Build #1 for bindings-dc1394-0.1

[all reports]

Package bindings-dc1394-0.1
Install InstallOk
Docs Ok
Tests NotTried
Time submitted unknown
Compiler ghc-7.6.3
OS linux
Arch x86_64
Dependencies bindings-DSL-1.0.20, base-, CV-0.3.7
Flags none

Code Coverage

No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.

Build log

[view raw]

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring QuickCheck-2.6...
Building QuickCheck-2.6...
Preprocessing library QuickCheck-2.6...
[ 1 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Exception ( Test/QuickCheck/Exception.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Exception.o )
[ 2 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Text ( Test/QuickCheck/Text.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Text.o )
[ 3 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.State ( Test/QuickCheck/State.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/State.o )
[ 4 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Gen ( Test/QuickCheck/Gen.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Gen.o )
[ 5 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary ( Test/QuickCheck/Arbitrary.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Arbitrary.o )
[ 6 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Poly ( Test/QuickCheck/Poly.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Poly.o )
[ 7 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Function ( Test/QuickCheck/Function.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Function.o )
[ 8 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers ( Test/QuickCheck/Modifiers.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Modifiers.o )
[ 9 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Property ( Test/QuickCheck/Property.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Property.o )
[10 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Test ( Test/QuickCheck/Test.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Test.o )
[11 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.All ( Test/QuickCheck/All.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/All.o )
[12 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( Test/QuickCheck/Monadic.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Monadic.o )
[13 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck  ( Test/QuickCheck.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck.o )
In-place registering QuickCheck-2.6...
Running Haddock for QuickCheck-2.6...
Running hscolour for QuickCheck-2.6...
Preprocessing library QuickCheck-2.6...
Preprocessing library QuickCheck-2.6...
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: random-
Haddock coverage:
  12% (  1 /  8) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Exception'
   0% (  0 / 18) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Text'
  50% (  1 /  2) in 'Test.QuickCheck.State'
  95% ( 20 / 21) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Gen'
  92% ( 23 / 25) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary'
  14% (  1 /  7) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Poly'
  14% (  1 /  7) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Function'
  92% ( 12 / 13) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers'
  59% ( 34 / 58) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Property'
  48% ( 13 / 27) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Test'
 100% (  9 /  9) in 'Test.QuickCheck.All'
   7% (  1 / 15) in 'Test.QuickCheck.Monadic'
  93% ( 95 /102) in 'Test.QuickCheck'
Warning: Test.QuickCheck.Text: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: Test.QuickCheck.State: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: Test.QuickCheck.Gen: could not find link destinations for:
    System.Random.StdGen System.Random.Random
Warning: Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: Test.QuickCheck.Property: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: Test.QuickCheck.Test: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: Test.QuickCheck: could not find link destinations for:
    System.Random.StdGen System.Random.Random
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/QuickCheck/index.html
Installing library in
Registering QuickCheck-2.6...
Installed QuickCheck-2.6
Configuring bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Building bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Preprocessing library bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
[1 of 1] Compiling Bindings.Utilities ( Bindings/Utilities.hs, dist/build/Bindings/Utilities.o )
In-place registering bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Running Haddock for bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Running hscolour for bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Preprocessing library bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Preprocessing library bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Haddock coverage:
  67% (  2 /  3) in 'Bindings.Utilities'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/bindings-DSL/index.html
Installing library in
Registering bindings-DSL-1.0.20...
Installed bindings-DSL-1.0.20
Configuring extensible-exceptions-
Building extensible-exceptions-
Preprocessing library extensible-exceptions-
[1 of 1] Compiling Control.Exception.Extensible ( Control/Exception/Extensible.hs, dist/build/Control/Exception/Extensible.o )
In-place registering extensible-exceptions-
Running Haddock for extensible-exceptions-
Running hscolour for extensible-exceptions-
Preprocessing library extensible-exceptions-
Preprocessing library extensible-exceptions-
Haddock coverage:
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Control.Exception.Extensible'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/extensible-exceptions/index.html
Installing library in
Registering extensible-exceptions-
Installed extensible-exceptions-
Configuring ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Building ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Preprocessing library ix-shapable-0.1.0...
[1 of 1] Compiling Data.Ix.Shapable ( Data/Ix/Shapable.hs, dist/build/Data/Ix/Shapable.o )
In-place registering ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Running Haddock for ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Running hscolour for ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Preprocessing library ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Preprocessing library ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Haddock coverage:
  83% (  5 /  6) in 'Data.Ix.Shapable'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/ix-shapable/index.html
Installing library in
Registering ix-shapable-0.1.0...
