you should have something like this: ``` build-depends: base == 4.* , base-compat >= 0.8.0 ``` Then, lets say you want to use the `isRight` function introduced with `base-`. Replace: ``` import Data.Either ``` with ``` import Data.Either.Compat ``` _Note (1)_: There is no need to import both unqualified. The `.Compat` modules re-exports the original module. _Note (2)_: If a given module `.Compat` version is not defined, that either means that: * The module has not changed in recent base versions, thus no `.Compat` is needed. * The module has changed, but the changes depend on newer versions of GHC, and thus are not portable. * The module has changed, but those changes have not yet been merged in `base-compat`: patches are welcomed! ## Using `Prelude.Compat` If you want to use `Prelude.Compat` (which provides all the AMP/Traversable/Foldable changes from `base-`), it's best to hide `Prelude`, e.g.: import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat main :: IO () main = mapM_ print (Just 23) Alternatively, you can use the `NoImplicitPrelude` language extension: {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} import Prelude.Compat main :: IO () main = mapM_ print (Just 23) Note that we use mapM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m () from `Data.Foldable` here, which is only exposed from `Prelude` since `base-`. Using this approach allows you to write code that works seamlessly with all versions of GHC that are supported by `base-compat`. ## What is covered So far the following is covered. ### For compatibility with the latest released version of `base` * `Prelude.Compat` incorporates the AMP/Foldable/Traversable changes and exposes the same interface as `Prelude` from `base-` * `System.IO.Error.catch` is not re-exported from `Prelude.Compat` for older versions of `base` * `Text.Read.Compat.readMaybe` * `Text.Read.Compat.readEither` * `System.Environment.Compat.lookupEnv` * `Data.Monoid.Compat.<>` * Added `bool` function to `Data.Bool.Compat` * Added `isLeft` and `isRight` to `Data.Either.Compat` * Added `withMVarMasked` function to `Control.Concurrent.MVar.Compat` * Added `(<$!>)` function to `Control.Monad.Compat` * Added `($>)` and `void` functions to `Data.Functor.Compat` * `(&)` function to `Data.Function.Compat` * `($>)` and `void` functions to `Data.Functor.Compat` * `dropWhileEnd`, `isSubsequenceOf`, `sortOn`, and `uncons` functions to `Data.List.Compat` * `makeVersion` function to `Data.Version.Compat` * `traceId`, `traceShowId`, `traceM`, and `traceShowM` functions to `Debug.Trace.Compat` * `calloc` and `callocBytes` functions to `Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.Compat` * `callocArray` and `callocArray0` functions to `Foreign.Marshal.Array.Compat` * Added `Data.List.Compat.scanl'` ## Supported versions of GHC/base * `ghc-7.10.1` / `base-` * `ghc-7.8.4` / `base-` * `ghc-7.8.3` / `base-` * `ghc-7.8.2` / `base-` * `ghc-7.8.1` / `base-` * `ghc-7.6.3` / `base-` * `ghc-7.6.2` / `base-` * `ghc-7.6.1` / `base-` * `ghc-7.4.2` / `base-` * `ghc-7.4.1` / `base-` * `ghc-7.2.2` / `base-` * `ghc-7.2.1` / `base-` * `ghc-7.0.4` / `base-` * `ghc-7.0.3` / `base-` * `ghc-7.0.2` / `base-` * `ghc-7.0.1` / `base-` * `ghc-6.12.3` / `base-` * `ghc-6.12.2` / `base-` * `ghc-6.12.1` / `base-` Patches are welcome; add tests for new code! ## Development For `Prelude.Compat` there is an `Prelude.index` file that was generated from the output of ghc --show-iface Prelude.hi To verify that `Prelude.Compat` matches the specification given in `Prelude.types` run: ./check-Prelude.sh