-- |
-- Module      : Berp.Base.StdTypes.Tuple
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010 Bernie Pope
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : florbitous@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : ghc
-- The standard tuple type.

module Berp.Base.StdTypes.Tuple (tuple, tupleClass, emptyTuple, getTupleElements) where

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Berp.Base.Monad (constantIO)
import Berp.Base.SemanticTypes (Object (..))
import Berp.Base.Prims (primitive, showObject)
import Berp.Base.Identity (newIdentity)
import Berp.Base.Attributes (mkAttributes)
import Berp.Base.StdNames
import {-# SOURCE #-} Berp.Base.StdTypes.Type (newType)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.ObjectBase (objectBase)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.String (string)

emptyTuple :: Object
emptyTuple = tuple []

{-# NOINLINE tuple #-}
tuple :: [Object] -> Object
tuple elements = constantIO $ do 
   identity <- newIdentity
   return $ 
      { object_identity = identity
      , object_tuple = elements
      , object_length = length elements

{-# NOINLINE tupleClass #-}
tupleClass :: Object
tupleClass = constantIO $ do 
   dict <- attributes
   newType [string "tuple", objectBase, dict]

getTupleElements :: Object -> [Object]
getTupleElements (Tuple { object_tuple = objs }) = objs
getTupleElements _other = error "bases of object is not a tuple"

attributes :: IO Object 
attributes = mkAttributes 
   [ (eqName, eq)
   , (strName, str)

eq :: Object 
eq = error "== on tuple not defined"

str :: Object 
str = primitive 1 $ \[x] -> do
   strings <- mapM showObject $ object_tuple x
   case strings of
      [oneString] -> return $ string $ "(" ++ oneString ++ ",)"
      _other -> return $ string $ "(" ++ concat (intersperse ", " strings) ++ ")"