{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax #-} {-| Module : Data.Foldable.Unicode Copyright : (c) 2009–2010 Roel van Dijk License : BSD3 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Roel van Dijk -} module Data.Foldable.Unicode where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base: import Data.Bool ( Bool ) import Data.Eq ( Eq ) import Data.Foldable ( Foldable, elem, notElem ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fixities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infix 4 ∈ infix 4 ∉ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | (∈) = 'elem' U+2208, ELEMENT OF -} (∈) ∷ (Foldable t, Eq α) ⇒ α → t α → Bool (∈) = elem {- | (∉) = 'notElem' U+2209, NOT AN ELEMENT OF -} (∉) ∷ (Foldable t, Eq α) ⇒ α → t α → Bool (∉) = notElem