{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | Instances that allow us to use Haskell as a backend syntax. This allows us
-- to use migrations defined a la 'Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL' to generate a beam
-- schema.
-- Mainly of interest to backends.
-- Unfortunately, we define some orphan 'Hashable' instances that aren't defined
-- for us in @haskell-src-exts@.
module Database.Beam.Haskell.Syntax where

import           Database.Beam hiding (lookup)
import           Database.Beam.Backend.SQL
import           Database.Beam.Backend.SQL.Builder
import           Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.SQL92
import           Database.Beam.Migrate.Serialization

import           Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import           Data.Hashable
import           Data.List (find, nub)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import           Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T

import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs

import           Text.PrettyPrint (render)

newtype HsDbField = HsDbField { buildHsDbField :: Hs.Type () -> Hs.Type () }

data HsConstraintDefinition
  = HsConstraintDefinition
  { hsConstraintDefinitionConstraint :: HsExpr }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HsConstraintDefinition
instance Sql92DisplaySyntax HsConstraintDefinition where
  displaySyntax = show

newtype HsEntityName = HsEntityName { getHsEntityName :: String } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString)

data HsImport = HsImportAll | HsImportSome (S.Set (Hs.ImportSpec ()))
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HsImport
instance Monoid HsImport where
  mempty = HsImportSome mempty
  mappend HsImportAll _ = HsImportAll
  mappend _ HsImportAll = HsImportAll
  mappend (HsImportSome a) (HsImportSome b) =
    HsImportSome (a <> b)

importSome :: T.Text -> [ Hs.ImportSpec () ] -> HsImports
importSome modNm names = HsImports (M.singleton (Hs.ModuleName () (T.unpack modNm))
                                                (HsImportSome (S.fromList names)))

importTyNamed :: T.Text -> Hs.ImportSpec ()
importTyNamed = importVarNamed -- nm = Hs.IAbs () (Hs.TypeNamespace ()) (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack nm))

importVarNamed :: T.Text -> Hs.ImportSpec ()
importVarNamed nm = Hs.IVar () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack nm))

newtype HsImports = HsImports (M.Map (Hs.ModuleName ()) HsImport)
  deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Hashable HsImports where
  hashWithSalt s (HsImports a) = hashWithSalt s (M.assocs a)
instance Monoid HsImports where
  mempty = HsImports mempty
  mappend (HsImports a) (HsImports b) =
    HsImports (M.unionWith mappend a b)

data HsDataType
  = HsDataType
  { hsDataTypeMigration :: HsExpr
  , hsDataTypeType :: HsType
  , hsDataTypeSerialized :: BeamSerializedDataType
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable HsDataType where
  hashWithSalt salt (HsDataType mig ty _) = hashWithSalt salt (mig, ty)
instance Sql92DisplaySyntax HsDataType where
  displaySyntax = show

data HsType
  = HsType
  { hsTypeSyntax  :: Hs.Type ()
  , hsTypeImports :: HsImports
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HsType

data HsExpr
  = HsExpr
  { hsExprSyntax  :: Hs.Exp ()
  , hsExprImports :: HsImports
  , hsExprConstraints :: [ Hs.Asst () ]
  , hsExprTypeVariables :: S.Set (Hs.Name ())
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable HsExpr

data HsColumnSchema
  = HsColumnSchema
  { mkHsColumnSchema :: T.Text -> HsExpr
  , hsColumnSchemaType :: HsType
instance Show HsColumnSchema where
  show (HsColumnSchema mk _) = show (mk "fieldNm")
instance Eq HsColumnSchema where
  HsColumnSchema a aTy == HsColumnSchema b bTy = a "fieldNm" == b "fieldNm" && aTy == bTy
instance Hashable HsColumnSchema where
  hashWithSalt s (HsColumnSchema mk ty) = hashWithSalt s (mk "fieldNm", ty)
instance Sql92DisplaySyntax HsColumnSchema where
  displaySyntax = show

data HsDecl
  = HsDecl
  { hsDeclSyntax  :: Hs.Decl ()
  , hsDeclImports :: HsImports
  , hsDeclExports :: [ Hs.ExportSpec () ]

data HsAction
  = HsAction
  { hsSyntaxMigration :: [ (Maybe (Hs.Pat ()), HsExpr) ]
  , hsSyntaxEntities  :: [ HsEntity ]

instance Monoid HsAction where
  mempty = HsAction [] []
  mappend (HsAction ma ea) (HsAction mb eb) =
    HsAction (ma <> mb) (ea <> eb)

newtype HsBackendConstraint = HsBackendConstraint { buildHsBackendConstraint :: Hs.Type () -> Hs.Asst () }

data HsBeamBackend f
  = HsBeamBackendSingle HsType f
  | HsBeamBackendConstrained [ HsBackendConstraint ]
  | HsBeamBackendNone

instance Monoid (HsBeamBackend f) where
  mempty = HsBeamBackendConstrained []
  mappend (HsBeamBackendSingle aTy aExp) (HsBeamBackendSingle bTy _)
    | aTy == bTy = HsBeamBackendSingle aTy aExp
    | otherwise = HsBeamBackendNone
  mappend a@HsBeamBackendSingle {} _ = a
  mappend _ b@HsBeamBackendSingle {} = b
  mappend HsBeamBackendNone _ = HsBeamBackendNone
  mappend _ HsBeamBackendNone = HsBeamBackendNone
  mappend (HsBeamBackendConstrained a) (HsBeamBackendConstrained b) =
    HsBeamBackendConstrained (a <> b)

data HsEntity
    = HsEntity
    { hsEntityBackend :: HsBeamBackend HsExpr
    , hsEntitySyntax  :: HsBeamBackend ()

