{- |
   Utility module, with various useful stuff.

module Bio.Util (lines, splitWhen, countIO, sequence', mylines) where

import Prelude hiding (lines)
import System.IO        (stderr, hPutStr, hFlush)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Data.List        (groupBy)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B

-- | Workaround, the current "Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8" contains a bug in 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.lines'.
lines, mylines :: B.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
lines = case length (B.lines $ B.pack "\n") of 1 -> B.lines
                                               0 -> mylines
mylines s = case B.elemIndex '\n' s of
              Nothing -> if B.null s then [] else [s]
              Just i  -> B.take i s : mylines (B.drop (i+1) s)

-- | Break a list of bytestrings on a predicate.
splitWhen :: (B.ByteString -> Bool) -> [B.ByteString] -> [[B.ByteString]]
splitWhen p = groupBy (\_ y -> B.null y || not (p y))

-- | Output (to stderr) progress while evaluating a lazy list.
--   Useful for generating output while (conceptually, at least) in pure code
countIO :: String -> String -> Int -> [a] -> IO [a]
countIO msg post step xs = sequence' $ map unsafeInterleaveIO ((blank >> outmsg (0::Int) >> c):cs)
   where (c:cs) = ct 0 xs
         output   = hPutStr stderr
         blank    = output ('\r':take 70 (repeat ' '))
         outmsg x = output ('\r':msg++show x) >> hFlush stderr
         ct s ys = let (a,b) = splitAt (step-1) ys
                       next  = s+step
                   in case b of [b1] -> map return a ++ [outmsg (s+step) >> hPutStr stderr post >> return b1]
                                []   -> map return (init a) ++ [outmsg (s+length a) >> hPutStr stderr post >> return (last a)]
                                _ -> map return a ++ [outmsg s >> return (head b)] ++ ct next (tail b)

-- | A lazier version of 'Control.Monad.sequence' in "Control.Monad", needed by 'countIO' above.
sequence' :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequence' ms = foldr k (return []) ms
    where k m m' = do { x <- m; xs <- unsafeInterleaveIO m'; return (x:xs) }