@InProceedings{alfer2002beginning, author = {Alfer, Ralf and Thielemann, Henning}, title = {The beginning of everything}, booktitle = {42 articles about everything}, subtype = {reviewed}, year = 2002, month = {June}, } @Article{thielemann2000foobar, author = {Thielemann, Henning}, title = {Foo Bar}, journal = {Journal of Irrelevant Applications}, subtype = {popular}, month = {December}, year = 2000, pages = {123--321}, volume = 88, number = 7, } @TechReport{thielemann2000prefoobar, author = {Thielemann, Henning}, title = {Before Foo becomes Bar}, institution = {University of Applied Irrelevance}, year = 2000 } @Article{thielemann2001nonexistence, author = {Curry, Haskell Brooks and Thielemann, Henning}, title = {Non-existence proof of certain articles}, journal = {Journal of Logical Consequences}, subtype = {reviewed}, year = 2001, volume = 21, number = 4, pages = {219--226}, month = {August}, } @InProceedings{thielemann2002mass, author = {Thielemann, Henning}, title = {Mess for the Masses}, booktitle = {Annual conference of the Society of Measurement}, year = 2002, month = {September}, } @Article{thielemann2002other, author = {Thielemann, Henning and others}, title = {Make things different}, journal = {The Other Journal}, year = 2002, volume = 42, number = 7, pages = {271--314}, month = {January}, } @PhdThesis{thielemann2006diss, author = {Thielemann, Henning}, title = {Equivalence of Foo and Bar}, school = {University of Applied Irrelevance}, year = 2006, month = {March} } @Misc{thielemann2010bibtex, key = {haskell, bibtex, natbib}, author = {Thielemann, Henning}, title = {BibTeX parsing and generation}, howpublished = {\url{http://hackage.haskell.org/package/bibtex}}, subtype = {program}, }