    , hsEntityName    :: HsEntityName

    , hsEntityDecls   :: [ HsDecl ]
    , hsEntityDbDecl  :: HsDbField

    , hsEntityExp     :: HsExpr

newtype HsFieldLookup = HsFieldLookup { hsFieldLookup :: T.Text -> Maybe (T.Text, Hs.Type ()) }
newtype HsTableConstraint = HsTableConstraint (T.Text -> HsFieldLookup -> HsTableConstraintDecls)

data HsTableConstraintDecls
    = HsTableConstraintDecls
    { hsTableConstraintInstance :: [ Hs.InstDecl () ]
    , hsTableConstraintDecls    :: [ HsDecl ]

instance Monoid HsTableConstraintDecls where
  mempty = HsTableConstraintDecls [] []
  mappend (HsTableConstraintDecls ai ad) (HsTableConstraintDecls bi bd) =
    HsTableConstraintDecls (ai <> bi) (ad <> bd)

data HsModule
  = HsModule
  { hsModuleName :: String
  , hsModuleEntities :: [ HsEntity ]
  , hsModuleMigration :: [ (Maybe (Hs.Pat ()), HsExpr) ]

hsActionsToModule :: String -> [ HsAction ] -> HsModule
hsActionsToModule modNm actions =
  let HsAction ms es = mconcat actions
  in HsModule modNm es ms

unqual :: String -> Hs.QName ()
unqual = Hs.UnQual () . Hs.Ident ()

entityDbFieldName :: HsEntity -> String
entityDbFieldName entity = "_" ++ getHsEntityName (hsEntityName entity)

databaseTypeDecl :: [ HsEntity ] -> Hs.Decl ()
databaseTypeDecl entities =
  Hs.DataDecl () (Hs.DataType ()) Nothing
              declHead [ conDecl ]
              (Just deriving_)
    declHead = Hs.DHApp () (Hs.DHead () (Hs.Ident () "Db"))
                           (Hs.UnkindedVar () (Hs.Ident () "entity"))
    conDecl = Hs.QualConDecl () Nothing Nothing
                (Hs.RecDecl () (Hs.Ident () "Db") (mkField <$> entities))
    deriving_ = Hs.Deriving () [ Hs.IRule () Nothing Nothing $
                                 Hs.IHCon () $ Hs.UnQual () $
                                 Hs.Ident () "Generic" ]

    mkField entity = Hs.FieldDecl () [ Hs.Ident () (entityDbFieldName entity) ]
                                     (buildHsDbField (hsEntityDbDecl entity) $
                                      Hs.TyVar () (Hs.Ident () "entity"))

migrationTypeDecl :: HsBeamBackend HsExpr -> HsBeamBackend () -> [Hs.Type ()] -> Hs.Decl ()
migrationTypeDecl be syntax inputs =
  Hs.TypeSig () [Hs.Ident () "migration"] migrationType
    (syntaxAssts, syntaxVar) =
      case syntax of
        HsBeamBackendNone -> error "No syntax matches"
        HsBeamBackendSingle ty _ -> ([], hsTypeSyntax ty)
        HsBeamBackendConstrained cs ->
          ( map (flip buildHsBackendConstraint syntaxVar) cs
          , tyVarNamed "syntax" )
    (beAssts, beVar) =
      case be of
        HsBeamBackendNone -> error "No backend matches"
        HsBeamBackendSingle ty _ -> ([], hsTypeSyntax ty)
        HsBeamBackendConstrained cs ->
          ( map (flip buildHsBackendConstraint beVar) cs
          , tyVarNamed "be" )

    resultType = tyApp (tyConNamed "Migration")
                       [ syntaxVar
                       , tyApp (tyConNamed "CheckedDatabaseSettings")
                               [ beVar
                               , tyConNamed "Db" ] ]

      | [] <- inputs = resultType
      | otherwise    = functionTy (tyTuple inputs) resultType

    constraints = nub (syntaxAssts ++ beAssts)
      | [] <- constraints  = migrationUnconstrainedType
      | [c] <- constraints = Hs.TyForall () Nothing (Just (Hs.CxSingle () c)) migrationUnconstrainedType
      | otherwise          = Hs.TyForall () Nothing (Just (Hs.CxTuple () constraints)) migrationUnconstrainedType

migrationDecl :: HsBeamBackend HsExpr -> [Hs.Exp ()] -> [ (Maybe (Hs.Pat ()), HsExpr) ] -> [HsEntity] -> Hs.Decl ()
migrationDecl _ _ migrations entities =
  Hs.FunBind () [ Hs.Match () (Hs.Ident () "migration") [] (Hs.UnGuardedRhs () body) Nothing ]
    body = Hs.Do () (map (\(pat, expr) ->
                            let expr' = hsExprSyntax expr
                            in case pat of
                              Nothing -> Hs.Qualifier () expr'
                              Just pat' -> Hs.Generator () pat' expr') migrations ++
                     [Hs.Qualifier () (hsExprSyntax finalReturn)])

    finalReturn = hsApp (hsVar "pure")
                        [ hsRecCon "Db" (map (\e -> (fromString (entityDbFieldName e), hsEntityExp e)) entities) ]

dbTypeDecl :: HsBeamBackend HsExpr -> HsBeamBackend () -> Hs.Decl ()
dbTypeDecl be syntax =
  Hs.TypeSig () [ Hs.Ident () "db" ] dbType
    unconstrainedDbType = tyApp (tyConNamed "DatabaseSettings")
                                [ beVar, tyConNamed "Db" ]
      | [c] <- constraints = Hs.TyForall () (Just bindings) (Just (Hs.CxSingle () c)) unconstrainedDbType
      | otherwise          = Hs.TyForall () (Just bindings) (Just (Hs.CxTuple () constraints)) unconstrainedDbType

    constraints = monadBeamConstraint:nub (beAssts ++ syntaxAssts)
    (bindings, beAssts, beVar) =
      case be of
        HsBeamBackendNone -> error "No backend matches"
        HsBeamBackendSingle ty _ -> (standardBindings, [], hsTypeSyntax ty)
        HsBeamBackendConstrained cs ->
          ( tyVarBind "be":standardBindings
          , map (flip buildHsBackendConstraint beVar) cs
          , tyVarNamed "be" )

