name: bein version: 0.1 synopsis: Bein is a provenance and workflow management system for bioinformatics. description: To avoid having thousands of files produced in a random way from a bunch of scripts, as is typically the case for a bioinformaticist, Bein keeps track of scripts, and their executions on various inputs. It provides a web front end, and will integrate with LSF clusters. category: Application license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Fred Ross maintainer: build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 Executable beinctl Main-is: Bein/BeinCtl.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, process Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -optl-static -optl-pthread Hs-Source-Dirs: . extra-libraries: pgport xslt xml2 pam ssl crypto krb5 com_err gssapi_krb5 z readline crypt dl m Executable beind Main-is: Bein/Daemon.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, process, hdaemonize >= 0.3, hsyslog, parsec, random, unix, network, convertible, stm, mtl, filepath Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -optl-static -optl-pthread Hs-Source-Dirs: . Executable beinclient Main-is: Bein/BeinClient.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, network Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -optl-static -optl-pthread Hs-Source-Dirs: . Executable beinminion Main-is: Bein/Minion.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, network, hsyslog, parsec, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, process, unix, stm, mtl, filepath, directory Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -optl-static -optl-pthread Hs-Source-Dirs: . Executable beinhttpd Main-is: Bein/Web.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, unix, stm, mtl, filepath, directory, hsyslog, hdaemonize, happstack-server, Crypto, happstack-util, containers, xhtml, time, old-locale, utf8-string, bytestring Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -optl-static -optl-pthread Hs-Source-Dirs: .