Installed ix-shapable-0.1.0
Configuring lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Building lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Preprocessing library lazysmallcheck-0.6...
[1 of 1] Compiling Test.LazySmallCheck ( Test/LazySmallCheck.hs, dist/build/Test/LazySmallCheck.o )
In-place registering lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Running Haddock for lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Running hscolour for lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Preprocessing library lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Preprocessing library lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Haddock coverage:
   4% (  1 / 27) in 'Test.LazySmallCheck'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/lazysmallcheck/index.html
Installing library in
Registering lazysmallcheck-0.6...
Installed lazysmallcheck-0.6
Configuring parallel-
Building parallel-
Preprocessing library parallel-
[1 of 3] Compiling Control.Parallel ( Control/Parallel.hs, dist/build/Control/Parallel.o )
[2 of 3] Compiling Control.Seq      ( Control/Seq.hs, dist/build/Control/Seq.o )
[3 of 3] Compiling Control.Parallel.Strategies ( Control/Parallel/Strategies.hs, dist/build/Control/Parallel/Strategies.o )
In-place registering parallel-
Running Haddock for parallel-
Running hscolour for parallel-
Preprocessing library parallel-
Preprocessing library parallel-
Haddock coverage:
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Control.Parallel'
  72% ( 21 / 29) in 'Control.Seq'
  81% ( 68 / 84) in 'Control.Parallel.Strategies'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/parallel/index.html
Installing library in
Registering parallel-
Installed parallel-
Configuring primitive-
Building primitive-
Preprocessing library primitive-
[ 1 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.Internal.Compat ( Data/Primitive/Internal/Compat.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/Internal/Compat.o )
[ 2 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.MachDeps ( Data/Primitive/MachDeps.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/MachDeps.o )
[ 3 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.Internal.Operations ( Data/Primitive/Internal/Operations.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/Internal/Operations.o )
[ 4 of 10] Compiling Control.Monad.Primitive ( Control/Monad/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Primitive.o )
[ 5 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.Types ( Data/Primitive/Types.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/Types.o )
[ 6 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.Array ( Data/Primitive/Array.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/Array.o )
[ 7 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.ByteArray ( Data/Primitive/ByteArray.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/ByteArray.o )
[ 8 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.Addr ( Data/Primitive/Addr.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/Addr.o )
[ 9 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive   ( Data/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive.o )
[10 of 10] Compiling Data.Primitive.MutVar ( Data/Primitive/MutVar.hs, dist/build/Data/Primitive/MutVar.o )
In-place registering primitive-
Running Haddock for primitive-
Running hscolour for primitive-
Preprocessing library primitive-
Preprocessing library primitive-
Haddock coverage:
  67% (  2 /  3) in 'Data.Primitive.Internal.Compat'
   3% (  1 / 35) in 'Data.Primitive.MachDeps'
   3% (  1 / 29) in 'Data.Primitive.Internal.Operations'
Warning: Control.Monad.Primitive: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
Control.Monad.Primitive.PrimMonad GHC.Types.IO, Control.Monad.Primitive.PrimMonad (GHC.ST.ST s)
  71% ( 10 / 14) in 'Control.Monad.Primitive'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Data.Primitive.Types'
 100% ( 13 / 13) in 'Data.Primitive.Array'
  93% ( 27 / 29) in 'Data.Primitive.ByteArray'
 100% ( 16 / 16) in 'Data.Primitive.Addr'
 100% (  7 /  7) in 'Data.Primitive'
 100% (  7 /  7) in 'Data.Primitive.MutVar'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/primitive/index.html
Installing library in
Registering primitive-
Installed primitive-
Configuring storable-complex-0.2.1...
Building storable-complex-0.2.1...
Preprocessing library storable-complex-0.2.1...
[1 of 1] Compiling Foreign.Storable.Complex ( Foreign/Storable/Complex.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/Complex.o )
In-place registering storable-complex-0.2.1...
Running Haddock for storable-complex-0.2.1...
Running hscolour for storable-complex-0.2.1...
Preprocessing library storable-complex-0.2.1...
Preprocessing library storable-complex-0.2.1...
Haddock coverage:
 100% (  1 /  1) in 'Foreign.Storable.Complex'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/storable-complex/index.html
Installing library in
Registering storable-complex-0.2.1...
Installed storable-complex-0.2.1
Configuring syb-0.4.1...
Building syb-0.4.1...
Preprocessing library syb-0.4.1...
[ 1 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Basics ( src/Data/Generics/Basics.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Basics.o )
[ 2 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Basics ( src/Generics/SYB/Basics.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Basics.o )
[ 3 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Instances ( src/Data/Generics/Instances.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Instances.o )
[ 4 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Instances ( src/Generics/SYB/Instances.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Instances.o )
[ 5 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Aliases ( src/Data/Generics/Aliases.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Aliases.o )
[ 6 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Schemes ( src/Data/Generics/Schemes.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Schemes.o )
[ 7 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Schemes ( src/Generics/SYB/Schemes.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Schemes.o )
[ 8 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Text ( src/Data/Generics/Text.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Text.o )
[ 9 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Text ( src/Generics/SYB/Text.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Text.o )
[10 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Twins ( src/Data/Generics/Twins.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Twins.o )
