-- |
-- Module      : Berp.Base
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010 Bernie Pope
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : florbitous@gmail.com 
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : ghc
-- This module exports all the primitive functions which are needed by
-- the compiled programs. Avoid putting extraneous exports in this file
-- because it is imported by all compiled programs.

module Berp.Base
   ( module Builtins, int, none, string, true, false, def, lambda, (=:), stmt, ifThenElse, ret, pass, break
   , continue, while, whileElse, for, forElse, ifThen, (@@), tailCall, tuple, read, var
   , (%), (+), (-), (*), (.), (/), (==), (<), (>), (<=), (>=), and, or, klass, setattr, list, dictionary
   , subs, try, tryElse, tryFinally, tryElseFinally, except, exceptDefault, raise, reRaise, raiseFrom
   , pure, pureObject, yield, mkGenerator, unaryMinus, unaryPlus, invert, runStmt, runExpr, interpretStmt
   , topVar)

import Berp.Base.Builtins as Builtins
import Prelude hiding (break, (+), (-), (*), (.), (/), (==), (<), (>), (<=), (>=), and, or, read)
import Berp.Base.Prims ((=:), stmt, ifThenElse, ret, pass, break, continue, while, whileElse, for, forElse, ifThen, (@@), tailCall, read, var, setattr, subs, try, tryElse, tryFinally, tryElseFinally, except, exceptDefault, raise, reRaise, raiseFrom, yield, def, lambda, mkGenerator, topVar, pure, pureObject)
import Berp.Base.Operators ((%), (+), (-), (*), (.), (/), (==), (<), (>), (<=), (>=), and, or, unaryMinus, unaryPlus, invert)
import Berp.Base.Monad (runExpr, runStmt, interpretStmt)
import Berp.Base.Class (klass)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Integer (int)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Tuple (tuple)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Bool (true, false)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.String (string)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.None (none)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.List (list)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Dictionary (dictionary)