    (standardBindings, syntaxAssts, syntaxVar) =
      case syntax of
        HsBeamBackendNone -> error "No syntax matches"
        HsBeamBackendSingle ty _ -> ( [tyVarBind "hdl", tyVarBind "m"]
                                    , []
                                    , hsTypeSyntax ty )
        HsBeamBackendConstrained cs ->
          ( [tyVarBind "syntax", tyVarBind "hdl", tyVarBind "m"]
          , map (flip buildHsBackendConstraint syntaxVar) cs
          , tyVarNamed "syntax" )

    tyVarBind nm = Hs.UnkindedVar () (Hs.Ident () nm)

    monadBeamConstraint = Hs.ClassA () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () "MonadBeam")) [ syntaxVar, beVar, tyVarNamed "hdl", tyVarNamed "m" ]

dbDecl :: HsBeamBackend HsExpr -> HsBeamBackend () -> [HsExpr] -> Hs.Decl ()
dbDecl _ syntax params =
  Hs.FunBind () [ Hs.Match () (Hs.Ident () "db") [] (Hs.UnGuardedRhs () body) Nothing ]
    syntaxVar = case syntax of
                  HsBeamBackendNone -> error "No syntax matches"
                  HsBeamBackendSingle ty _ -> hsTypeSyntax ty
                  HsBeamBackendConstrained _ -> tyVarNamed "syntax"

    body = hsExprSyntax $
           hsApp (hsVar "unCheckDatabase")
                 [ hsApp (hsVarFrom "runMigrationSilenced" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                   [ hsApp (hsVisibleTyApp (hsVar "migration") syntaxVar) $
                     case params of
                       [] -> []
                       _  -> [ hsTuple params ]
                   ] ]

renderHsSchema :: HsModule -> Either String String
renderHsSchema (HsModule modNm entities migrations) =
  let hsMod = Hs.Module () (Just modHead) modPragmas imports decls

      modHead = Hs.ModuleHead () (Hs.ModuleName () modNm) Nothing (Just modExports)
      modExports = Hs.ExportSpecList () (commonExports ++ foldMap (foldMap hsDeclExports . hsEntityDecls) entities)
      commonExports = [ Hs.EVar () (unqual "db")
                      , Hs.EVar () (unqual "migration")
                      , Hs.EThingWith () (Hs.EWildcard () 0)
                                      (unqual "Db") [] ]

      modPragmas = [ Hs.LanguagePragma () [ Hs.Ident () "StandaloneDeriving"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "GADTs"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "ScopedTypeVariables"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "FlexibleContexts"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "FlexibleInstances"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "DeriveGeneric"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "TypeSynonymInstances"
                                          , Hs.Ident () "ExplicitNamespaces "] ]

      HsImports importedModules = foldMap (\e -> foldMap hsDeclImports (hsEntityDecls e) <>
                                                 hsExprImports (hsEntityExp e)) entities <>
                                  foldMap (hsExprImports . snd) migrations <>
                                  importSome "Database.Beam.Migrate" [ importTyNamed "CheckedDatabaseSettings", importTyNamed "Migration"
                                                                     , importTyNamed "Sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax"
                                                                     , importVarNamed "runMigrationSilenced"
                                                                     , importVarNamed "unCheckDatabase" ]
      imports = commonImports <>
                map (\(modName, spec) ->
                       case spec of
                         HsImportAll -> Hs.ImportDecl () modName False False False Nothing Nothing Nothing
                         HsImportSome nms ->
                           let importList = Hs.ImportSpecList () False (S.toList nms)
                           in Hs.ImportDecl () modName False False False Nothing Nothing (Just importList)
                    (M.assocs importedModules)

      commonImports = [ Hs.ImportDecl () (Hs.ModuleName () "Database.Beam") False False False Nothing Nothing Nothing
                      , Hs.ImportDecl () (Hs.ModuleName () "Control.Applicative") False False False Nothing Nothing Nothing ]

      backend = foldMap hsEntityBackend entities
      syntax  = foldMap hsEntitySyntax entities

      decls = foldMap (map hsDeclSyntax . hsEntityDecls) entities ++
              [ databaseTypeDecl entities

              , migrationTypeDecl backend syntax []
              , migrationDecl backend [] migrations entities

              , hsInstance "Database" [ tyConNamed "Db" ] []

              , dbTypeDecl backend syntax
              , dbDecl backend syntax [] ]

  in Right (render (Hs.prettyPrim hsMod))

