-- | Expressions. -- -- See -- for API documentation. -- -- This module is intended to be imported qualified. {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Binaryen.Expression where import Binaryen.ExpressionId import Binaryen.Index import {-# SOURCE #-} Binaryen.Module import Binaryen.Op import Binaryen.Type import Data.Int (Int8, Int32, Int64) import Data.Word (Word32, Word8) import Foreign (Ptr, Storable) import Foreign.C (CChar(..), CDouble(..), CFloat(..), CInt(..)) newtype Expression = Expression (Ptr Expression) deriving (Eq, Show, Storable) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstInt32" constInt32 :: Module -> Int32 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstInt64" constInt64 :: Module -> Int64 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat32" constFloat32 :: Module -> Float -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat64" constFloat64 :: Module -> Double -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstVec128" constVec128 :: Module -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat32Bits" constFloat32Bits :: Module -> Int32 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat64Bits" constFloat64Bits :: Module -> Int64 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBlock" block :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenIf" if_ :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoop" loop :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBreak" break :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSwitch" switch :: Module -> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> Index -> Ptr CChar -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCall" call :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallIndirect" callIndirect :: Module -> Expression -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> Type -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenReturnCall" returnCall :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenReturnCallIndirect" returnCallIndirect :: Module -> Expression -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> Type -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalGet" localGet :: Module -> Index -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalSet" localSet :: Module -> Index -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalTee" localTee :: Module -> Index -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenGlobalGet" globalGet :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenGlobalSet" globalSet :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoad" load :: Module -> Word32 -> Int8 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Type -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStore" store :: Module -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Expression -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenUnary" unary :: Module -> Op -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBinary" binary :: Module -> Op -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSelect" select :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenDrop" drop :: Module -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenReturn" return :: Module -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenHost" host :: Module -> Op -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenNop" nop :: Module -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenUnreachable" unreachable :: Module -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicLoad" atomicLoad :: Module -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Type -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicStore" atomicStore :: Module -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Expression -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicRMW" atomicRMW :: Module -> Op -> Index -> Index -> Expression -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicCmpxchg" atomicCmpxchg :: Module -> Index -> Index -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicWait" atomicWait :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicNotify" atomicNotify :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicFence" atomicFence :: Module -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDExtract" simdExtract :: Module -> Op -> Expression -> Word8 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDReplace" simdReplace :: Module -> Op -> Expression -> Word8 -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShuffle" simdShuffle :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDTernary" simdTernary :: Module -> Op -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShift" simdShift :: Module -> Op -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDLoad" simdLoad :: Module -> Op -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryInit" memoryInit :: Module -> Word32 -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenDataDrop" dataDrop :: Module -> Word32 -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryCopy" memoryCopy :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryFill" memoryFill :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRefNull" refNull :: Module -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRefIsNull" refIsNull :: Module -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRefFunc" refFunc :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenTry" try :: Module -> Expression -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenThrow" throw :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRethrow" rethrow :: Module -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBrOnExn" brOnExn :: Module -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenPush" push :: Module -> Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenPop" pop :: Module -> Type -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenExpressionGetId" getId :: Expression -> IO ExpressionId foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenExpressionGetType" getType :: Expression -> IO Type foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenExpressionPrint" print :: Expression -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBlockGetName" blockGetName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBlockGetNumChildren" blockGetNumChildren :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBlockGetChild" blockGetChild :: Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenIfGetCondition" ifGetCondition :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenIfGetIfTrue" ifGetIfTrue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenIfGetIfFalse" ifGetIfFalse :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoopGetName" loopGetName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoopGetBody" loopGetBody :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBreakGetName" breakGetName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBreakGetCondition" breakGetCondition :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBreakGetValue" breakGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSwitchGetNumNames" switchGetNumNames :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSwitchGetName" switchGetName :: Expression -> Index -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSwitchGetDefaultName" switchGetDefaultName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSwitchGetCondition" switchGetCondition :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSwitchGetValue" switchGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallGetTarget" callGetTarget :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallGetNumOperands" callGetNumOperands :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallGetOperand" callGetOperand :: Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallIndirectGetTarget" callIndirectGetTarget :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallIndirectGetNumOperands" callIndirectGetNumOperands :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenCallIndirectGetOperand" callIndirectGetOperand :: Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalGetGetIndex" localGetGetIndex :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalSetIsTee" localSetIsTee :: Expression -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalSetGetIndex" localSetGetIndex :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLocalSetGetValue" localSetGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenGlobalGetGetName" globalGetGetName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenGlobalSetGetName" globalSetGetName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenGlobalSetGetValue" globalSetGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenHostGetOp" hostGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenHostGetNameOperand" hostGetNameOperand :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenHostGetNumOperands" hostGetNumOperands :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenHostGetOperand" hostGetOperand :: Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoadIsAtomic" loadIsAtomic :: Expression -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoadIsSigned" loadIsSigned :: Expression -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoadGetOffset" loadGetOffset :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoadGetBytes" loadGetBytes :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoadGetAlign" loadGetAlign :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenLoadGetPtr" loadGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStoreIsAtomic" storeIsAtomic :: Expression -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStoreGetBytes" storeGetBytes :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStoreGetOffset" storeGetOffset :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStoreGetAlign" storeGetAlign :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStoreGetPtr" storeGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenStoreGetValue" storeGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueI32" constGetValueI32 :: Expression -> IO Int32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueI64" constGetValueI64 :: Expression -> IO Int64 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueI64Low" constGetValueI64Low :: Expression -> IO Int32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueI64High" constGetValueI64High :: Expression -> IO Int32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueF32" constGetValueF32 :: Expression -> IO CFloat foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueF64" constGetValueF64 :: Expression -> IO CDouble foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstGetValueV128" constGetValueV128 :: Expression -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenUnaryGetOp" unaryGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenUnaryGetValue" unaryGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBinaryGetOp" binaryGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBinaryGetLeft" binaryGetLeft :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBinaryGetRight" binaryGetRight :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSelectGetIfTrue" selectGetIfTrue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSelectGetIfFalse" selectGetIfFalse :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSelectGetCondition" selectGetCondition :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenDropGetValue" dropGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenReturnGetValue" returnGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicRMWGetOp" atomicRMWGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicRMWGetBytes" atomicRMWGetBytes :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicRMWGetOffset" atomicRMWGetOffset :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicRMWGetPtr" atomicRMWGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicRMWGetValue" atomicRMWGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicCmpxchgGetBytes" atomicCmpxchgGetBytes :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicCmpxchgGetOffset" atomicCmpxchgGetOffset :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicCmpxchgGetPtr" atomicCmpxchgGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicCmpxchgGetExpected" atomicCmpxchgGetExpected :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicCmpxchgGetReplacement" atomicCmpxchgGetReplacement :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicWaitGetPtr" atomicWaitGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicWaitGetExpected" atomicWaitGetExpected :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicWaitGetTimeout" atomicWaitGetTimeout :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicWaitGetExpectedType" atomicWaitGetExpectedType :: Expression -> IO Type foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicNotifyGetPtr" atomicNotifyGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicNotifyGetNotifyCount" atomicNotifyGetNotifyCount :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenAtomicFenceGetOrder" atomicFenceGetOrder :: Expression -> IO Word8 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDExtractGetOp" simdExtractGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDExtractGetVec" simdExtractGetVec :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDExtractGetIndex" simdExtractGetIndex :: Expression -> IO Word8 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDReplaceGetOp" simdReplaceGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDReplaceGetVec" simdReplaceGetVec :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDReplaceGetIndex" simdReplaceGetIndex :: Expression -> IO Word8 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDReplaceGetValue" simdReplaceGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShuffleGetLeft" simdShuffleGetLeft :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShuffleGetRight" simdShuffleGetRight :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShuffleGetMask" simdShuffleGetMask :: Expression -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDTernaryGetOp" simdTernaryGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDTernaryGetA" simdTernaryGetA :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDTernaryGetB" simdTernaryGetB :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDTernaryGetC" simdTernaryGetC :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShiftGetOp" simdShiftGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShiftGetVec" simdShiftGetVec :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDShiftGetShift" simdShiftGetShift :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDLoadGetOp" simdLoadGetOp :: Expression -> IO Op foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDLoadGetOffset" simdLoadGetOffset :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDLoadGetAlign" simdLoadGetAlign :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenSIMDLoadGetPtr" simdLoadGetPtr :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryInitGetSegment" memoryInitGetSegment :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryInitGetDest" memoryInitGetDest :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryInitGetOffset" memoryInitGetOffset :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryInitGetSize" memoryInitGetSize :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenDataDropGetSegment" dataDropGetSegment :: Expression -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryCopyGetDest" memoryCopyGetDest :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryCopyGetSource" memoryCopyGetSource :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryCopyGetSize" memoryCopyGetSize :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryFillGetDest" memoryFillGetDest :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryFillGetValue" memoryFillGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenMemoryFillGetSize" memoryFillGetSize :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRefIsNullGetValue" refIsNullGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRefFuncGetFunc" refFuncGetFunc :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenTryGetBody" tryGetBody :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenTryGetCatchBody" tryGetCatchBody :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenThrowGetEvent" throwGetEvent :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenThrowGetOperand" throwGetOperand :: Expression -> Index -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenThrowGetNumOperands" throwGetNumOperands :: Expression -> IO Index foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenRethrowGetExnref" rethrowGetExnref :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBrOnExnGetEvent" brOnExnGetEvent :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBrOnExnGetName" brOnExnGetName :: Expression -> IO (Ptr CChar) foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenBrOnExnGetExnref" brOnExnGetExnref :: Expression -> IO Expression foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenPushGetValue" pushGetValue :: Expression -> IO Expression