module Language.Bash.Syntax where
import Prelude hiding (all)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.String
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Foldable hiding (all)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Text.ShellEscape as Esc
data Annotated t = Annotated { annotation :: t
, statement :: Statement t }
deriving instance (Eq t) => Eq (Annotated t)
deriving instance (Ord t) => Ord (Annotated t)
deriving instance (Show t) => Show (Annotated t)
instance Functor Annotated where
fmap f (Annotated t stmt) = Annotated (f t) (fmap f stmt)
instance Foldable Annotated where
foldMap f (Annotated t stmt) = f t `mappend` foldMap f stmt
data Statement t
= Empty
| SimpleCommand (Expression t) [Expression t]
| NoOp ByteString
| Bang (Annotated t)
| AndAnd (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| OrOr (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| Pipe (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| Sequence (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| Background (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| Group (Annotated t)
| Subshell (Annotated t)
| Function Identifier (Annotated t)
| IfThen (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| IfThenElse (Annotated t) (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| For Identifier [Expression t] (Annotated t)
| Case (Expression t) [(Expression t, Annotated t)]
| While (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| Until (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
| VarAssign Identifier (Expression t)
| Export Identifier (Expression t)
| ArrayDecl Identifier [Expression t]
| ArrayUpdate Identifier (Expression t) (Expression t)
| ArrayAssign Identifier [Expression t]
| DictDecl Identifier [(Identifier, Expression t)]
| DictUpdate Identifier (Expression t) (Expression t)
| DictAssign Identifier [(Expression t, Expression t)]
| Redirect (Annotated t) Redirection
FileDescriptor (Either (Expression t) FileDescriptor)
deriving instance (Eq t) => Eq (Statement t)
deriving instance (Ord t) => Ord (Statement t)
deriving instance (Show t) => Show (Statement t)
instance Functor Statement where
fmap f stmt = case stmt of
Empty -> Empty
SimpleCommand cmd args -> SimpleCommand (f' cmd) (fmap f' args)
NoOp b -> NoOp b
Bang ann -> Bang (f' ann)
AndAnd ann ann' -> AndAnd (f' ann) (f' ann')
OrOr ann ann' -> OrOr (f' ann) (f' ann')
Pipe ann ann' -> Pipe (f' ann) (f' ann')
Sequence ann ann' -> Sequence (f' ann) (f' ann')
Background ann ann' -> Background (f' ann) (f' ann')
Group ann -> Group (f' ann)
Subshell ann -> Subshell (f' ann)
Function ident ann -> Function ident (f' ann)
IfThen ann ann' -> IfThen (f' ann) (f' ann')
IfThenElse a a' a'' -> IfThenElse (f' a) (f' a') (f' a'')
For ident args ann -> For ident (fmap f' args) (f' ann)
Case expr cases -> Case (f' expr) (fmap (f' *** f') cases)
While ann ann' -> While (f' ann) (f' ann')
Until ann ann' -> Until (f' ann) (f' ann')
VarAssign ident expr -> VarAssign ident (f' expr)
Export ident expr -> Export ident (f' expr)
ArrayDecl ident assigns -> ArrayDecl ident (fmap f' assigns)
ArrayUpdate ident a b -> ArrayUpdate ident (f' a) (f' b)
ArrayAssign ident assigns -> ArrayAssign ident (fmap f' assigns)
DictDecl ident assigns -> DictDecl ident (fmap (id *** f') assigns)
DictUpdate ident a b -> DictUpdate ident (f' a) (f' b)
DictAssign ident assigns -> DictAssign ident (fmap (f' *** f') assigns)
Redirect ann r fd chan -> Redirect (f' ann) r fd (fmapExprFD chan)
f' = fmap f
fmapExprFD (Left expr) = Left (f' expr)
fmapExprFD (Right fd) = Right fd
instance Foldable Statement where
foldMap f stmt = case stmt of
Empty -> mempty
SimpleCommand cmd args -> f' cmd `mappend` foldMap f' args
NoOp _ -> mempty
Bang ann -> f' ann