-- * DDL Syntax definitions

data HsNone = HsNone deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Hashable HsNone

instance Monoid HsNone where
  mempty = HsNone
  mappend _ _ = HsNone

instance IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax HsAction where
  type Sql92DdlCommandCreateTableSyntax HsAction = HsAction
  type Sql92DdlCommandAlterTableSyntax HsAction = HsAction
  type Sql92DdlCommandDropTableSyntax HsAction = HsAction

  createTableCmd = id
  dropTableCmd = id
  alterTableCmd = id

instance IsSql92AlterTableSyntax HsAction where
  type Sql92AlterTableAlterTableActionSyntax HsAction = HsNone

  alterTableSyntax _ _ = error "alterTableSyntax"

instance IsSql92AlterTableActionSyntax HsNone where
  type Sql92AlterTableColumnSchemaSyntax HsNone = HsColumnSchema
  type Sql92AlterTableAlterColumnActionSyntax HsNone = HsNone

  alterColumnSyntax _ _ = HsNone
  addColumnSyntax _ _ = HsNone
  dropColumnSyntax _ = HsNone
  renameTableToSyntax _ = HsNone
  renameColumnToSyntax _ _ = HsNone

instance IsSql92AlterColumnActionSyntax HsNone where
  setNullSyntax = HsNone
  setNotNullSyntax = HsNone

instance IsSql92DropTableSyntax HsAction where
  dropTableSyntax nm = HsAction [ (Nothing, dropTable) ] []
      dropTable = hsApp (hsVar "dropTable") [ hsVar ("_" <> nm) ]

instance IsSql92CreateTableSyntax HsAction where
  type Sql92CreateTableOptionsSyntax HsAction = HsNone
  type Sql92CreateTableTableConstraintSyntax HsAction = HsTableConstraint
  type Sql92CreateTableColumnSchemaSyntax HsAction = HsColumnSchema

  createTableSyntax _ nm fields cs =
    HsAction [ ( Just (Hs.PVar () (Hs.Ident () varName))
               , migration ) ]
             [ entity ]
      (varName, tyName, tyConName) =
        case T.unpack nm of
          [] -> error "No name for table"
          x:xs -> let tyName' = toUpper x:xs
                  in ( toLower x:xs, tyName' ++ "T", tyName')

      mkHsFieldName fieldNm = "_" ++ varName ++
                              case T.unpack fieldNm of
                                [] -> error "empty field name"
                                (x:xs) -> toUpper x:xs

      HsTableConstraintDecls tableInstanceDecls constraintDecls = foldMap (\(HsTableConstraint mkConstraint) -> mkConstraint (fromString tyConName) fieldLookup) cs
      fieldLookup = HsFieldLookup $ \fieldNm ->
                    fmap (\(fieldNm', ty') -> (fromString (mkHsFieldName fieldNm'), ty')) $
                    find ( (== fieldNm) . fst ) tyConFields

      migration =
        hsApp (hsVarFrom "createTable" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
              [ hsStr nm
              , hsApp (hsTyCon (fromString tyConName))
                      (map (\(fieldNm, ty) -> mkHsColumnSchema ty fieldNm) fields) ]
      entity = HsEntity
             { hsEntityBackend = HsBeamBackendConstrained []
             , hsEntitySyntax = HsBeamBackendConstrained [ sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax ]

             , hsEntityName    = HsEntityName varName
             , hsEntityDecls   = [ HsDecl tblDecl imports
                                          [ Hs.EThingWith () (Hs.EWildcard () 0) (unqual tyName) [] ]
                                 , HsDecl tblBeamable imports []

                                 , HsDecl tblPun imports [ Hs.EVar () (unqual tyName) ]

                                 , HsDecl tblShowInstance imports []
                                 , HsDecl tblEqInstance imports []

                                 , HsDecl tblInstanceDecl imports []
                                 ] ++
             , hsEntityDbDecl  = HsDbField (\f -> tyApp f [ tyApp (tyConNamed "TableEntity") [tyConNamed tyName] ])
             , hsEntityExp     = hsVar (fromString varName)

      imports = foldMap (\(_, ty) -> hsTypeImports (hsColumnSchemaType ty)) fields

      tblDecl = Hs.DataDecl () (Hs.DataType ()) Nothing
                  tblDeclHead [ tblConDecl ] (Just deriving_)
      tblDeclHead = Hs.DHApp () (Hs.DHead () (Hs.Ident () tyName))
                                (Hs.UnkindedVar () (Hs.Ident () "f"))
      tblConDecl = Hs.QualConDecl () Nothing Nothing (Hs.RecDecl () (Hs.Ident () tyConName) tyConFieldDecls)

      tyConFieldDecls = map (\(fieldNm, ty) ->
                                Hs.FieldDecl () [ Hs.Ident () (mkHsFieldName fieldNm) ] ty) tyConFields
      tyConFields = map (\(fieldNm, ty) -> ( fieldNm
                                           , tyApp (tyConNamed "Columnar")
                                                   [ tyVarNamed "f"
                                                   , hsTypeSyntax (hsColumnSchemaType ty) ])) fields

      deriving_ = Hs.Deriving () [ inst "Generic" ]

      tblBeamable = hsInstance "Beamable" [ tyConNamed tyName ] []
      tblPun = Hs.TypeDecl () (Hs.DHead () (Hs.Ident () tyConName))
                              (tyApp (tyConNamed tyName) [ tyConNamed "Identity" ])

      tblEqInstance = hsDerivingInstance "Eq" [ tyConNamed tyConName ]
      tblShowInstance = hsDerivingInstance "Show" [ tyConNamed tyConName]

      tblInstanceDecl = hsInstance "Table" [ tyConNamed tyName ] tableInstanceDecls

instance IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax HsColumnSchema where
  type Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax HsColumnSchema = HsConstraintDefinition
  type Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax HsColumnSchema = HsDataType
  type Sql92ColumnSchemaExpressionSyntax HsColumnSchema = HsExpr

