module Database.Beam.Postgres.Test.Migrate where import Database.Beam import Database.Beam.Postgres import Database.Beam.Postgres.Migrate import Database.Beam.Postgres.PgCrypto (PgCrypto) import Database.Beam.Postgres.Test import Database.Beam.Migrate import Database.Beam.Migrate.Simple import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Text (Text) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit tests :: IO ByteString -> TestTree tests postgresConn = testGroup "Migration tests" [ charWidthVerification postgresConn "VARCHAR" varchar , charNoWidthVerification postgresConn "VARCHAR" varchar , charWidthVerification postgresConn "CHAR" char , charNoWidthVerification postgresConn "CHAR" char , extensionVerification postgresConn ] data CharT f = CharT { vcKey :: C f Text } deriving (Generic, Beamable) instance Table CharT where data PrimaryKey CharT f = VcKey (C f Text) deriving (Generic, Beamable) primaryKey = VcKey . vcKey data CharDb entity = CharDb { vcTbl :: entity (TableEntity CharT) } deriving (Generic, Database Postgres) data CryptoDb entity = CryptoDb { cryptoExtension :: entity (PgExtensionEntity PgCrypto) } deriving (Generic, Database Postgres) -- | Verifies that 'verifySchema' correctly checks the width of -- @VARCHAR@ or @CHAR@ columns. charWidthVerification :: IO ByteString -> String -> (Maybe Word -> DataType Postgres Text) -> TestTree charWidthVerification pgConn tyName charTy = testCase ("verifySchema correctly checks width of " ++ tyName ++ "(n) columns (#274)") $ do withTestPostgres "db_char_width" pgConn $ \conn -> do runBeamPostgres conn $ do db <- executeMigration runNoReturn (CharDb <$> createTable "char_test" (CharT (field "key" (charTy (Just 10)) notNull))) res <- verifySchema migrationBackend db case res of VerificationSucceeded -> return () VerificationFailed failures -> fail ("Verification failed: " ++ show failures) -- | Verifies that 'verifySchema' correctly checks the width of -- @VARCHAR@ or @CHAR@ columns without any max width charNoWidthVerification :: IO ByteString -> String -> (Maybe Word -> DataType Postgres Text) -> TestTree charNoWidthVerification pgConn tyName charTy = testCase ("verifySchema correctly checks width of " ++ tyName ++ " columns (#274)") $ do withTestPostgres "db_char_no_width" pgConn $ \conn -> do runBeamPostgres conn $ do db <- executeMigration runNoReturn (CharDb <$> createTable "char_test" (CharT (field "key" (charTy Nothing) notNull))) res <- verifySchema migrationBackend db case res of VerificationSucceeded -> return () VerificationFailed failures -> fail ("Verification failed: " ++ show failures) -- | Verifies that 'verifySchema' correctly checks enabled PgCrypto extension extensionVerification :: IO ByteString -> TestTree extensionVerification pgConn = testCase "verifySchema correctly checks enabled PgCrypto extension" $ withTestPostgres "db_extension_pgcrypto" pgConn $ \conn -> runBeamPostgres conn $ do let migration = CryptoDb <$> pgCreateExtension dbBefore <- executeMigration (const $ return ()) migration resBefore <- verifySchema migrationBackend dbBefore case resBefore of VerificationSucceeded -> fail "Verification succeeded before migration when it should have failed" VerificationFailed _ -> return () dbAfter <- executeMigration runNoReturn migration resAfter <- verifySchema migrationBackend dbAfter case resAfter of VerificationSucceeded -> return () VerificationFailed failures -> fail ("Verification failed: " ++ show failures)