AndAnd ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
OrOr ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
Pipe ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
Sequence ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
Background ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
Group ann -> f' ann
Subshell ann -> f' ann
Function _ ann -> f' ann
IfThen ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
IfThenElse a a' a'' -> foldMap f' [a, a', a'']
For _ args ann -> foldMap f' args `mappend` f' ann
Case expr cases -> f' expr `mappend` foldMap foldMapPair cases
While ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
Until ann ann' -> f' ann `mappend` f' ann'
VarAssign _ expr -> f' expr
Export _ expr -> f' expr
ArrayDecl _ assigns -> foldMap f' assigns
ArrayUpdate _ a b -> f' a `mappend` f' b
ArrayAssign _ assigns -> foldMap f' assigns
DictDecl _ assigns -> foldMap (f' . snd) assigns
DictUpdate _ a b -> f' a `mappend` f' b
DictAssign _ assigns -> foldMap foldMapPair assigns
Redirect ann _ _ chan -> f' ann `mappend` foldMapExprFD chan
f' = foldMap f
foldMapExprFD (Left expr) = f' expr
foldMapExprFD (Right _) = mempty
foldMapPair (x, y) = f' x `mappend` f' y
data Expression t = Literal Esc.Bash
| Asterisk
| QuestionMark
| Tilde
| ReadVar VarName
| ReadVarSafe VarName
| ReadArray Identifier (Expression t)
| ReadArraySafe Identifier (Expression t)
| ARGVElements
| ARGVLength
| Elements Identifier
| Keys Identifier
| Length VarName
| Trim Trim VarName (Expression t)
| ArrayLength Identifier
| Concat (Expression t) (Expression t)
| Eval (Annotated t)
| EvalUnquoted (Annotated t)
| ProcessIn (Annotated t)
| ProcessOut (Annotated t)
deriving instance (Eq t) => Eq (Expression t)
deriving instance (Ord t) => Ord (Expression t)
deriving instance (Show t) => Show (Expression t)
instance IsString (Expression t) where
fromString = literal . fromString
instance Functor Expression where
fmap f expr = case expr of
Literal esc -> Literal esc
Asterisk -> Asterisk
QuestionMark -> QuestionMark
Tilde -> Tilde
ReadVar v -> ReadVar v
ReadVarSafe v -> ReadVarSafe v
ReadArray ident expr -> ReadArray ident (fmap f expr)
ReadArraySafe ident expr -> ReadArraySafe ident (fmap f expr)
ARGVElements -> ARGVElements
ARGVLength -> ARGVLength
Elements ident -> Elements ident
Keys ident -> Keys ident
Length ident -> Length ident
Trim trim v expr -> Trim trim v (fmap f expr)
ArrayLength ident -> ArrayLength ident
Concat expr expr' -> Concat (fmap f expr) (fmap f expr')
Eval ann -> Eval (fmap f ann)
EvalUnquoted ann -> EvalUnquoted (fmap f ann)
ProcessIn ann -> ProcessIn (fmap f ann)
ProcessOut ann -> ProcessOut (fmap f ann)
instance Foldable Expression where
foldMap f expr = case expr of
Literal _ -> mempty
Asterisk -> mempty
QuestionMark -> mempty
Tilde -> mempty
ReadVar _ -> mempty
ReadVarSafe _ -> mempty
ReadArray _ expr -> foldMap f expr
ReadArraySafe _ expr -> foldMap f expr
ARGVElements -> mempty
ARGVLength -> mempty
Elements _ -> mempty
Keys _ -> mempty
Length _ -> mempty
Trim _ _ expr -> foldMap f expr
ArrayLength _ -> mempty
Concat expr expr' -> foldMap f expr `mappend` foldMap f expr'
Eval ann -> foldMap f ann
EvalUnquoted ann -> foldMap f ann
ProcessIn ann -> foldMap f ann
ProcessOut ann -> foldMap f ann
literal :: ByteString -> Expression t
literal = Literal . Esc.bash
data VarName = VarIdent Identifier | VarSpecial SpecialVar
deriving instance Eq VarName
deriving instance Ord VarName
deriving instance Show VarName
instance IsString VarName where
fromString = fromJust . varName . fromString
varName :: ByteString -> Maybe VarName
varName bytes = (VarSpecial <$> specialVar bytes) `mplus`
(VarIdent <$> identifier bytes)
newtype Identifier = Identifier ByteString
deriving instance Eq Identifier
deriving instance Ord Identifier