  columnSchemaSyntax dataType _ cs _ = HsColumnSchema (\nm -> fieldExpr nm)
                                                      (modTy $ hsDataTypeType dataType)
      notNullable = any ((==notNullConstraintSyntax) . hsConstraintDefinitionConstraint) cs
      modTy t = if notNullable then t else t { hsTypeSyntax = tyApp (tyConNamed "Maybe") [ hsTypeSyntax t ] }
      modDataTy e = if notNullable then e else hsApp (hsVarFrom "maybeType" "Database.Beam.Migrate") [e]

      fieldExpr nm = hsApp (hsVarFrom "field" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                           ([ hsStr nm
                            , modDataTy (hsDataTypeMigration dataType) ] ++
                            map hsConstraintDefinitionConstraint cs)

instance IsSql92TableConstraintSyntax HsTableConstraint where
  primaryKeyConstraintSyntax fields =
    HsTableConstraint $ \tblNm tblFields ->
    let primaryKeyDataDecl = Hs.InsData () (Hs.DataType ()) primaryKeyType [ primaryKeyConDecl ] (Just primaryKeyDeriving)

        tableTypeNm = tblNm <> "T"
        tableTypeKeyNm = tblNm <> "Key"

        (fieldRecordNames, fieldTys) = unzip (fromMaybe (error "fieldTys") (mapM (hsFieldLookup tblFields) fields))

        primaryKeyType = tyApp (tyConNamed "PrimaryKey") [ tyConNamed (T.unpack tableTypeNm), tyVarNamed "f" ]
        primaryKeyConDecl  = Hs.QualConDecl () Nothing Nothing (Hs.ConDecl () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack tableTypeKeyNm)) fieldTys)
        primaryKeyDeriving = Hs.Deriving () [ inst "Generic" ]

        primaryKeyTypeDecl = Hs.TypeDecl () (Hs.DHead () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack tableTypeKeyNm)))
                                            (tyApp (tyConNamed "PrimaryKey")
                                                   [ tyConNamed (T.unpack tableTypeNm)
                                                   , tyConNamed "Identity" ])

        primaryKeyFunDecl = Hs.InsDecl () (Hs.FunBind () [Hs.Match () (Hs.Ident () "primaryKey") [] (Hs.UnGuardedRhs () primaryKeyFunBody) Nothing])
        primaryKeyFunBody = hsExprSyntax $
                            hsApApp (hsVar tableTypeKeyNm)
                                    (map hsVar fieldRecordNames)

        decl d = HsDecl d mempty mempty

    in HsTableConstraintDecls [ primaryKeyDataDecl
                              , primaryKeyFunDecl ]
                              (HsDecl primaryKeyTypeDecl mempty [ Hs.EVar () (unqual (T.unpack tableTypeKeyNm)) ]:
                               map decl [ hsInstance "Beamable" [ tyParens (tyApp (tyConNamed "PrimaryKey") [ tyConNamed (T.unpack tableTypeNm)  ]) ] []
                                        , hsDerivingInstance "Eq" [ tyConNamed (T.unpack tableTypeKeyNm) ]
                                        , hsDerivingInstance "Show" [ tyConNamed (T.unpack tableTypeKeyNm) ]

instance IsSql92ColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax HsConstraintDefinition where
  type Sql92ColumnConstraintDefinitionAttributesSyntax HsConstraintDefinition = HsNone
  type Sql92ColumnConstraintDefinitionConstraintSyntax HsConstraintDefinition = HsExpr

  constraintDefinitionSyntax Nothing expr Nothing = HsConstraintDefinition expr
  constraintDefinitionSyntax _ _ _ = error "constraintDefinitionSyntax{HsExpr}"

instance Sql92SerializableConstraintDefinitionSyntax HsConstraintDefinition where
  serializeConstraint _ = "unknown-constrainst"

instance IsSql92MatchTypeSyntax HsNone where
  fullMatchSyntax = HsNone
  partialMatchSyntax = HsNone
instance IsSql92ReferentialActionSyntax HsNone where
  referentialActionCascadeSyntax = HsNone
  referentialActionNoActionSyntax = HsNone
  referentialActionSetDefaultSyntax = HsNone
  referentialActionSetNullSyntax = HsNone

instance IsSql92ExpressionSyntax HsExpr where
  type Sql92ExpressionFieldNameSyntax HsExpr = HsExpr
  type Sql92ExpressionSelectSyntax HsExpr = SqlSyntaxBuilder
  type Sql92ExpressionValueSyntax HsExpr = HsExpr
  type Sql92ExpressionQuantifierSyntax HsExpr = HsExpr
  type Sql92ExpressionExtractFieldSyntax HsExpr = HsExpr
  type Sql92ExpressionCastTargetSyntax HsExpr = HsDataType

  valueE = hsApp (hsVar "valueE") . pure
  rowE = error "rowE"

  currentTimestampE = hsVar "currentTimestampE"
  defaultE = hsVar "defaultE"

  coalesceE = hsApp (hsVar "coalesceE")
  fieldE = hsApp (hsVar "fieldE") . pure

  betweenE a b c = hsApp (hsVar "betweenE") [a, b, c]

  andE a b = hsApp (hsVar "andE") [a, b]
  orE a b = hsApp (hsVar "orE") [a, b]
  addE a b = hsApp (hsVar "addE") [a, b]
  subE a b = hsApp (hsVar "subE") [a, b]
  mulE a b = hsApp (hsVar "mulE") [a, b]
  divE a b = hsApp (hsVar "divE") [a, b]
  modE a b = hsApp (hsVar "modE") [a, b]
  likeE a b = hsApp (hsVar "likeE") [a, b]
  overlapsE a b = hsApp (hsVar "overlapsE") [a, b]
  positionE a b = hsApp (hsVar "positionE") [a, b]

