-- base import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, when) import Data.Char (isAscii) import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf) import Foreign.C.String (peekCString, withCString) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) -- HUnit import Test.HUnit ((@?=), assertBool, assertFailure) -- test-framework import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) -- test-framework-hunit import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) -- bindings-GLFW import Bindings.GLFW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do cb <- mk'GLFWerrorfun $ \errnum p'desc -> do desc <- if p'desc /= nullPtr then peekCString p'desc else return "unknown error" putStrLn $ unwords ["###", "error:", show errnum, show desc] _ <- c'glfwSetErrorCallback cb -- uncomment next line to test error callback -- _ <- c'glfwGetPrimaryMonitor _ <- c'glfwInit p'mon <- c'glfwGetPrimaryMonitor c'glfwWindowHint c'GLFW_VISIBLE c'GL_FALSE p'win <- withCString "bindings-GLFW test" $ \p'title -> c'glfwCreateWindow 100 100 p'title nullPtr nullPtr c'glfwMakeContextCurrent p'win defaultMain $ tests p'mon p'win -- TODO because of how defaultMain works, this code is not reached c'glfwDestroyWindow p'win c'glfwTerminate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- versionMajor, versionMinor, versionRevision :: Int versionMajor = 3 versionMinor = 1 versionRevision = 1 giveItTime :: IO () giveItTime = threadDelay 500000 joysticks :: Num a => [a] joysticks = [ c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_1 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_2 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_3 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_4 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_5 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_6 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_7 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_8 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_9 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_10 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_11 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_12 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_13 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_14 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_15 , c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_16 ] between :: Ord a => a -> (a,a) -> Bool between n (l,h) = n >= l && n <= h videoModeLooksValid :: C'GLFWvidmode -> Bool videoModeLooksValid vm = and [ c'GLFWvidmode'width vm `between` (0,4000) , c'GLFWvidmode'height vm `between` (0,4000) , c'GLFWvidmode'redBits vm `between` (0,32) , c'GLFWvidmode'greenBits vm `between` (0,32) , c'GLFWvidmode'blueBits vm `between` (0,32) , c'GLFWvidmode'refreshRate vm `between` (0,120) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> [Test] tests p'mon p'win = [ testGroup "Initialization and version information" [ testCase "glfwGetVersion" test_glfwGetVersion , testCase "glfwGetVersionString" test_glfwGetVersionString ] , testGroup "Monitor handling" [ testCase "glfwGetMonitors" test_glfwGetMonitors , testCase "glfwGetPrimaryMonitor" test_glfwGetPrimaryMonitor , testCase "glfwGetMonitorPos" $ test_glfwGetMonitorPos p'mon , testCase "glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize" $ test_glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize p'mon , testCase "glfwGetMonitorName" $ test_glfwGetMonitorName p'mon , testCase "glfwGetVideoModes" $ test_glfwGetVideoModes p'mon , testCase "glfwGetVideoMode" $ test_glfwGetVideoMode p'mon , testCase "glfwGetGammaRamp" $ test_glfwGetGammaRamp p'mon -- , testCase "setGamma" $ test_glfwSetGamma p'mon -- , testCase "gamma ramp" $ test_glfwGamma_ramp