{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for weirder type families {- | Magic numbers (also just magic): short constant bytestrings usually found at the top of a file, often used as an early sanity check. There are two main flavors of magics: * "random" bytes e.g. Zstandard: @28 B5 2F FD@ * printable ASCII bytes e.g. Ogg: @4F 67 67 53@ -> OggS For bytewise magics, use type-level 'Natural' lists. For ASCII magics, use 'Symbol's (type-level strings). Previously, I squashed these into a representationally-safe type. Now the check only occurs during reification. So you are able to define invalid magics now (bytes over 255, non-ASCII characters), and potentially use them, but you'll get a clear type error like "no instance for ByteVal 256" when attempting to reify. String magics are restricted to ASCII, and will type error during reification otherwise. If you really want UTF-8, please read 'Binrep.Type.Magic.UTF8'. -} module Binrep.Type.Magic where import Binrep import FlatParse.Basic qualified as FP import Util.TypeNats ( natValInt ) import GHC.TypeLits import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import Data.Data ( Data ) import Strongweak import Bytezap.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes ( ReifyBytesW64(reifyBytesW64) ) import Bytezap.Parser.Struct.TypeLits.Bytes ( ParseReifyBytesW64(parseReifyBytesW64) ) import Bytezap.Parser.Struct qualified as BZ import Data.ByteString.Internal qualified as B import GHC.Exts ( Int(I#), plusAddr#, Ptr(Ptr) ) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( copyBytes ) -- | A singleton data type representing a "magic number" via a phantom type. -- -- The phantom type variable unambiguously defines a constant bytestring. -- A handful of types are supported for using magics conveniently, e.g. for pure -- ASCII magics, you may use a 'Symbol' type-level string. data Magic (a :: k) = Magic deriving stock (Generic, Data, Show, Eq) -- | Weaken a @'Magic' a@ to the unit. instance Weaken (Magic a) where type Weak (Magic a) = () weaken Magic = () -- | Strengthen the unit to some @'Magic' a@. instance Strengthen (Magic a) where strengthen () = pure Magic -- | The byte length of a magic is known at compile time. instance IsCBLen (Magic a) where type CBLen (Magic a) = Length (MagicBytes a) -- | The byte length of a magic is obtained via reifying. deriving via ViaCBLen (Magic a) instance KnownNat (Length (MagicBytes a)) => BLen (Magic a) instance (bs ~ MagicBytes a, ReifyBytesW64 bs) => PutC (Magic a) where putC Magic = reifyBytesW64 @bs deriving via (ViaPutC (Magic a)) instance (bs ~ MagicBytes a, ReifyBytesW64 bs, KnownNat (Length bs)) => Put (Magic a) {- this works, but is ugly. * we have to duplicate our error wrapping because errors use parser internals * we throw the magic into the error, so we need the serializer constraints too I mean, it's fine. It's correct. It's as fast as possible. But it looks bad :< -} instance ( bs ~ MagicBytes a, ParseReifyBytesW64 bs , ReifyBytesW64 bs, KnownNat (Length bs) ) => GetC (Magic a) where getC = BZ.ParserT $ \fpc base os# st0 -> case BZ.runParserT# (parseReifyBytesW64 @bs) fpc base os# st0 of BZ.OK# st1 () -> BZ.OK# st1 Magic BZ.Fail# st1 -> let bsActual = B.unsafeCreate len (\buf -> copyBytes buf (Ptr (base `plusAddr#` os#)) len) eb = EExpected bsExpected bsActual in BZ.Err# st1 (E (I# os#) $ EBase eb) BZ.Err# st1 e -> let bsActual = B.unsafeCreate len (\buf -> copyBytes buf (Ptr (base `plusAddr#` os#)) len) eb = EExpected bsExpected bsActual in BZ.Err# st1 (E (I# os#) $ EAnd e eb) where len = natValInt @(Length bs) bsExpected = runPutC (Magic :: Magic a) deriving via ViaGetC (Magic a) instance ( bs ~ MagicBytes a, ParseReifyBytesW64 bs , ReifyBytesW64 bs, KnownNat (Length bs) ) => Get (Magic a) -- TODO might wanna move this -- | The length of a type-level list. type family Length (a :: [k]) :: Natural where Length '[] = 0 Length (a ': as) = 1 + Length as {- I do lots of functions on lists, because they're structurally simple. But you can't pass type-level functions as arguments between type families. singletons solves a related (?) problem using defunctionalization, where you manually write out the function applications or something. Essentially, you can't do this: type family Map (f :: x -> y) (a :: [x]) :: [y] where Map _ '[] = '[] Map f (a ': as) = f a ': Map f as So you have to write that out for every concrete function over lists. TODO wellll we depend on defun-core now so may as well use that LOL -} type family SymbolUnicodeCodepoints (a :: Symbol) :: [Natural] where SymbolUnicodeCodepoints a = CharListUnicodeCodepoints (SymbolAsCharList a) type family CharListUnicodeCodepoints (a :: [Char]) :: [Natural] where CharListUnicodeCodepoints '[] = '[] CharListUnicodeCodepoints (c ': cs) = CharToNat c ': CharListUnicodeCodepoints cs type family SymbolAsCharList (a :: Symbol) :: [Char] where SymbolAsCharList a = SymbolAsCharList' (UnconsSymbol a) type family SymbolAsCharList' (a :: Maybe (Char, Symbol)) :: [Char] where SymbolAsCharList' 'Nothing = '[] SymbolAsCharList' ('Just '(c, s)) = c ': SymbolAsCharList' (UnconsSymbol s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Types which define a magic value. class Magical (a :: k) where -- | How to turn the type into a list of bytes. type MagicBytes a :: [Natural] -- | Type-level naturals go as-is. (Make sure you don't go over 255, though!) instance Magical (ns :: [Natural]) where type MagicBytes ns = ns -- | Type-level symbols are turned into their Unicode codepoints - but -- multibyte characters aren't handled, so they'll simply be overlarge bytes, -- which will fail further down. instance Magical (sym :: Symbol) where type MagicBytes sym = SymbolUnicodeCodepoints sym