[11 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Twins ( src/Generics/SYB/Twins.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Twins.o )
[12 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Builders ( src/Data/Generics/Builders.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics/Builders.o )
[13 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Builders ( src/Generics/SYB/Builders.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Builders.o )
[14 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Aliases ( src/Generics/SYB/Aliases.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB/Aliases.o )
[15 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics    ( src/Data/Generics.hs, dist/build/Data/Generics.o )
[16 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB     ( src/Generics/SYB.hs, dist/build/Generics/SYB.o )
In-place registering syb-0.4.1...
Running Haddock for syb-0.4.1...
Running hscolour for syb-0.4.1...
Preprocessing library syb-0.4.1...
Preprocessing library syb-0.4.1...
Haddock coverage:
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Data.Generics.Basics'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB.Basics'
 100% (  1 /  1) in 'Data.Generics.Instances'
 100% (  1 /  1) in 'Generics.SYB.Instances'
  96% ( 43 / 45) in 'Data.Generics.Aliases'
 100% ( 19 / 19) in 'Data.Generics.Schemes'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB.Schemes'
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Data.Generics.Text'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB.Text'
 100% ( 16 / 16) in 'Data.Generics.Twins'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB.Twins'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Data.Generics.Builders'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB.Builders'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB.Aliases'
 100% (  8 /  8) in 'Data.Generics'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Generics.SYB'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/syb/index.html
Installing library in
Registering syb-0.4.1...
Installed syb-0.4.1
Configuring utility-ht-0.0.9...
Building utility-ht-0.0.9...
Preprocessing library utility-ht-0.0.9...
[ 1 of 24] Compiling Text.Show.HT     ( src/Text/Show/HT.hs, dist/build/Text/Show/HT.o )
[ 2 of 24] Compiling Text.Read.HT     ( src/Text/Read/HT.hs, dist/build/Text/Read/HT.o )
[ 3 of 24] Compiling Data.Strictness.HT ( src/Data/Strictness/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Strictness/HT.o )
[ 4 of 24] Compiling Control.Functor.HT ( src/Control/Functor/HT.hs, dist/build/Control/Functor/HT.o )
[ 5 of 24] Compiling Control.Monad.HT ( src/Control/Monad/HT.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/HT.o )
[ 6 of 24] Compiling Data.Tuple.HT    ( src/Data/Tuple/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Tuple/HT.o )
[ 7 of 24] Compiling Data.Monoid.HT   ( src/Data/Monoid/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Monoid/HT.o )
[ 8 of 24] Compiling Data.Maybe.HT    ( src/Data/Maybe/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Maybe/HT.o )
[ 9 of 24] Compiling Data.Ix.Enum     ( src/Data/Ix/Enum.hs, dist/build/Data/Ix/Enum.o )
[10 of 24] Compiling Data.Function.HT.Private ( src/Data/Function/HT/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/Function/HT/Private.o )
[11 of 24] Compiling Data.Function.HT ( src/Data/Function/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Function/HT.o )
[12 of 24] Compiling Data.List.Key.Private ( src/Data/List/Key/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/List/Key/Private.o )
[13 of 24] Compiling Data.List.Key    ( src/Data/List/Key.hs, dist/build/Data/List/Key.o )
[14 of 24] Compiling Data.Ord.HT      ( src/Data/Ord/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Ord/HT.o )
[15 of 24] Compiling Data.Eq.HT       ( src/Data/Eq/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Eq/HT.o )
[16 of 24] Compiling Data.Bool.HT.Private ( src/Data/Bool/HT/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/Bool/HT/Private.o )
[17 of 24] Compiling Data.Bool.HT     ( src/Data/Bool/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Bool/HT.o )
[18 of 24] Compiling Data.List.Match.Private ( src/Data/List/Match/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/List/Match/Private.o )
[19 of 24] Compiling Data.List.HT.Private ( src/Data/List/HT/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/List/HT/Private.o )
[20 of 24] Compiling Data.List.HT     ( src/Data/List/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/List/HT.o )
[21 of 24] Compiling Data.Record.HT.Private ( src/Data/Record/HT/Private.hs, dist/build/Data/Record/HT/Private.o )
[22 of 24] Compiling Data.Record.HT   ( src/Data/Record/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/Record/HT.o )
[23 of 24] Compiling Data.String.HT   ( src/Data/String/HT.hs, dist/build/Data/String/HT.o )
[24 of 24] Compiling Data.List.Match  ( src/Data/List/Match.hs, dist/build/Data/List/Match.o )
In-place registering utility-ht-0.0.9...
Running Haddock for utility-ht-0.0.9...
Running hscolour for utility-ht-0.0.9...
Preprocessing library utility-ht-0.0.9...
Preprocessing library utility-ht-0.0.9...
Haddock coverage:
  33% (  1 /  3) in 'Text.Show.HT'
  40% (  2 /  5) in 'Text.Read.HT'
   0% (  0 /  6) in 'Data.Strictness.HT'
   0% (  0 /  2) in 'Control.Functor.HT'
  80% (  8 / 10) in 'Control.Monad.HT'
  29% (  5 / 17) in 'Data.Tuple.HT'
  67% (  2 /  3) in 'Data.Monoid.HT'
  50% (  2 /  4) in 'Data.Maybe.HT'
  14% (  1 /  7) in 'Data.Ix.Enum'
  75% (  6 /  8) in 'Data.Function.HT.Private'
  75% (  3 /  4) in 'Data.Function.HT'
  29% (  5 / 17) in 'Data.List.Key.Private'
  57% (  4 /  7) in 'Data.List.Key'
  50% (  2 /  4) in 'Data.Ord.HT'
   0% (  0 /  2) in 'Data.Eq.HT'
  78% (  7 /  9) in 'Data.Bool.HT.Private'
  83% (  5 /  6) in 'Data.Bool.HT'
  56% ( 10 / 18) in 'Data.List.Match.Private'
  46% ( 56 /121) in 'Data.List.HT.Private'
  73% ( 41 / 56) in 'Data.List.HT'
  40% (  2 /  5) in 'Data.Record.HT.Private'
  67% (  2 /  3) in 'Data.Record.HT'
  50% (  1 /  2) in 'Data.String.HT'
  67% (  6 /  9) in 'Data.List.Match'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/utility-ht/index.html
Installing library in
Registering utility-ht-0.0.9...
Installed utility-ht-0.0.9
Configuring parallel-io-
Building parallel-io-
Preprocessing library parallel-io-
[1 of 4] Compiling Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Compat ( Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Compat.hs, dist/build/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Compat.o )
[2 of 4] Compiling Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local ( Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs, dist/build/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.o )

Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:47:17: Warning:
    In the use of type constructor or class `QSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."

Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:61:43: Warning:
    In the use of `newQSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."

Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:108:27: Warning:
    In the use of `signalQSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."

Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:114:26: Warning:
    In the use of `waitQSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."
[3 of 4] Compiling Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global ( Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Global.hs, dist/build/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Global.o )
[4 of 4] Compiling Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO ( Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO.hs, dist/build/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO.o )
In-place registering parallel-io-
Running Haddock for parallel-io-
Running hscolour for parallel-io-
Preprocessing library parallel-io-
Preprocessing library parallel-io-
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: random-

dist/build/tmp-30693/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:47:17: Warning:
    In the use of type constructor or class `QSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."

dist/build/tmp-30693/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:61:43: Warning:
    In the use of `newQSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."

dist/build/tmp-30693/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:108:27: Warning:
    In the use of `signalQSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."

dist/build/tmp-30693/Control/Concurrent/ParallelIO/Local.hs:114:26: Warning:
    In the use of `waitQSem'
    (imported from Control.Concurrent, but defined in Control.Concurrent.QSem):
    Deprecated: "Control.Concurrent.QSem will be removed in GHC 7.8. Please use an alternative, e.g. the SafeSemaphore package, instead."
Haddock coverage:
  67% (  2 /  3) in 'Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Compat'
 100% ( 17 / 17) in 'Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local'
 100% ( 15 / 15) in 'Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/parallel-io/index.html
Installing library in
Registering parallel-io-
Installed parallel-io-
Configuring vector-
Building vector-
Preprocessing library vector-
[ 1 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Storable.Internal ( Data/Vector/Storable/Internal.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Storable/Internal.o )
[ 2 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Util ( Data/Vector/Fusion/Util.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Fusion/Util.o )
[ 3 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size ( Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.o )

Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs:25:10: Warning:
    No explicit method or default declaration for `*'
    In the instance declaration for `Num Size'

Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs:25:10: Warning:
    No explicit method or default declaration for `abs'
    In the instance declaration for `Num Size'

Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs:25:10: Warning:
    No explicit method or default declaration for `signum'
    In the instance declaration for `Num Size'
[ 4 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Internal.Check ( Data/Vector/Internal/Check.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Internal/Check.o )
[ 5 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic ( Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Monadic.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Monadic.o )
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package primitive- ... linking ... done.
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
[ 6 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream ( Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream.o )
[ 7 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable ( Data/Vector/Generic/Mutable.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Generic/Mutable.o )
[ 8 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.Base ( Data/Vector/Generic/Base.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Generic/Base.o )
[ 9 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.New ( Data/Vector/Generic/New.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Generic/New.o )
[10 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic ( Data/Vector/Generic.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Generic.o )
[11 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Primitive.Mutable ( Data/Vector/Primitive/Mutable.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Primitive/Mutable.o )
[12 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Primitive ( Data/Vector/Primitive.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Primitive.o )
[13 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable ( Data/Vector/Storable/Mutable.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Storable/Mutable.o )
[14 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Storable ( Data/Vector/Storable.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Storable.o )
[15 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base ( Data/Vector/Unboxed/Base.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Unboxed/Base.o )
[16 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Unboxed ( Data/Vector/Unboxed.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Unboxed.o )
[17 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable ( Data/Vector/Unboxed/Mutable.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Unboxed/Mutable.o )
[18 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector.Mutable ( Data/Vector/Mutable.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector/Mutable.o )
[19 of 19] Compiling Data.Vector      ( Data/Vector.hs, dist/build/Data/Vector.o )
In-place registering vector-
Running Haddock for vector-
Running hscolour for vector-
Preprocessing library vector-
Preprocessing library vector-

Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs:25:10: Warning:
    No explicit method or default declaration for `*'
    In the instance declaration for `Num Size'

Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs:25:10: Warning:
    No explicit method or default declaration for `abs'
    In the instance declaration for `Num Size'

Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Size.hs:25:10: Warning:
    No explicit method or default declaration for `signum'
    In the instance declaration for `Num Size'
Haddock coverage:
  25% (  1 /  4) in 'Data.Vector.Storable.Internal'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'Data.Vector.Fusion.Util'
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size'
  11% (  1 /  9) in 'Data.Vector.Internal.Check'
  83% (104 /126) in 'Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic'
  85% ( 88 /104) in 'Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream'
  64% ( 42 / 66) in 'Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'Data.Vector.Generic.Base'
   5% (  1 / 20) in 'Data.Vector.Generic.New'
  93% (215 /232) in 'Data.Vector.Generic'
  76% ( 38 / 50) in 'Data.Vector.Primitive.Mutable'
Warning: Data.Vector.Primitive: Instances of type and data families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:
  97% (185 /191) in 'Data.Vector.Primitive'
  79% ( 46 / 58) in 'Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable'
Warning: Data.Vector.Storable: Instances of type and data families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:
  97% (194 /200) in 'Data.Vector.Storable'
Warning: Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base: Instances of type and data families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:
  Mutable, MVector, Vector
  17% (  1 /  6) in 'Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base'
  96% (201 /210) in 'Data.Vector.Unboxed'
  77% ( 47 / 61) in 'Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable'
  76% ( 37 / 49) in 'Data.Vector.Mutable'
Warning: Data.Vector: Instances of type and data families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:
  94% (199 /212) in 'Data.Vector'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/vector/index.html
Installing library in
Registering vector-
Installed vector-
Configuring carray-
Building carray-
Preprocessing library carray-
[1 of 3] Compiling Data.Array.CArray.Base ( Data/Array/CArray/Base.hs, dist/build/Data/Array/CArray/Base.o )
[2 of 3] Compiling Data.Array.IOCArray ( Data/Array/IOCArray.hs, dist/build/Data/Array/IOCArray.o )
[3 of 3] Compiling Data.Array.CArray ( Data/Array/CArray.hs, dist/build/Data/Array/CArray.o )
In-place registering carray-
Running Haddock for carray-
Running hscolour for carray-
Preprocessing library carray-
Preprocessing library carray-
Haddock coverage:
  68% ( 40 / 59) in 'Data.Array.CArray.Base'
  89% (  8 /  9) in 'Data.Array.IOCArray'
 100% ( 50 / 50) in 'Data.Array.CArray'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/carray/index.html
Installing library in
Registering carray-
Installed carray-
Configuring storable-record-
Building storable-record-
Preprocessing library storable-record-
[1 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.Newtype ( src/Foreign/Storable/Newtype.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/Newtype.o )
[2 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.FixedArray ( src/Foreign/Storable/FixedArray.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/FixedArray.o )
[3 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.Traversable ( src/Foreign/Storable/Traversable.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/Traversable.o )
[4 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.RecordMinimalSize ( src/Foreign/Storable/RecordMinimalSize.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/RecordMinimalSize.o )
[5 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.RecordReaderPtr ( src/Foreign/Storable/RecordReaderPtr.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/RecordReaderPtr.o )
[6 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.TraversableUnequalSizes ( src/Foreign/Storable/TraversableUnequalSizes.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/TraversableUnequalSizes.o )
[7 of 7] Compiling Foreign.Storable.Record ( src/Foreign/Storable/Record.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/Record.o )
In-place registering storable-record-
Running Haddock for storable-record-
Running hscolour for storable-record-
Preprocessing library storable-record-
Preprocessing library storable-record-
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: transformers-
Haddock coverage:
  20% (  1 /  5) in 'Foreign.Storable.Newtype'
   0% (  0 /  6) in 'Foreign.Storable.FixedArray'
  50% (  3 /  6) in 'Foreign.Storable.Traversable'
  11% (  1 /  9) in 'Foreign.Storable.RecordMinimalSize'
  11% (  1 /  9) in 'Foreign.Storable.RecordReaderPtr'
  20% (  1 /  5) in 'Foreign.Storable.TraversableUnequalSizes'
  11% (  1 /  9) in 'Foreign.Storable.Record'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/storable-record/index.html
Installing library in
Registering storable-record-
Installed storable-record-
Configuring mwc-random-
Building mwc-random-
Preprocessing library mwc-random-
[1 of 3] Compiling System.Random.MWC ( System/Random/MWC.hs, dist/build/System/Random/MWC.o )
[2 of 3] Compiling System.Random.MWC.Distributions ( System/Random/MWC/Distributions.hs, dist/build/System/Random/MWC/Distributions.o )
[3 of 3] Compiling System.Random.MWC.CondensedTable ( System/Random/MWC/CondensedTable.hs, dist/build/System/Random/MWC/CondensedTable.o )
In-place registering mwc-random-
Running Haddock for mwc-random-
Running hscolour for mwc-random-
Preprocessing library mwc-random-
Preprocessing library mwc-random-
Haddock coverage:
Warning: System.Random.MWC: Instances of type and data families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:
 100% ( 24 / 24) in 'System.Random.MWC'
 100% ( 12 / 12) in 'System.Random.MWC.Distributions'
 100% ( 15 / 15) in 'System.Random.MWC.CondensedTable'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/mwc-random/index.html
Installing library in
Registering mwc-random-
Installed mwc-random-
Configuring storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Building storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Preprocessing library storable-tuple-0.0.2...
[1 of 1] Compiling Foreign.Storable.Tuple ( src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs, dist/build/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.o )

src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:13:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance: instance Storable ()

src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:19:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance:
      instance (Storable a, Storable b) => Storable (a, b)

src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:35:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance:
      instance (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c) => Storable (a, b, c)

src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:51:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance:
      instance (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c, Storable d) =>
               Storable (a, b, c, d)
In-place registering storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Running Haddock for storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Running hscolour for storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Preprocessing library storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Preprocessing library storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: transformers-

dist/build/tmp-30693/src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:13:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance: instance Storable ()

dist/build/tmp-30693/src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:19:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance:
      instance (Storable a, Storable b) => Storable (a, b)

dist/build/tmp-30693/src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:35:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance:
      instance (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c) => Storable (a, b, c)

