BERT[-RPC] for Haskell ====================== Originally written by marius a. eriksen ( This is a [BERT]( serializer/deserializer and [BERT-RPC]( client and server for [Haskell]( BERT-RPC currently supports synchronous (`call`) requests. The primitives provided are fairly elementary: for the client, `call` provides the capability to perform the RPC call, while the server's `serve` is provided with a dispatch function providing the dispatching logic for the server. Thus, one can imagine building higher level abstractions on top of these primitives. Installation ------------ It's a cabal package, so $ cabal install bert should do the trick. BERT ---- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C import Data.BERT Creating BERT terms is simple. TupleTerm [BytelistTerm (C.pack "hello"), IntTerm 123] Or by using the `BERT` typeclass. showBERT $ ("hello", 123) The `BERT` class can also read terms back. Right ("hello", 123) = readBERT . showBERT $ ("hello", 123) BERT-RPC client --------------- import Data.BERT import Network.BERT.Client Create a transport to the server endpoint, and issue a (synchronous) call with it. t <- tcpClient "localhost" 8080 r <- call t "calc" "add" ([123, 3000]::[Int]) case r of Right res -> print (res :: Int) Left _ -> putStrLn "error" BERT-RPC server --------------- import Data.BERT import Network.BERT.Server Create a transport from which to accept connections, and provide a dispatch function for incoming RPCs. The dispatch function is issued in a new thread for each incoming request. main = do s <- tcpServer 8080 serve s dispatch dispatch "calc" "add" [IntTerm a, IntTerm b] = return $ Success $ IntTerm (a + b) dispatch "calc" _ _ = return NoSuchFunction dispatch _ _ _ = return NoSuchModule Maintainers ----------- [Roman Cheplyaka]( is the primary maintainer. [Oleksandr Manzyuk]( is the backup maintainer. Please get in touch with him if the primary maintainer cannot be reached.