  notE = hsApp (hsVar "notE") . pure
  negateE = hsApp (hsVar "negateE") . pure
  absE = hsApp (hsVar "absE") . pure
  charLengthE = hsApp (hsVar "charLengthE") . pure
  octetLengthE = hsApp (hsVar "octetLengthE") . pure
  bitLengthE = hsApp (hsVar "bitLengthE") . pure

  existsE = error "existsE"
  uniqueE = error "uniqueE"
  subqueryE = error "subqueryE"

  caseE = error "caseE"
  nullIfE a b = hsApp (hsVar "nullIfE") [a, b]

  castE = error "castE"
  extractE = error "extractE"

  isNullE = hsApp (hsVar "isNullE") . pure
  isNotNullE = hsApp (hsVar "isNotNullE") . pure
  isTrueE = hsApp (hsVar "isTrueE") . pure
  isFalseE = hsApp (hsVar "isFalseE") . pure
  isNotTrueE = hsApp (hsVar "isNotTrueE") . pure
  isNotFalseE = hsApp (hsVar "isNotFalseE") . pure
  isUnknownE = hsApp (hsVar "isUnknownE") . pure
  isNotUnknownE = hsApp (hsVar "isNotUnknownE") . pure

  eqE q a b = hsApp (hsVar "eqE")   [hsMaybe q, a, b]
  neqE q a b = hsApp (hsVar "neqE") [hsMaybe q, a, b]
  gtE q a b = hsApp (hsVar "gtE")   [hsMaybe q, a, b]
  ltE q a b = hsApp (hsVar "ltE")   [hsMaybe q, a, b]
  geE q a b = hsApp (hsVar "geE")   [hsMaybe q, a, b]
  leE q a b = hsApp (hsVar "leE")   [hsMaybe q, a, b]

  inE a b = hsApp (hsVar "inE") [a, hsList b]

instance IsSql92QuantifierSyntax HsExpr where
  quantifyOverAll = hsVar "quantifyOverAll"
  quantifyOverAny = hsVar "quantifyOverAny"

instance IsSql92ColumnConstraintSyntax HsExpr where
  type Sql92ColumnConstraintExpressionSyntax HsExpr = HsExpr
  type Sql92ColumnConstraintMatchTypeSyntax HsExpr = HsNone
  type Sql92ColumnConstraintReferentialActionSyntax HsExpr = HsNone

  notNullConstraintSyntax = hsVarFrom "notNull" "Database.Beam.Migrate"
  uniqueColumnConstraintSyntax = hsVar "unique"
  checkColumnConstraintSyntax = error "checkColumnConstraintSyntax"
  primaryKeyColumnConstraintSyntax = error "primaryKeyColumnConstraintSyntax"
  referencesConstraintSyntax = error "referencesConstraintSyntax"

instance IsSql92ConstraintAttributesSyntax HsNone where
  initiallyDeferredAttributeSyntax = HsNone
  initiallyImmediateAttributeSyntax = HsNone
  notDeferrableAttributeSyntax = HsNone
  deferrableAttributeSyntax = HsNone

instance HasSqlValueSyntax HsExpr Int where
  sqlValueSyntax = hsInt

instance IsSql92FieldNameSyntax HsExpr where
  qualifiedField tbl nm = hsApp (hsVar "qualifiedField") [ hsStr tbl, hsStr nm ]
  unqualifiedField nm = hsApp (hsVar "unqualifiedField") [ hsStr nm ]

hsErrorType :: String -> HsDataType
hsErrorType msg =
  HsDataType (hsApp (hsVar "error") [ hsStr ("Unknown type: " <> fromString msg) ]) (HsType (tyConNamed "Void") (importSome "Data.Void" [ importTyNamed "Void" ]))
             (BeamSerializedDataType "hsErrorType")

instance IsSql92DataTypeSyntax HsDataType where
  intType = HsDataType (hsVarFrom "int" "Database.Beam.Migrate") (HsType (tyConNamed "Int") mempty) intType
  smallIntType = HsDataType (hsVarFrom "smallint" "Database.Beam.Migrate") (HsType (tyConNamed "Int16") (importSome "Data.Int" [ importTyNamed "Int16" ])) intType
  doubleType = HsDataType (hsVarFrom "double" "Database.Beam.Migrate") (HsType (tyConNamed "Double") mempty) doubleType

  floatType width = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "float" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                      [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                               (HsType (tyConNamed "Scientific") (importSome "Data.Scientific" [ importTyNamed "Scientific" ]))
                               (floatType width)

  realType = HsDataType (hsVarFrom "real" "Database.Beam.Migrate") (HsType (tyConNamed "Double") mempty) realType

  charType _ Just {} = error "char collation"
  charType width Nothing = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "char" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                             [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                                      (HsType (tyConNamed "Text") (importSome "Data.Text" [ importTyNamed "Text" ]))
                                      (charType width Nothing)

  varCharType _ Just {} = error "varchar collation"
  varCharType width Nothing = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "varchar" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                                [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                                         (HsType (tyConNamed "Text") (importSome "Data.Text" [ importTyNamed "Text" ]))
                                         (varCharType width Nothing)

  nationalCharType width = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "nationalChar" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                             [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                                      (HsType (tyConNamed "Text") (importSome "Data.Text" [ importTyNamed "Text" ]))
                                      (nationalCharType width)

  nationalVarCharType width = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "nationalVarchar" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                                [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                                         (HsType (tyConNamed "Text") (importSome "Data.Text" [ importTyNamed "Text" ]))
                                         (nationalVarCharType width)

  bitType width = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "bit" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                    [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                             (HsType (tyConNamed "SqlBits") mempty)
                             (bitType width)

