{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}

module Bio.ChIPSeq
    ( monoColonalize
    , rpkmBed
    , rpkmSortedBed
    , countTagsBinBed
    , countTagsBinBed'
    , tagCountDistr
    , peakCluster
    ) where

import           Conduit
import           Control.Monad                (forM, forM_, liftM)
import           Control.Monad.Primitive      (PrimMonad)
import qualified Data.Foldable                as F
import           Data.Function                (on)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict          as M
import qualified Data.IntervalMap             as IM
import Control.Lens ((^.), (&), (.~))
import           Data.Maybe                   (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector                  as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as I
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic          as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable  as GM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed          as U

import           Bio.Data.Bed

-- | process a sorted BED stream, keep only mono-colonal tags
monoColonalize :: Monad m => ConduitT BED BED m ()
monoColonalize = do
    x <- headC
    case x of
        Just b -> yield b >> concatMapAccumC f b
        Nothing -> return ()
    f cur prev = case compareBed prev cur of
        GT -> error $
            "Input is not sorted: " ++ show prev ++ " > " ++ show cur
        LT -> (cur, [cur])
        _ -> if prev^.strand == cur^.strand then (cur, []) else (cur, [cur])
{-# INLINE monoColonalize #-}

-- | calculate RPKM on a set of unique regions. Regions (in bed format) would be kept in
-- memory but not tag file.
-- RPKM: Readcounts per kilobase per million reads. Only counts the starts of tags
rpkmBed :: (PrimMonad m, BEDLike b, G.Vector v Double)
     => [b] -> ConduitT BED o m (v Double)
rpkmBed regions = do
    v <- lift $ do v' <- V.unsafeThaw . V.fromList . zip [0..] $ regions
                   I.sortBy (compareBed `on` snd) v'
                   V.unsafeFreeze v'
    let (idx, sortedRegions) = V.unzip v
        n = G.length idx
    rc <- rpkmSortedBed $ Sorted sortedRegions

    lift $ do
        result <- GM.new n
        G.sequence_ . G.imap (\x i -> GM.unsafeWrite result i (rc U.! x)) $ idx
        G.unsafeFreeze result
{-# INLINE rpkmBed #-}

-- | calculate RPKM on a set of regions. Regions must be sorted. The Sorted data
-- type is used to remind users to sort their data.
rpkmSortedBed :: (PrimMonad m, BEDLike b, G.Vector v Double)
              => Sorted (V.Vector b) -> ConduitT BED o m (v Double)
rpkmSortedBed (Sorted regions) = do
    vec <- lift $ GM.replicate l 0
    n <- foldMC (count vec) (0 :: Int)
    let factor = fromIntegral n / 1e9
    lift $ liftM (G.imap (\i x -> x / factor / (fromIntegral . size) (regions V.! i)))
         $ G.unsafeFreeze vec
    count v nTags tag = do
        let p | tag^.strand == Just True = tag^.chromStart
              | tag^.strand == Just False = tag^.chromEnd - 1
              | otherwise = error "Unkown strand"
            xs = concat $ IM.elems $
                IM.containing (M.lookupDefault IM.empty (tag^.chrom) intervalMap) p
        addOne v xs
        return $ succ nTags

    intervalMap = sortedBedToTree (++) . Sorted . G.toList . G.zip regions .
                  G.map return . G.enumFromN 0 $ l
    addOne v' = mapM_ $ \x -> GM.unsafeRead v' x >>= GM.unsafeWrite v' x . (+1)
    l = G.length regions
{-# INLINE rpkmSortedBed #-}

-- | divide each region into consecutive bins, and count tags for each bin and
-- return the number of all tags. Note: a tag is considered to be overlapped
-- with a region only if the starting position of the tag is in the region. For
-- the common sense overlapping, use countTagsBinBed'.
countTagsBinBed :: (Integral a, PrimMonad m, G.Vector v a, BEDLike b)
           => Int   -- ^ bin size
           -> [b]   -- ^ regions
           -> ConduitT BED o m ([v a], Int)
countTagsBinBed k beds = do
    initRC <- lift $ forM beds $ \bed -> do
        let start = bed^.chromStart
            end = bed^.chromEnd
            num = (end - start) `div` k
            index i = (i - start) `div` k
        v <- GM.replicate num 0
        return (v, index)

    sink 0 $ V.fromList initRC
    sink !nTags vs = do
        tag <- await
        case tag of
            Just bed -> do
                let p | bed^.strand == Just True = bed^.chromStart
                      | bed^.strand == Just False = bed^.chromEnd - 1
                      | otherwise = error "profiling: unkown strand"
                    overlaps = concat $ IM.elems $
                        IM.containing (M.lookupDefault IM.empty (bed^.chrom) intervalMap) p
                lift $ forM_ overlaps $ \x -> do
                    let (v, idxFn) = vs `G.unsafeIndex` x
                        i = let i' = idxFn p
                                l = GM.length v
                            in if i' >= l then l - 1 else i'
                    GM.unsafeRead v i >>= GM.unsafeWrite v i . (+1)
                sink (nTags+1) vs

