{- |
   This module implements a parser for BLAST results.

   This module is DEPRECATED.
   It is *very* recommended that you run blast with XML output
   instaed, and use the BlastXML module to parse it.
   Don't say I didn't warn you!

   BLAST is a tool for searching in (biological) sequences for
   similarity.  This library is tested against NCBI-blast version
   2.2.14.  There exist several independent versions, so expect some
   incompatbilities if you're using a different BLAST version.

   The format is straightforward (and non-recursive), and this implementation
   uses a simple line-based, hierarchical parser.

   For more information on BLAST, check <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Education/BLASTinfo/information3.html>



module Bio.Alignment.Blast
   {-# DEPRECATED "Use XML output and the BlastXML module" #-}

import Prelude hiding (lines,words)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString,isPrefixOf,lines,words)

import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Char (isDigit)

import Bio.Alignment.BlastData
import Bio.Util (splitWhen)

-- String constant used in parsing
str_query, str_gt, str_score, str_refer, str_datab, str_search :: ByteString
str_query = B.pack "Query= "
str_gt    = B.pack ">"
str_score = B.pack " Score = "
str_refer = B.pack "Reference: "
str_datab = B.pack "Database: "
str_search= B.pack "Searching"

#define BUG(C_,M_) (error ("Program error - '"++C_++"' failed: "++M_++". Location: "++__FILE__++" line: "++ show (__LINE__::Int)))
#define readX (\s -> case [ x | (x,t) <- reads (B.unpack s), ("","") <- lex t] of { [x] -> x ; [] -> BUG("read",("no parse for "++B.unpack s)); _ -> BUG("read","ambigous parse")})
-- Splitting up the input in its relevant parts --

queries :: [ByteString] -> [[ByteString]]
queries = splitWhen (isPrefixOf str_query)

qhits :: [ByteString] -> [[ByteString]]
qhits = splitWhen (isPrefixOf str_gt)

hmatches :: [ByteString] -> [[ByteString]]
hmatches = splitWhen (isPrefixOf str_score)

-- parsing each part                            --

-- top level parsing function
parse :: ByteString -> BlastResult
parse s = let (p:qs) = queries $ lines s
              br = parse_preamble p
              rs = map parse_query qs
          in br { results = rs }

-- parse metadata from the preamble
parse_preamble :: [ByteString] -> BlastResult
parse_preamble (l:ls) = BlastResult { blastprogram = w1, blastversion = w2, blastdate = w3
                                    , blastreferences = B.concat $ map (B.drop (B.length str_refer)) rs
                                    , database = B.drop (B.length str_datab) d
                                    , dbsequences = -1, dbchars = -1, results = [] }
    where [w1,w2,w3] = words l
          records = map B.unlines $ splitWhen (\p -> or $ map (\x -> isPrefixOf x p) [str_refer,str_datab,str_search]) ls
          rs = filter (isPrefixOf str_refer) records
          d = case filter (isPrefixOf str_datab) records of [d1] -> d1; _ -> B.pack "<unknown>"

-- parse the blast record for one query sequence
parse_query :: [ByteString] -> BlastRecord
parse_query ls = let ((s1:s2:_):hs) = qhits ls
                 in BlastRecord { query = B.drop (B.length str_query) s1
                                , qlength = readX $ B.takeWhile isDigit $ (!!1) $ B.split '(' s2
                                , hits = map parse_hit hs }

-- parse a hit against a sequence in the data base
parse_hit :: [ByteString] -> BlastHit
parse_hit ls = let (h:ms) = hmatches ls
               in BlastHit { subject = B.concat h, slength = -1, matches = map parse_match ms}

-- parse a match between a query and a subject
-- the format is a bit variable, it seems
parse_match :: [ByteString] -> BlastMatch
parse_match (l1:l2:l3:_) = let
    hdr = words $ B.concat [l1,l2,l3]
    [bs,ev,ident,str1,str2] = map (hdr!!) [2,7,10] ++ map (reverse hdr!!) [2,0] -- Strand is last, ignore optional Gap
    identX = let [nom,_:denom] = groupBy (const isDigit) $ B.unpack ident in (read nom, read denom)
 in BlastMatch { bits = readX bs,
                 e_val = readX ev,
                 identity = identX,
                 aux = Strands (readX str1) (readX str2),
                 q_from = ee, q_to = ee, h_from = ee, h_to = ee
     where ee = error "hit coordinates is not supported - use XML format"