deriving instance Show Identifier
instance IsString Identifier where
fromString = fromJust . identifier . fromString
identifier :: ByteString -> Maybe Identifier
identifier bytes = do
(c, bytes') <- uncons bytes
if okayHead c && all okayTail bytes'
then Just (Identifier bytes)
else Nothing
okayTail c = (isAlphaNum c || c == '_') && isAscii c
okayHead c = (isAlpha c || c == '_') && isAscii c
data SpecialVar
= DollarQuestion | DollarHyphen | DollarDollar
| DollarBang | DollarUnderscore
| Dollar0 | Dollar1 | Dollar2 | Dollar3 | Dollar4
| Dollar5 | Dollar6 | Dollar7 | Dollar8 | Dollar9
deriving instance Eq SpecialVar
deriving instance Ord SpecialVar
deriving instance Show SpecialVar
instance IsString SpecialVar where
fromString = fromJust . specialVar . fromString
specialVar :: ByteString -> Maybe SpecialVar
specialVar b | "$?" == b = Just DollarQuestion
| "$-" == b = Just DollarHyphen
| "$$" == b = Just DollarDollar
| "$!" == b = Just DollarBang
| "$_" == b = Just DollarUnderscore
| "$0" == b = Just Dollar0
| "$1" == b = Just Dollar1
| "$2" == b = Just Dollar2
| "$3" == b = Just Dollar3
| "$4" == b = Just Dollar4
| "$5" == b = Just Dollar5
| "$6" == b = Just Dollar6
| "$7" == b = Just Dollar7
| "$8" == b = Just Dollar8
| "$9" == b = Just Dollar9
| otherwise = Nothing
specialVarBytes :: SpecialVar -> ByteString
specialVarBytes DollarQuestion = "$?"
specialVarBytes DollarHyphen = "$-"
specialVarBytes DollarDollar = "$$"
specialVarBytes DollarBang = "$!"
specialVarBytes DollarUnderscore = "$_"
specialVarBytes Dollar0 = "$0"
specialVarBytes Dollar1 = "$1"
specialVarBytes Dollar2 = "$2"
specialVarBytes Dollar3 = "$3"
specialVarBytes Dollar4 = "$4"
specialVarBytes Dollar5 = "$5"
specialVarBytes Dollar6 = "$6"
specialVarBytes Dollar7 = "$7"
specialVarBytes Dollar8 = "$8"
specialVarBytes Dollar9 = "$9"
data Trim = ShortestLeading | LongestLeading
| ShortestTrailing | LongestTrailing
deriving instance Eq Trim
deriving instance Ord Trim
deriving instance Show Trim
newtype FileDescriptor = FileDescriptor Word8
deriving instance Eq FileDescriptor
deriving instance Ord FileDescriptor
deriving instance Num FileDescriptor
deriving instance Show FileDescriptor
data Redirection = In
| Out
| Append
deriving instance Eq Redirection
deriving instance Ord Redirection
deriving instance Show Redirection
data ConditionalExpression t
= File_a (Expression t)
| File_b (Expression t)
| File_c (Expression t)
| File_d (Expression t)
| File_e (Expression t)
| File_f (Expression t)
| File_g (Expression t)
| File_h (Expression t)
| File_k (Expression t)
| File_p (Expression t)
| File_r (Expression t)
| File_s (Expression t)
| File_t (Expression t)
| File_u (Expression t)
| File_w (Expression t)
| File_x (Expression t)
| File_O (Expression t)
| File_G (Expression t)
| File_L (Expression t)
| File_S (Expression t)
| File_N (Expression t)
| File_nt (Expression t) (Expression t)
| File_ot (Expression t) (Expression t)
| File_ef (Expression t) (Expression t)
| OptSet (Expression t)
| StringEmpty (Expression t)
| StringNonempty (Expression t)
| StringEq (Expression t) (Expression t)
| StringNotEq (Expression t) (Expression t)
| StringLT (Expression t) (Expression t)
| StringGT (Expression t) (Expression t)
| StringRE (Expression t) (Expression t)
| NumEq (Expression t) (Expression t)
| NumNotEq (Expression t) (Expression t)
| NumLT (Expression t) (Expression t)
| NumLEq (Expression t) (Expression t)
| NumGT (Expression t) (Expression t)
| NumGEq (Expression t) (Expression t)
| Not (Expression t) (Expression t)
| And (Expression t) (Expression t)
| Or (Expression t) (Expression t)
deriving instance (Eq t) => Eq (ConditionalExpression t)
deriving instance (Ord t) => Ord (ConditionalExpression t)
deriving instance (Show t) => Show (ConditionalExpression t)