binrep-0.6.0: Encode precise binary representations directly in types
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred


  • type EUnexpectedSum = 'Text "Cannot derive non-sum binary representation instance for sum data type"
  • type EUnexpectedNonSum = 'Text "Refusing to derive sum binary representation instance for non-sum data type"


type EUnexpectedSum = 'Text "Cannot derive non-sum binary representation instance for sum data type" Source #

Common type error string for when GHC is asked to derive a non-sum instance, but the data type in question turns out to be a sum data type.

No need to add the data type name here, since GHC's context includes the surrounding instance declaration.

type EUnexpectedNonSum = 'Text "Refusing to derive sum binary representation instance for non-sum data type" Source #

Common type error string for when GHC is asked to derive a sum instance, but the data type in question turns out to be a non-sum data type.

No need to add the data type name here, since GHC's context includes the surrounding instance declaration.