module PureSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop) import Numeric.Search.Bounded as B import Numeric.Search.Integer as I import Numeric.Search.Range spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Integer search" $ do prop "finds n when search for (>= n)" $ \n -> (>= n) == (n :: Integer) prop "finds (max l n) when search for (>= n) in range (>= l)" $ \n l -> I.searchFrom (>= n) l == max l n prop "finds n when search for (>=n) in range (<=h), iff n <= h." $ \n h -> I.searchTo (>= n) h == if n <= h then Just (n :: Integer) else Nothing describe "Range search" $ do prop "returns Nothing for always failing predicate." $ \l h -> searchFromTo (const False) l (h :: Int) == Nothing prop "finds n given that n is within the range." $ \n l h -> searchFromTo (>= n) l h == let k = max n l in if k <= h then Just (k::Int) else Nothing describe "Bounded search" $ do prop "always finds n when searched for (>=n), by default." $ \n -> (>= n) == Just (n :: Int) it "fails when given always failing predicate." $ (const False :: Int -> Bool) `shouldBe` Nothing it "finds the lower bound when given an always-holding predicate." $ (const True :: Int -> Bool) `shouldBe` Just minBound prop "finds (max l n) for lower-bounded search." $ \l n -> B.searchFrom (>= n) l == Just (max l (n::Int)) prop "finds Nothing for always-failing predicate with a bound." $ \l -> B.searchFrom (const False) (l::Int) == Nothing prop "finds n for upper-bounded search, iff n is within the bound." $ \n h -> B.searchTo (>= n) h == if n <= h then Just (n::Int) else Nothing prop "finds Nothing for always-failing predicate with a bound." $ \h -> B.searchTo (const False) (h::Int) == Nothing