# 1.0.1 * Relaxed the "base" dependency # 1 No changes. # 0.2 * Reexported `Data.Bifunctor`. * `first` and `second` are now (conditionally) exported from `Data.Bifunctor`, not `Control.Arrow`; note that if your version of base is lower than 4.8, `first` and `second` won't be available at all. # 0.1.21 * Reexported `printf` and `hPrintf` from `Text.Printf`. # 0.1.20 * Reexported `Numeric`. # 0.1.19 * Avoided the clash between `(&)` and `sortOn` defined in the package and versions of these functions imported from base. # 0.1.18 * Added implementations of `(&)` and `sortOn` (normally not available in older versions of base). # 0.1.17 * Reexported `Control.Monad.Fix`.