p'mon ] , testGroup "Window handling" [ testCase "glfwDefaultWindowHints" test_glfwDefaultWindowHints , testCase "window close flag" $ test_window_close_flag p'win , testCase "glfwSetWindowTitle" $ test_glfwSetWindowTitle p'win , testCase "window pos" $ test_window_pos p'win , testCase "window size" $ test_window_size p'win , testCase "glfwGetFramebufferSize" $ test_glfwGetFramebufferSize p'win , testCase "iconification" $ test_iconification p'win -- , testCase "show/hide" $ test_show_hide p'win , testCase "glfwGetWindowMonitor" $ test_glfwGetWindowMonitor p'win p'mon , testCase "cursor pos" $ test_cursor_pos p'win , testCase "glfwGetWindowAttrib" $ test_glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win , testCase "glfwPollEvents" test_glfwPollEvents , testCase "glfwWaitEvents" test_glfwWaitEvents ] , testGroup "Input handling" [ testCase "glfwJoystickPresent" test_glfwJoystickPresent , testCase "glfwGetJoystickAxes" test_glfwGetJoystickAxes , testCase "glfwGetJoystickButtons" test_glfwGetJoystickButtons , testCase "glfwGetJoystickName" test_glfwGetJoystickName ] , testGroup "Time" [ testCase "glfwGetTime" test_glfwGetTime , testCase "glfwSetTime" test_glfwSetTime ] , testGroup "Context" [ testCase "glfwGetCurrentContext" $ test_glfwGetCurrentContext p'win , testCase "glfwSwapBuffers" $ test_glfwSwapBuffers p'win , testCase "glfwSwapInterval" test_glfwSwapInterval , testCase "glfwExtensionSupported" test_glfwExtensionSupported ] , testGroup "Clipboard" [ testCase "clipboard" $ test_clipboard p'win ] ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_glfwGetVersion :: IO () test_glfwGetVersion = alloca $ \p'v0 -> alloca $ \p'v1 -> alloca $ \p'v2 -> do c'glfwGetVersion p'v0 p'v1 p'v2 v0 <- peek p'v0 v1 <- peek p'v1 v2 <- peek p'v2 v0 @?= fromIntegral versionMajor v1 @?= fromIntegral versionMinor v2 @?= fromIntegral versionRevision test_glfwGetVersionString :: IO () test_glfwGetVersionString = do p'vs <- c'glfwGetVersionString if p'vs == nullPtr then assertFailure "" else do vs <- peekCString p'vs assertBool "" $ v `isPrefixOf` vs where v = intercalate "." $ map show [versionMajor, versionMinor, versionRevision] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_glfwGetMonitors :: IO () test_glfwGetMonitors = alloca $ \p'n -> do p'mons <- c'glfwGetMonitors p'n n <- peek p'n if p'mons == nullPtr || n <= 0 then assertFailure "" else do mons <- peekArray (fromIntegral n) p'mons assertBool "" $ not $ null mons test_glfwGetPrimaryMonitor :: IO () test_glfwGetPrimaryMonitor = do p'mon <- c'glfwGetPrimaryMonitor assertBool "" $ p'mon /= nullPtr test_glfwGetMonitorPos :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetMonitorPos p'mon = alloca $ \p'x -> alloca $ \p'y -> do c'glfwGetMonitorPos p'mon p'x p'y x <- peek p'x y <- peek p'y assertBool "" $ x >= 0 assertBool "" $ y >= 0 test_glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize p'mon = alloca $ \p'w -> alloca $ \p'h -> do c'glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize p'mon p'w p'h w <- peek p'w h <- peek p'h assertBool "" $ w `between` (0, 1000) assertBool "" $ h `between` (0, 500) test_glfwGetMonitorName :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetMonitorName p'mon = do p'name <- c'glfwGetMonitorName p'mon if p'name == nullPtr then assertFailure "" else do name <- peekCString p'name assertBool "" $ length name `between` (0, 20) assertBool "" $ all isAscii name test_glfwGetVideoModes :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetVideoModes p'mon = alloca $ \p'n -> do p'vms <- c'glfwGetVideoModes p'mon p'n n <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'n if p'vms == nullPtr || n <= 0 then assertFailure "" else do vms <- peekArray n p'vms assertBool "" $ all videoModeLooksValid vms