            _ -> do rc <- lift $ mapM (G.unsafeFreeze . fst) $ G.toList vs
                    return (rc, nTags)

    intervalMap = bedToTree (++) $ zip beds $ map return [0..]
{-# INLINE countTagsBinBed #-}

-- | Same as countTagsBinBed, except that tags are treated as complete intervals
-- instead of single points.
countTagsBinBed' :: (Integral a, PrimMonad m, G.Vector v a, BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2)
                 => Int   -- ^ bin size
                 -> [b1]   -- ^ regions
                 -> ConduitT b2 o m ([v a], Int)
countTagsBinBed' k beds = do
    initRC <- lift $ forM beds $ \bed -> do
        let start = bed^.chromStart
            end = bed^.chromEnd
            num = (end - start) `div` k
            index i = (i - start) `div` k
        v <- GM.replicate num 0
        return (v, index)

    sink 0 $ V.fromList initRC
    sink !nTags vs = do
        tag <- await
        case tag of
            Just bed -> do
                let chr = bed^.chrom
                    start = bed^.chromStart
                    end = bed^.chromEnd
                    overlaps = concat $ IM.elems $ IM.intersecting
                        (M.lookupDefault IM.empty chr intervalMap) $ IM.IntervalCO start end
                lift $ forM_ overlaps $ \x -> do
                    let (v, idxFn) = vs `G.unsafeIndex` x
                        lo = let i = idxFn start
                             in if i < 0 then 0 else i
                        hi = let i = idxFn end
                                 l = GM.length v
                             in if i >= l then l - 1 else i
                    forM_ [lo..hi] $ \i ->
                        GM.unsafeRead v i >>= GM.unsafeWrite v i . (+1)
                sink (nTags+1) vs

            _ -> do rc <- lift $ mapM (G.unsafeFreeze . fst) $ G.toList vs
                    return (rc, nTags)

    intervalMap = bedToTree (++) $ zip beds $ map return [0..]
{-# INLINE countTagsBinBed' #-}

-- | calculate RPKM using BAM file (*.bam) and its index file (*.bam.bai), using
-- constant space
rpkmBam :: BEDLike b => FilePath -> Conduit b IO Double
rpkmBam fl = do
    nTags <- lift $ readBam fl $$ foldMC (\acc bam -> return $
                                  if isUnmap bam then acc else acc + 1) 0.0
    handle <- lift $ BI.open fl
    conduit nTags handle
    conduit n h = do
        x <- await
        case x of
            Nothing -> lift $ BI.close h
            Just bed -> do let chr = chrom bed
                               s = chromStart bed
                               e = chromEnd bed
                           rc <- lift $ viewBam h (chr, s, e) $$ readCount s e
                           yield $ rc * 1e9 / n / fromIntegral (e-s)
                           conduit n h
    readCount l u = foldMC f 0.0
        f acc bam = do let p1 = fromIntegral . fromJust . position $ bam
                           rl = fromIntegral . fromJust . queryLength $ bam
                           p2 = p1 + rl - 1
                       return $ if isReverse bam
                                   then if l <= p2 && p2 < u then acc + 1
                                                             else acc
                                   else if l <= p1 && p1 < u then acc + 1
                                                             else acc
{-# INLINE rpkmBam #-}

tagCountDistr :: PrimMonad m => G.Vector v Int => ConduitT BED o m (v Int)
tagCountDistr = loop M.empty
    loop m = do
        x <- await
        case x of
            Just bed -> do
                let p | fromMaybe True (bed^.strand) = bed^.chromStart
                      | otherwise = 1 - bed^.chromEnd
                case M.lookup (bed^.chrom) m of
                    Just table -> loop $ M.insert (bed^.chrom) (M.insertWith (+) p 1 table) m
                    _ -> loop $ M.insert (bed^.chrom) (M.fromList [(p,1)]) m
            _ -> lift $ do
                vec <- GM.replicate 100 0
                F.forM_ m $ \table ->
                    F.forM_ table $ \v -> do
                        let i = min 99 v
                        GM.unsafeRead vec i >>= GM.unsafeWrite vec i . (+1)
                G.unsafeFreeze vec
{-# INLINE tagCountDistr #-}

-- | cluster peaks
peakCluster :: (BEDLike b, Monad m)
            => [b]   -- ^ peaks
            -> Int   -- ^ radius
            -> Int   -- ^ cutoff
            -> ConduitT o BED m ()
peakCluster peaks r th = mergeBedWith mergeFn peaks' .| filterC g
    peaks' = map f peaks
    f b = let c = (b^.chromStart + b^.chromEnd) `div` 2
          in asBed (b^.chrom) (c-r) (c+r) :: BED3
    mergeFn xs = asBed (head xs ^. chrom) lo hi & score .~ Just (fromIntegral $ length xs)
        lo = minimum $ map (^.chromStart) xs
        hi = maximum $ map (^.chromEnd) xs
    g b = fromJust (b^.score) >= fromIntegral th
{-# INLINE peakCluster #-}