-- | Helper functions for template haskell that generate JSON instances for
-- Betfair API types. This is unlikely to be useful to you if you are just a
-- user of this library.

module Network.Betfair.Types.TH
    ( commonEnum
    , commonStruct )

import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Char

commonStruct :: Options
commonStruct =
    defaultOptions {
        fieldLabelModifier = lowerFirst . dropPrefix
      , omitNothingFields = True

underscorify :: String -> String
underscorify str = reverse $ rec str [] where
  rec [] accum = accum
  rec (x:y:rest) accum
    | isLower x && isUpper y = rec rest $ y:'_':x:accum
  rec (z:rest) accum = rec rest (z:accum)

dropPrefix :: String -> String
dropPrefix [] = []
dropPrefix (x:rest)
    | isUpper x = x:rest
    | otherwise = dropPrefix rest

lowerFirst :: String -> String
lowerFirst [] = []
lowerFirst (x:rest) = toLower x:rest

commonEnum :: Int -> Options
commonEnum ln =
    defaultOptions {
        constructorTagModifier = fmap toUpper . underscorify . drop ln
      , allNullaryToStringTag = True