test_glfwGetVideoMode :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetVideoMode p'mon = do p'vm <- c'glfwGetVideoMode p'mon if p'vm == nullPtr then assertFailure "" else do vm <- peek p'vm assertBool "" $ videoModeLooksValid vm test_glfwGetGammaRamp :: Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetGammaRamp p'mon = do p'gr <- c'glfwGetGammaRamp p'mon if p'gr == nullPtr then assertFailure "" else do gr <- peek p'gr let p'rs = c'GLFWgammaramp'red gr p'gs = c'GLFWgammaramp'green gr p'bs = c'GLFWgammaramp'blue gr cn = c'GLFWgammaramp'size gr n = fromIntegral cn if nullPtr `elem` [p'rs, p'gs, p'bs] then assertFailure "" else do rs <- peekArray n p'rs gs <- peekArray n p'gs bs <- peekArray n p'bs let rsl = length rs gsl = length gs bsl = length bs assertBool "" $ rsl > 0 && rsl == gsl && gsl == bsl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_glfwDefaultWindowHints :: IO () test_glfwDefaultWindowHints = c'glfwDefaultWindowHints test_window_close_flag :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_window_close_flag p'win = do r0 <- c'glfwWindowShouldClose p'win r0 @?= c'GL_FALSE c'glfwSetWindowShouldClose p'win c'GL_TRUE r1 <- c'glfwWindowShouldClose p'win r1 @?= c'GL_TRUE c'glfwSetWindowShouldClose p'win c'GL_FALSE r2 <- c'glfwWindowShouldClose p'win r2 @?= c'GL_FALSE test_glfwSetWindowTitle :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_glfwSetWindowTitle p'win = withCString "some new title" $ c'glfwSetWindowTitle p'win -- This is a little strange. Depending on your window manager, etc, after -- setting the window position to (x,y), the actual new window position might -- be (x+5,y+5) due to borders. So we just check for consistency. test_window_pos :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_window_pos p'win = do let x = 17 y = 37 xoff = 53 yoff = 149 (x0, y0, dx0, dy0) <- setGet x y (x1, y1, dx1, dy1) <- setGet (x+xoff) (y+yoff) dx0 @?= dx1 dy0 @?= dy1 x1 - x0 @?= xoff y1 - y0 @?= yoff where setGet :: Int -> Int -> IO (Int, Int, Int, Int) setGet x0 y0 = do c'glfwSetWindowPos p'win (fromIntegral x0) (fromIntegral y0) giveItTime alloca $ \p'x1 -> alloca $ \p'y1 -> do c'glfwGetWindowPos p'win p'x1 p'y1 x1 <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'x1 y1 <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'y1 let (dx, dy) = (x0-x1, y0-y1) return (x1, y1, dx, dy) test_window_size :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_window_size p'win = do let w = 17 h = 37 c'glfwSetWindowSize p'win w h giveItTime alloca $ \p'w' -> alloca $ \p'h' -> do c'glfwGetWindowSize p'win p'w' p'h' w' <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'w' h' <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'h' w' @?= w h' @?= h test_glfwGetFramebufferSize :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_glfwGetFramebufferSize p'win = alloca $ \p'w -> alloca $ \p'h -> alloca $ \p'fw -> alloca $ \p'fh -> do c'glfwGetWindowSize p'win p'w p'h c'glfwGetFramebufferSize p'win p'fw p'fh w <- peek p'w h <- peek p'h fw <- peek p'fw fh <- peek p'fh fw @?= w fh @?= h test_iconification :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_iconification p'win = do r0 <- c'glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win c'GLFW_ICONIFIED r0 @?= c'GL_FALSE c'glfwIconifyWindow p'win giveItTime r1 <- c'glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win c'GLFW_ICONIFIED r1 @?= c'GL_TRUE c'glfwRestoreWindow p'win -- test_show_hide :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () -- test_show_hide p'win = do -- v0 <- c'glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win c'GLFW_VISIBLE -- v0 @?= c'GL_FALSE -- c'glfwShowWindow p'win -- giveItTime -- v1 <- c'glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win c'GLFW_VISIBLE -- v1 @?