  varBitType width = HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "varbit" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                       [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> width) ])
                                (HsType (tyConNamed "SqlBits") mempty)
                                (varBitType width)

  dateType = HsDataType (hsVarFrom "date" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                        (HsType (tyConNamed "Day") (importSome "Data.Time" [ importTyNamed "Day" ])) dateType

  timeType p False = HsDataType (hsVarFrom "time" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                                (HsType (tyConNamed "TimeOfDay") (importSome "Data.Time" [ importTyNamed "TimeOfDay" ]))
                                (timeType p False)
  timeType _ _ = error "timeType"
  domainType _ = error "domainType"
  timestampType Nothing True =
    HsDataType (hsVarFrom "timestamptz" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
               (HsType (tyConNamed "LocalTime") (importSome "Data.Time" [ importTyNamed "LocalTime" ]))
               (timestampType Nothing True)
  timestampType Nothing False =
    HsDataType (hsVarFrom "timestamp" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
               (HsType (tyConNamed "LocalTime") (importSome "Data.Time" [ importTyNamed "LocalTime" ]))
               (timestampType Nothing False)
  timestampType _ _ = error "timestampType with prec"

  numericType precDec =
    HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "numeric" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
                      [ hsMaybe (fmap (\(prec, dec) -> hsTuple [ hsInt prec, hsMaybe (fmap hsInt dec) ]) precDec) ])
               (HsType (tyConNamed "Scientific") (importSome "Data.Scientific" [ importTyNamed "Scientific" ]))
               (numericType precDec)

  decimalType = numericType

instance IsSql99DataTypeSyntax HsDataType where
  characterLargeObjectType =
    HsDataType (hsVarFrom "characterLargeObject" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
               (HsType (tyConNamed "Text") (importSome "Data.Text" [ importTyNamed "Text" ]))
  binaryLargeObjectType =
    HsDataType (hsVarFrom "binaryLargeObject" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
               (HsType (tyConNamed "ByteString") (importSome "Data.ByteString" [ importTyNamed "ByteString" ]))
  booleanType =
    HsDataType (hsVarFrom "boolean" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
               (HsType (tyConNamed "Bool") mempty)
  arrayType (HsDataType migType (HsType typeExpr typeImports) serialized) len =
    HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "array" "Database.Beam.Migrate") [ migType, hsInt len ])
               (HsType (tyApp (tyConNamed "Vector") [typeExpr])
                       (typeImports <> importSome "Data.Vector" [ importTyNamed "Vector" ]))
               (arrayType serialized len)
  rowType _ = error "row types"

instance IsSql2003BinaryAndVarBinaryDataTypeSyntax HsDataType where
  binaryType prec =
    HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "binary" "Database.Beam.Migrate") [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> prec) ])
               (HsType (tyConNamed "Integer") mempty)
               (binaryType prec)
  varBinaryType prec =
    HsDataType (hsApp (hsVarFrom "varbinary" "Database.Beam.Migrate") [ hsMaybe (hsInt <$> prec) ])
               (HsType (tyConNamed "Integer") mempty)
               (varBinaryType prec)

instance IsSql2008BigIntDataTypeSyntax HsDataType where
  bigIntType =
    HsDataType (hsVarFrom "bigint" "Database.Beam.Migrate")
               (HsType (tyConNamed "Int64") (importSome "Data.Int" [ importTyNamed "Int64" ]))

instance Sql92SerializableDataTypeSyntax HsDataType where
  serializeDataType = fromBeamSerializedDataType . hsDataTypeSerialized

-- * HsSyntax utilities

tyParens :: Hs.Type () -> Hs.Type ()
tyParens = Hs.TyParen ()

functionTy :: Hs.Type () -> Hs.Type () -> Hs.Type ()
functionTy = Hs.TyFun ()

tyTuple :: [ Hs.Type () ] -> Hs.Type ()
tyTuple = Hs.TyTuple () Hs.Boxed

tyApp :: Hs.Type () -> [ Hs.Type () ]
      -> Hs.Type ()
tyApp fn args = foldl (Hs.TyApp ()) fn args

tyConNamed :: String -> Hs.Type ()
tyConNamed nm = Hs.TyCon () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () nm))

tyVarNamed :: String -> Hs.Type ()
tyVarNamed nm = Hs.TyVar () (Hs.Ident () nm)

combineHsExpr :: (Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp () -> Hs.Exp ())
              -> HsExpr -> HsExpr -> HsExpr
combineHsExpr f a b =
  HsExpr (f (hsExprSyntax a) (hsExprSyntax b))
         (hsExprImports a <> hsExprImports b)
         (hsExprConstraints a <> hsExprConstraints b)
         (hsExprTypeVariables a <> hsExprTypeVariables b)

hsApp :: HsExpr -> [HsExpr] -> HsExpr
hsApp fn args = foldl hsDoApp fn args
    hsDoApp = combineHsExpr (Hs.App ())

hsVisibleTyApp :: HsExpr -> Hs.Type () -> HsExpr
hsVisibleTyApp e t = e { hsExprSyntax = Hs.App () (hsExprSyntax e) (Hs.TypeApp () t) }

hsApApp :: HsExpr -> [HsExpr] -> HsExpr
hsApApp fn [] = hsApp (hsVar "pure") [ fn ]
hsApApp fn (x:xs) = foldl mkAp (mkFmap fn x) xs
    mkFmap = combineHsExpr (\a b -> Hs.InfixApp () a fmapOp b)
    mkAp = combineHsExpr (\a b -> Hs.InfixApp () a apOp b)

    fmapOp = hsOp "<$>"
    apOp = hsOp "<*>"

