5.4 --- * Only export `Data.Bifoldable` and `Data.Bitraversable` when building on GHC < 8.1, otherwise they come from `base` * Allow TH derivation of `Bifunctor` and `Bifoldable` instances for datatypes containing unboxed tuple types 5.3 --- * Added `bifoldr1`, `bifoldl1`, `bimsum`, `biasum`, `binull`, `bilength`, `bielem`, `bimaximum`, `biminimum`, `bisum`, `biproduct`, `biand`, `bior`, `bimaximumBy`, `biminimumBy`, `binotElem`, and `bifind` to `Data.Bifoldable` * Added `Bifunctor`, `Bifoldable`, and `Bitraversable` instances for `GHC.Generics.K1` * TH code no longer generates superfluous `mempty` or `pure` subexpressions in derived `Bifoldable` or `Bitraversable` instances, respectively 5.2.1 ---- * Added `Bifoldable` and `Bitraversable` instances for `Constant` from `transformers` * `Data.Bifunctor.TH` now compiles warning-free on GHC 8.0 5.2 ----- * Added several `Arrow`-like instances for `Tannen` so we can use it as the Cayley construction if needed. * Added `Data.Bifunctor.Sum` * Added `BifunctorFunctor`, `BifunctorMonad` and `BifunctorComonad`. * Backported `Bifunctor Constant` instance from `transformers` 5.1 --- * Added `Data.Bifunctor.Fix` * Added `Data.Bifunctor.TH`, which permits `TemplateHaskell`-based deriving of `Bifunctor`, `Bifoldable` and `Bitraversable` instances. * Simplified `Bitraversable`. 5 - * Inverted the dependency on `semigroupoids`. We can support a much wider array of `base` versions than it can. * Added flags 4.2.1 ----- * Support `Arg` from `semigroups` 0.16.2 * Fixed a typo. 4.2 --- * Bumped dependency on `tagged`, which is required to build cleanly on GHC 7.9+ * Only export `Data.Bifunctor` when building on GHC < 7.9, otherwise it comes from `base`. ------- * Added documentation for 'Bifoldable' and 'Bitraversable' 4.1.1 ----- * Added `Data.Bifunctor.Join` * Fixed improper lower bounds on `base` ------- * Updated to BSD 2-clause license 4.1 --- * Added product bifunctors 4.0 --- * Compatibility with `semigroupoids` 4.0 3.2 --- * Added missing product instances for `Biapplicative` and `Biapply`. 3.1 ----- * Added `Data.Biapplicative`. * Added the `Clown` and `Joker` bifunctors from Conor McBride's "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right." * Added instances for `Const`, higher tuples * Added `Tagged` instances. 3.0.4 ----- * Added `Data.Bifunctor.Flip` and `Data.Bifunctor.Wrapped`. 3.0.3 --- * Removed upper bounds from my other package dependencies