= c'GL_TRUE -- c'glfwHideWindow p'win -- giveItTime -- v2 <- c'glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win c'GLFW_VISIBLE -- v2 @?= c'GL_FALSE test_glfwGetWindowMonitor :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> Ptr C'GLFWmonitor -> IO () test_glfwGetWindowMonitor p'win _ = do p'mon <- c'glfwGetWindowMonitor p'win p'mon @?= nullPtr test_cursor_pos :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_cursor_pos p'win = alloca $ \p'w -> alloca $ \p'h -> alloca $ \p'cx' -> alloca $ \p'cy' -> do c'glfwGetWindowSize p'win p'w p'h w <- peek p'w h <- peek p'h let cx = fromIntegral w / 2 cy = fromIntegral h / 2 c'glfwSetCursorPos p'win cx cy giveItTime c'glfwGetCursorPos p'win p'cx' p'cy' cx' <- peek p'cx' cy' <- peek p'cy' cx' @?= cx cy' @?= cy test_glfwGetWindowAttrib :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win = do let pairs = [ ( c'GLFW_FOCUSED, c'GL_FALSE ) , ( c'GLFW_ICONIFIED, c'GL_FALSE ) , ( c'GLFW_RESIZABLE, c'GL_TRUE ) , ( c'GLFW_DECORATED, c'GL_TRUE ) , ( c'GLFW_CLIENT_API, c'GLFW_OPENGL_API ) ] rs <- mapM (c'glfwGetWindowAttrib p'win . fst) pairs rs @?= map snd pairs test_glfwPollEvents :: IO () test_glfwPollEvents = c'glfwPollEvents test_glfwWaitEvents :: IO () test_glfwWaitEvents = c'glfwWaitEvents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_glfwJoystickPresent :: IO () test_glfwJoystickPresent = do _ <- c'glfwJoystickPresent c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_1 r <- c'glfwJoystickPresent c'GLFW_JOYSTICK_16 r @?= c'GL_FALSE test_glfwGetJoystickAxes :: IO () test_glfwGetJoystickAxes = forM_ joysticks $ \js -> alloca $ \p'n -> do p'axes <- c'glfwGetJoystickAxes js p'n when (p'axes /= nullPtr) $ do n <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'n if n <= 0 then assertFailure "" else do axes <- peekArray n p'axes length axes @?= n test_glfwGetJoystickButtons :: IO () test_glfwGetJoystickButtons = forM_ joysticks $ \js -> alloca $ \p'n -> do p'buttons <- c'glfwGetJoystickButtons js p'n when (p'buttons /= nullPtr) $ do n <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek p'n if n <= 0 then assertFailure "" else do buttons <- peekArray n p'buttons length buttons @?= n test_glfwGetJoystickName :: IO () test_glfwGetJoystickName = forM_ joysticks $ \js -> do p'name <- c'glfwGetJoystickName js when (p'name /= nullPtr) $ do name <- peekCString p'name assertBool "" $ not $ null name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_glfwGetTime :: IO () test_glfwGetTime = do t <- c'glfwGetTime assertBool "" $ t > 0 test_glfwSetTime :: IO () test_glfwSetTime = do let t = 37 :: Double c'glfwSetTime (realToFrac t) t' <- realToFrac `fmap` c'glfwGetTime assertBool "" $ t' `between` (t, t+10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_glfwGetCurrentContext :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_glfwGetCurrentContext p'win = do p'win' <- c'glfwGetCurrentContext p'win' @?= p'win test_glfwSwapBuffers :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_glfwSwapBuffers = c'glfwSwapBuffers test_glfwSwapInterval :: IO () test_glfwSwapInterval = c'glfwSwapInterval 1 test_glfwExtensionSupported :: IO () test_glfwExtensionSupported = do let pairs = [ ( "GL_ARB_multisample", c'GL_TRUE ) , ( "bogus", c'GL_FALSE ) ] rs <- forM (map fst pairs) $ \ext -> withCString ext c'glfwExtensionSupported rs @?= map snd pairs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_clipboard :: Ptr C'GLFWwindow -> IO () test_clipboard p'win = do rs <- mapM setGet ss rs @?= ss where ss = [ "abc 123 ???" , "xyz 456 !!!" ] setGet s = do withCString s $ \p's -> c'glfwSetClipboardString p'win p's p's' <- c'glfwGetClipboardString p'win if p's' == nullPtr then return "" else peekCString p's' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}