hsStr :: T.Text -> HsExpr
hsStr t = HsExpr (Hs.Lit () (Hs.String () s s)) mempty mempty mempty
  where s = T.unpack t

hsRecCon :: T.Text -> [ (T.Text, HsExpr) ] -> HsExpr
hsRecCon nm fs = foldl (combineHsExpr const) (HsExpr e mempty mempty mempty) (map snd fs)
    e = Hs.RecConstr () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack nm)))
                        (map (\(fieldNm, e') -> Hs.FieldUpdate () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack fieldNm)))
                                                                  (hsExprSyntax e')) fs)

hsMaybe :: Maybe HsExpr -> HsExpr
hsMaybe Nothing = hsTyCon "Nothing"
hsMaybe (Just e) = hsApp (hsTyCon "Just") [e]

hsVar :: T.Text -> HsExpr
hsVar nm = HsExpr (Hs.Var () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack nm)))) mempty mempty mempty

hsVarFrom :: T.Text -> T.Text -> HsExpr
hsVarFrom nm modNm = HsExpr (Hs.Var () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack nm)))) (importSome modNm [ importVarNamed nm])
                            mempty mempty

hsTyCon :: T.Text -> HsExpr
hsTyCon nm = HsExpr (Hs.Con () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack nm)))) mempty mempty mempty

hsInt :: (Integral a, Show a) => a -> HsExpr
hsInt i = HsExpr (Hs.Lit () (Hs.Int () (fromIntegral i) (show i))) mempty mempty mempty

hsOp :: T.Text -> Hs.QOp ()
hsOp nm = Hs.QVarOp () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Symbol () (T.unpack nm)))

hsInstance :: T.Text -> [ Hs.Type () ] -> [ Hs.InstDecl () ] -> Hs.Decl ()
hsInstance classNm params decls =
  Hs.InstDecl () Nothing (Hs.IRule () Nothing Nothing instHead) $
  case decls of
    [] -> Nothing
    _  -> Just decls
    instHead = foldl (Hs.IHApp ()) (Hs.IHCon () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack classNm)))) params

hsDerivingInstance :: T.Text -> [ Hs.Type () ] -> Hs.Decl ()
hsDerivingInstance classNm params = Hs.DerivDecl () Nothing (Hs.IRule () Nothing Nothing instHead)
    instHead = foldl (Hs.IHApp ()) (Hs.IHCon () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () (T.unpack classNm)))) params

hsList, hsTuple :: [ HsExpr ] -> HsExpr
hsList = foldl (combineHsExpr addList) (HsExpr (Hs.List () []) mempty mempty mempty)
    addList (Hs.List () ts) t = Hs.List () (ts ++ [t])
    addList _ _ = error "addList"
hsTuple = foldl (combineHsExpr addTuple) (HsExpr (Hs.Tuple () Hs.Boxed []) mempty mempty mempty)
    addTuple (Hs.Tuple () boxed ts) t = Hs.Tuple () boxed (ts ++ [t])
    addTuple _ _ = error "addTuple"

inst :: String -> Hs.InstRule ()
inst = Hs.IRule () Nothing Nothing . Hs.IHCon () . Hs.UnQual () . Hs.Ident ()

sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax :: HsBackendConstraint
sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax =
  HsBackendConstraint $ \syntaxTy ->
  Hs.ClassA () (Hs.UnQual () (Hs.Ident () "Sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax")) [ syntaxTy ]

-- * Orphans

instance Hashable (Hs.Exp ())
instance Hashable (Hs.QName ())
instance Hashable (Hs.ModuleName ())
instance Hashable (Hs.IPName ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Asst ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Literal ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Name ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Type ())
instance Hashable (Hs.QOp ())
instance Hashable (Hs.TyVarBind ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Kind ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Context ())
instance Hashable (Hs.SpecialCon ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Pat ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Sign ())
instance Hashable Hs.Boxed
instance Hashable (Hs.Promoted ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Binds ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Splice ())
instance Hashable (Hs.PatField ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Decl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.DeclHead ())
instance Hashable (Hs.IPBind ())
instance Hashable (Hs.RPat ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Stmt ())
instance Hashable (Hs.RPatOp ())
instance Hashable (Hs.XName ())
instance Hashable (Hs.ResultSig ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Alt ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Unpackedness ())
instance Hashable (Hs.InjectivityInfo ())
instance Hashable (Hs.PXAttr ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Rhs ())
instance Hashable (Hs.FieldUpdate ())
instance Hashable (Hs.TypeEqn ())
instance Hashable (Hs.QualStmt ())
instance Hashable (Hs.DataOrNew ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Bracket ())
instance Hashable (Hs.QualConDecl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.XAttr ())
instance Hashable (Hs.ConDecl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Deriving ())
instance Hashable (Hs.InstRule ())
instance Hashable (Hs.FieldDecl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.GadtDecl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.InstHead ())
instance Hashable (Hs.FunDep ())
instance Hashable (Hs.ClassDecl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Overlap ())
instance Hashable (Hs.InstDecl ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Assoc ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Op ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Match ())
instance Hashable (Hs.PatternSynDirection ())
instance Hashable (Hs.CallConv ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Safety ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Rule ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Activation ())
instance Hashable (Hs.RuleVar ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Annotation ())
instance Hashable (Hs.BooleanFormula ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Role ())
instance Hashable (Hs.GuardedRhs ())
instance Hashable (Hs.BangType ())
instance Hashable (Hs.ImportSpec ())
instance Hashable (Hs.Namespace ())
instance Hashable (Hs.CName ())
instance Hashable a => Hashable (S.Set a) where
  hashWithSalt s a = hashWithSalt s (S.toList a)