dist/build/tmp-30693/src/Foreign/Storable/Tuple.hs:51:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance:
      instance (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c, Storable d) =>
               Storable (a, b, c, d)
Haddock coverage:
   0% (  0 /  4) in 'Foreign.Storable.Tuple'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/storable-tuple/index.html
Installing library in
Registering storable-tuple-0.0.2...
Installed storable-tuple-0.0.2
Configuring CV-0.3.7...
Building CV-0.3.7...
Preprocessing library CV-0.3.7...
[ 1 of 61] Compiling Utils.Stream     ( Utils/Stream.hs, dist/build/Utils/Stream.o )
[ 2 of 61] Compiling Utils.List       ( Utils/List.hs, dist/build/Utils/List.o )
[ 3 of 61] Compiling Utils.Function   ( Utils/Function.hs, dist/build/Utils/Function.o )
[ 4 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Matrix ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Matrix.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Matrix.o )
[ 5 of 61] Compiling Utils.Pointer    ( Utils/Pointer.hs, dist/build/Utils/Pointer.o )
[ 6 of 61] Compiling Utils.DrawingClass ( Utils/DrawingClass.hs, dist/build/Utils/DrawingClass.o )
[ 7 of 61] Compiling Utils.Point      ( Utils/Point.hs, dist/build/Utils/Point.o )
[ 8 of 61] Compiling Utils.Rectangle  ( Utils/Rectangle.hs, dist/build/Utils/Rectangle.o )
[ 9 of 61] Compiling Utils.GeometryClass ( Utils/GeometryClass.hs, dist/build/Utils/GeometryClass.o )
[10 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Types ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Types.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Types.o )
[11 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Features ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Features.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Features.o )
[12 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Fittings ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Fittings.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Fittings.o )
[13 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Drawing ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Drawing.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Drawing.o )
[14 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Error ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Error.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Error.o )
[15 of 61] Compiling CV.Image         ( dist/build/CV/Image.hs, dist/build/CV/Image.o )

CV/Image.chs:534:3: Warning:
    Pattern match(es) are overlapped
    In an equation for `toEnum':
        toEnum 0 = ...
        toEnum 1 = ...
        toEnum 2 = ...
        toEnum 3 = ...
[16 of 61] Compiling CV.Pixelwise     ( CV/Pixelwise.hs, dist/build/CV/Pixelwise.o )
[17 of 61] Compiling CV.Conversions   ( CV/Conversions.hs, dist/build/CV/Conversions.o )
[18 of 61] Compiling CV.Binary        ( CV/Binary.hs, dist/build/CV/Binary.o )
[19 of 61] Compiling CV.Matrix        ( CV/Matrix.hs, dist/build/CV/Matrix.o )
[20 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Calibrate ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Calibrate.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Calibrate.o )
[21 of 61] Compiling CV.Calibration   ( dist/build/CV/Calibration.hs, dist/build/CV/Calibration.o )
[22 of 61] Compiling CV.ImageOp       ( CV/ImageOp.hs, dist/build/CV/ImageOp.o )
[23 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Core ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Core.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Core.o )
[24 of 61] Compiling CV.ImageMath     ( dist/build/CV/ImageMath.hs, dist/build/CV/ImageMath.o )
[25 of 61] Compiling CV.ImageMathOp   ( CV/ImageMathOp.hs, dist/build/CV/ImageMathOp.o )
[26 of 61] Compiling CV.ColourUtils   ( dist/build/CV/ColourUtils.hs, dist/build/CV/ColourUtils.o )
[27 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.ImgProc ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/ImgProc.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/ImgProc.o )
[28 of 61] Compiling CV.Filters       ( dist/build/CV/Filters.hs, dist/build/CV/Filters.o )
[29 of 61] Compiling CV.Arbitrary     ( CV/Arbitrary.hs, dist/build/CV/Arbitrary.o )
[30 of 61] Compiling CV.ConnectedComponents ( dist/build/CV/ConnectedComponents.hs, dist/build/CV/ConnectedComponents.o )
[31 of 61] Compiling CV.DFT           ( CV/DFT.hs, dist/build/CV/DFT.o )
[32 of 61] Compiling CV.Operations    ( CV/Operations.hs, dist/build/CV/Operations.o )
[33 of 61] Compiling CV.Drawing       ( dist/build/CV/Drawing.hs, dist/build/CV/Drawing.o )
[34 of 61] Compiling CV.DrawableInstances ( CV/DrawableInstances.hs, dist/build/CV/DrawableInstances.o )
[35 of 61] Compiling CV.Edges         ( dist/build/CV/Edges.hs, dist/build/CV/Edges.o )
[36 of 61] Compiling CV.Features      ( CV/Features.hs, dist/build/CV/Features.o )
[37 of 61] Compiling CV.Fitting       ( CV/Fitting.hs, dist/build/CV/Fitting.o )
[38 of 61] Compiling CV.FunnyStatistics ( CV/FunnyStatistics.hs, dist/build/CV/FunnyStatistics.o )
[39 of 61] Compiling CV.Transforms    ( dist/build/CV/Transforms.hs, dist/build/CV/Transforms.o )
[40 of 61] Compiling CV.Gabor         ( dist/build/CV/Gabor.hs, dist/build/CV/Gabor.o )
[41 of 61] Compiling CV.HighGUI       ( dist/build/CV/HighGUI.hs, dist/build/CV/HighGUI.o )
[42 of 61] Compiling CV.Histogram     ( dist/build/CV/Histogram.hs, dist/build/CV/Histogram.o )
[43 of 61] Compiling CV.HoughTransform ( CV/HoughTransform.hs, dist/build/CV/HoughTransform.o )
[44 of 61] Compiling CV.Sampling      ( CV/Sampling.hs, dist/build/CV/Sampling.o )
[45 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Iterators ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Iterators.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Iterators.o )
[46 of 61] Compiling CV.Iterators     ( CV/Iterators.hs, dist/build/CV/Iterators.o )
[47 of 61] Compiling CV.Corners       ( CV/Corners.hs, dist/build/CV/Corners.o )
[48 of 61] Compiling CV.LightBalance  ( dist/build/CV/LightBalance.hs, dist/build/CV/LightBalance.o )
[49 of 61] Compiling CV.Morphology    ( dist/build/CV/Morphology.hs, dist/build/CV/Morphology.o )
[50 of 61] Compiling CV.Marking       ( CV/Marking.hs, dist/build/CV/Marking.o )
[51 of 61] Compiling CV.MultiresolutionSpline ( CV/MultiresolutionSpline.hs, dist/build/CV/MultiresolutionSpline.o )
[52 of 61] Compiling CV.TemplateMatching ( dist/build/CV/TemplateMatching.hs, dist/build/CV/TemplateMatching.o )
[53 of 61] Compiling CV.Textures      ( dist/build/CV/Textures.hs, dist/build/CV/Textures.o )
[54 of 61] Compiling CV.Thresholding  ( CV/Thresholding.hs, dist/build/CV/Thresholding.o )
[55 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Tracking ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Tracking.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Tracking.o )
[56 of 61] Compiling CV.Tracking      ( CV/Tracking.hs, dist/build/CV/Tracking.o )
[57 of 61] Compiling CV.Video         ( dist/build/CV/Video.hs, dist/build/CV/Video.o )
[58 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Projection ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Projection.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Projection.o )
[59 of 61] Compiling CV.Projection    ( CV/Projection.hs, dist/build/CV/Projection.o )
[60 of 61] Compiling CV.Bindings.Files ( dist/build/CV/Bindings/Files.hs, dist/build/CV/Bindings/Files.o )
[61 of 61] Compiling CV.Files         ( CV/Files.hs, dist/build/CV/Files.o )
cbits/cvFiles.c: In function ‘read_from_tcr_rectified_old’:

     warning: passing argument 2 of ‘calc_sum’ from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]

     note: expected ‘uint_t *’ but argument is of type ‘float *’
In-place registering CV-0.3.7...
Running Haddock for CV-0.3.7...
Running hscolour for CV-0.3.7...
Preprocessing library CV-0.3.7...
Preprocessing library CV-0.3.7...
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: mtl-2.1.2, random-,
Haddock coverage:
  23% (  7 / 31) in 'Utils.Stream'
   6% (  4 / 64) in 'Utils.List'
   0% (  0 /  9) in 'Utils.Function'
   0% (  0 / 35) in 'CV.Bindings.Matrix'
   0% (  0 /  2) in 'Utils.Pointer'
   0% (  0 /  2) in 'Utils.DrawingClass'
   0% (  0 /  5) in 'Utils.Point'
  16% (  6 / 37) in 'Utils.Rectangle'
Warning: Utils.GeometryClass: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
Utils.GeometryClass.Point2D (GHC.Types.Int, GHC.Types.Int), Utils.GeometryClass.Point2D (GHC.Types.Float, GHC.Types.Float), Utils.GeometryClass.Point2D (GHC.Types.Double, GHC.Types.Double), Utils.GeometryClass.BoundingBox (Utils.Rectangle.Rectangle a), Utils.GeometryClass.FromBounds (Utils.Rectangle.Rectangle a)
  18% (  2 / 11) in 'Utils.GeometryClass'
Warning: CV.Bindings.Types: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
Utils.GeometryClass.BoundingBox CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvRect, Utils.GeometryClass.FromBounds CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvRect, Utils.GeometryClass.Sized CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvSize, Utils.GeometryClass.Sized CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvSize2D32f, Utils.GeometryClass.Point2D CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvPoint, Utils.GeometryClass.Point2D CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvPoint2D32f, Utils.GeometryClass.Sized CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvBox2D, Utils.GeometryClass.Point2D CV.Bindings.Types.C'CvSURFPoint
   2% (  4 /172) in 'CV.Bindings.Types'
   0% (  0 / 28) in 'CV.Bindings.Features'
   0% (  0 / 25) in 'CV.Bindings.Fittings'
   0% (  0 /  3) in 'CV.Bindings.Drawing'
   0% (  0 / 11) in 'CV.Bindings.Error'
Warning: CV.Image: Instances of type and data families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families will be filtered out:
Warning: CV.Image: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
CV.Image.CreateImage (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGBA a) =>
CV.Image.Composes (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGBA a), CV.Image.CreateImage (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGB a) =>
CV.Image.Composes (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGB a), CV.Image.CreateImage (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.LAB a) =>
CV.Image.Composes (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.LAB a), Utils.GeometryClass.Sized CV.Image.BareImage, Utils.GeometryClass.Sized (CV.Image.Image c d), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.GrayScale CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.GrayScale CV.Image.D8), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.Complex CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGB CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.BGR CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.BGR CV.Image.D8), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGB CV.Image.D8), CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.LAB CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.SetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.GrayScale CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.SetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.GrayScale CV.Image.D8), CV.Image.SetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.RGB CV.Image.D32), CV.Image.SetPixel (CV.Image.Image CV.Image.Complex CV.Image.D32)
Warning: CV.Image: create is exported separately but will be documented under CreateImage. Consider exporting it together with its parent(s) for code clarity.
  27% ( 24 / 90) in 'CV.Image'
Warning: CV.Pixelwise: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
CV.Image.GetPixel (CV.Pixelwise.Pixelwise x), Utils.GeometryClass.Sized (CV.Pixelwise.Pixelwise a)
  64% (  9 / 14) in 'CV.Pixelwise'
  71% ( 12 / 17) in 'CV.Conversions'
 100% (  1 /  1) in 'CV.Binary'
Warning: CV.Matrix: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix GHC.Types.Float), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix GHC.Types.Int), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (GHC.Types.Int, GHC.Types.Int)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (GHC.Types.Float,
                                    GHC.Types.Float)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (Foreign.C.Types.CFloat,
                                    Foreign.C.Types.CFloat)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (GHC.Types.Float,
                                    GHC.Types.Float)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (Foreign.C.Types.CFloat,
                                    Foreign.C.Types.CFloat)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (GHC.Types.Int,
                                    GHC.Types.Int)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (Foreign.C.Types.CInt,
                                    Foreign.C.Types.CInt)), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix GHC.Types.Double), CV.Matrix.Exists (CV.Matrix.Matrix (GHC.Types.Double,
                                    GHC.Types.Double)), Utils.GeometryClass.Sized (CV.Matrix.Matrix a)
  76% ( 13 / 17) in 'CV.Matrix'
   0% (  0 / 17) in 'CV.Bindings.Calibrate'
 100% ( 10 / 10) in 'CV.Calibration'
  30% (  6 / 20) in 'CV.ImageOp'
   5% (  3 / 61) in 'CV.Bindings.Core'
 100% ( 51 / 51) in 'CV.ImageMath'
 100% ( 14 / 14) in 'CV.ImageMathOp'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'CV.ColourUtils'
  34% ( 21 / 62) in 'CV.Bindings.ImgProc'
Warning: CV.Filters: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
Utils.GeometryClass.Sized CV.Filters.IntegralImage, CV.Image.GetPixel CV.Filters.IntegralImage
Warning: CV.Filters: median is exported separately but will be documented under HasMedianFiltering. Consider exporting it together with its parent(s) for code clarity.
  58% ( 14 / 24) in 'CV.Filters'
 100% (  6 /  6) in 'CV.Arbitrary'
  90% ( 19 / 21) in 'CV.ConnectedComponents'
   0% (  0 /  5) in 'CV.DFT'
   0% (  0 / 10) in 'CV.Operations'
Warning: CV.Drawing: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
CV.Drawing.Drawable CV.Image.RGB CV.Image.D32, CV.Drawing.Drawable CV.Image.Complex CV.Image.D32, CV.Drawing.Drawable CV.Image.GrayScale CV.Image.D8, CV.Drawing.Drawable CV.Image.GrayScale CV.Image.D32
 100% ( 16 / 16) in 'CV.Drawing'
   0% (  0 /  1) in 'CV.DrawableInstances'
  52% ( 11 / 21) in 'CV.Edges'
  36% (  5 / 14) in 'CV.Features'
  78% (  7 /  9) in 'CV.Fitting'
   0% (  0 /  6) in 'CV.FunnyStatistics'
  48% ( 23 / 48) in 'CV.Transforms'
   0% (  0 / 10) in 'CV.Gabor'
   0% (  0 / 14) in 'CV.HighGUI'
  10% (  2 / 21) in 'CV.Histogram'
   0% (  0 / 23) in 'CV.HoughTransform'
   0% (  0 / 17) in 'CV.Sampling'
   0% (  0 / 15) in 'CV.Bindings.Iterators'
Warning: CV.Iterators: We do not support associated types in instances yet. These instances are affected:
CV.Iterators.ImageContext CV.Iterators.F32I
   0% (  0 /  5) in 'CV.Iterators'
   0% (  0 /  6) in 'CV.Corners'
   0% (  0 / 12) in 'CV.LightBalance'
  11% (  2 / 18) in 'CV.Morphology'
   0% (  0 / 13) in 'CV.Marking'
 100% (  2 /  2) in 'CV.MultiresolutionSpline'
   8% (  1 / 13) in 'CV.TemplateMatching'
 100% (  5 /  5) in 'CV.Textures'
  53% (  8 / 15) in 'CV.Thresholding'
   0% (  0 /  9) in 'CV.Bindings.Tracking'
   0% (  0 /  3) in 'CV.Tracking'
   0% (  0 / 33) in 'CV.Video'
   0% (  0 /  3) in 'CV.Bindings.Projection'
   0% (  0 /  2) in 'CV.Projection'
   0% (  0 /  9) in 'CV.Bindings.Files'
   0% (  0 /  5) in 'CV.Files'
Warning: CV.Image: could not find link destinations for:
    CV.Image.Composes CV.Image.Source CV.Image.Save CV.Image.BGR
Warning: CV.Matrix: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: CV.ConnectedComponents: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: CV.Fitting: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: CV.Histogram: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: CV.Iterators: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: CV.Morphology: could not find link destinations for:
Warning: CV.Thresholding: could not find link destinations for:
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/CV/index.html
Installing library in
Registering CV-0.3.7...
Installed CV-0.3.7
Downloading bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Configuring bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Building bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Preprocessing library bindings-dc1394-0.1...
[1 of 1] Compiling Bindings.DC1394  ( dist/build/Bindings/DC1394.hs, dist/build/Bindings/DC1394.o )
In-place registering bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Running Haddock for bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Running hscolour for bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Preprocessing library bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Preprocessing library bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: mtl-2.1.2, random-,
Haddock coverage:
   0% (  0 /142) in 'Bindings.DC1394'
Documentation created: dist/doc/html/bindings-dc1394/index.html
Installing library in
Registering bindings-dc1394-0.1...
Installed bindings-dc1394-0.1

Test log

No test log was submitted for this report.